ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Crime Scene
Ground Search Metal Detectors
GARRETT: The Global Leader of Security Metal Detectors and Checkpoint Screening
Ground Search Metal Detectors
For more than 40 years, Garrett Metal Detectors has engineered the
most extensive line of ground search metal detectors. These detectors
can be used in virtually every environment on land and under water to
investigate crime scenes, locate hidden metallic weapons, find missing
evidence and recover stolen property.
Crime Sce
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Crime Scene Ground Search Metal Detectors GARRETT: The Global Leader of Security Metal Detectors and Checkpoint Screening CSI 250 (Crime Scene Investigator) Model # - 1140070 Garrett’s CSI 250 is loaded with notch discrimination, electronic pinpoint, graphic target ID, excellent detection depth and Touch-n-Go technology. It’s simple to operate, yet features the quality and technology found on more ex- pensive units. It includes graphic target ID cursors and a helpful Target Guide that a
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
Investigator CX Plus Model # - 1199271 The Investigator CX Plus is the ultimate all-weather unit that hunts deeper than any other detector. Its All-Metal mode with automatic ground balanc- ing ensures absolute accuracy regardless of soil conditions. Multi-range dis- crimination lets you select targets. To hunt even deeper for large objects, attach Garrett’s Depth Multiplier and search two to four times deeper than with conventional searchcoils. Features & Specifications • 7x10” PROforman
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
Crime Scene Ground Search Metal Detectors GARRETT: The Global Leader of Security Metal Detectors and Checkpoint Screening ACCESSORIES CSI 250 Headphones 4.5” Searchcoil 6.5”X9” Searchcoil Tote Bag 9”X12”” Searchcoil PN# - 1603000 PN# - 2221800 PN# - 2221900 Cover** PN# - 1651600 PN# - 1605700 Investigator G-500 **Searchcoil not included Headphones 4.5” Crossfire Searchcoil PN# - 1603000 PN# - 2218800 Padded, 2 zipper Carry Bag* PN# - 1608500 Investigator CX Plus *Detector not included Armrest