ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Part # 6"~ 15001 I
Revision: 06/09/97
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
I IMPORTANT NOTESl ,~ o WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF t~it~U$ Plea’se note: * Thmnk you for purchasing the Parabody 917101 Smith Machine. Please read these instructions thoroughly and keep them for future reference. This product must be assembled on a flat, level surface to assure its proper function. We recommend cleaning your product (pads and ff~me) on a regular basis, us~ing warm soapy * water. Touch-up paint can be purchased from your Parabody customer service representative at (800) 328-97114. T
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
PARTS LIST QTY[ DESCRIPTION PART # KEY QTY DESCRIPTION PART # KEY’ 1/2 ) 4-.1/2" BOLT 3102937 16 2 BEARING HOUSING ~712002 1/2 X4" BOLT 3102917 17 2 SAFETY STOP 6711402 2 3/8 X 2" BOLT 3102933 18 1 LOWER SUPPORT 6711203 3 5/8 X I-1/4’ SHOULDER BOLT 3103003 19 2 SLEEVE ASS~LY 4 6708901 11~ " WASHER 20 3102502 1 LEFT SAFETY HOOK 6711601 5 1/2" LOCK N’IYr 3102801 21 1 RIGHT SAFETY HOOK 6 6711701 318" LOCK NlYr 3102802 22 1 SMITH BAR 6710201 7 2" SlJA.I?’I" COLLAR 3203001 23 2 BAR STOP 8 6710102 1"
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FIGURE 2 STEP 2: ¯ CAREFULLY lower on,e COUNTER WEIGHT (14) do~-n into the LEFT UPRIGHT (9) & RIGBT UPR][GHT (10) untiI bottoms out as sho~vn in FIGURE 2. 4 I l J_l 5 6 3 I I I I I 1 I 4
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FIGURE 3 STEP 3: ¯ LOOSELY assemble the LOWER SUPPORT (3) and ~’o PLATE HOLDER (15) to the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS 10) using four 1/2 X 4-1/2" BOLTS (16) and four 1/2" LOCK NUTS (21) as shown in FIGURE
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FIGURE 4 STEP 4: SECURELY assemble fottr PLATE HOLDERS (15) to the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) using eight 1/2 ¯ BOLTS (17), eight 1/2" WASHERS (20), and eight 1/2" LOCK N-t~TS (21) as sho~a in FIGURE
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1/2 X 4"~ FIGURE 5 STEP 5: LOOSELY assemble t~vo CHROME .ANGLES (12) to the top of the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) using four 1/2 4-1/2" BOLTS (16), and four 1/2" LOCK NUTS (21) as shown in FIGURE 5. (NOTE: MAKE SIYI~E CABLE IS BETWEEN THE TWO BOLTS.) LOOSELY assemble the CHROME .ANGLES (12) to the bottom of the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) using four 2 X 4" BOLTS (17), four 1/2" WASH:ERS (20). and four 1/2" LOCK NUTS (21) as shown in FIGURE 7
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FIGURE STEP 7: ¯ Loop C.~BLE ASSEMBLIES (26) around the 4-1/2" PULLEYS (27) and route CABLE ASSENEBLY (26) back through UPPER SUPPORT (11)as shown in FIGURE 7. SECURELY assemble the 4-1/2" PUI_LEYS (27) to the UPPER SUPPORT (11) using t~’o 3/8 X 2" BOLTS (18) and ¯ 8" LOCK NUTS (22) as: shown in FIGURE Finish the assembly of the UPPER SUPPORT (11) to the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) using Bvo 1/2 X 4" BOLTS ¯ (17), two 112" W~SHEILS (20), and two 1/2" LOCK NUTS (21) as shown in FIGURE 7. (NO
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/ I l | \ \ \ \ \ 7~1/2 X 4" ~ FIGURE 6 STEP 6: ¯ LOOSELY assemble UPPER SUTPORT (11) to the LEFT & RIGHT UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) u.~-in!~, two 1/2 X 4" BOLTS (17) two 1/2" WASHERS (20)and ~o I/2" LOCK NUTS (21)as shown in FIGURE 6. (NOTE: MAKE SURE CABLE ENSI~E OF THE 1/2" BOLT AS SHOWN I~ DETAIL.) 1/2 I I/2 I irz I 1/2 I 1/2 I i I 1/2 6 4 2 I I I _.L [ I I I I I
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FIGURE 8 STEP 8: Insert va, o 80" GUIDE ftODS (13) through the BUSHENGS in the UPPER SUPPORT (11) and out lhrough the top, ¯ lower the GUIDE RODS (13) dovm into the BUSHING onthe BASE of the UPRIGHTS (9 & 10) a~; shown in FIGURE 5 I I 4 0 [ ! I I 1 [ I I J- I I ~0
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RIGHT LEFT FIGURE 9 STEP 9: ¯ Slide one 1-1/2," THRUST BEARING (25), one RIGHT SAFETY HOOK (6), and one 1" SHAFT COLLAR (24) over SAFETY STOP (2) as shown in FIG~-R.E ¯ Slide one 1-1/2" THRUST BEARL~’G (25), one LEFT SAFETY HOOK (5), and one 1" SHAFT COLLAR (24) over SAFETY STOP (2) as sl~own in FIGURE ¯ Using a 3/16" Allen~-re~ach, tighten each set screw onthe 1" SHAFT COLLARS (24). See FIGURE FIGURE 10 STEP 10: ¯ Slide one BAR STOP (8) over each BEARENG HOUSING (1) as shown in FIGURE 11
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RIGHT T FIGURE 11 STEP 11: ¯ Slide one BEARING HOUSING (1), one 2" SHAFT COLLAR (23), and one 2-1/2" OD RUBBER BUMPER (29) over SLEEVE ASSEMBLY (4) as shown in FIGURE 11. Using a 1/4" Allen wren,:h, SECURELY tighten each set screw on the 2" SHAFT COLLARS (23). See FIGURE 11. ¯ ~. ] ~ ..__ ,DETAIL 12 ~ FIGURE 12 STEP 12: ¯ Slide one BEARING HOUSING (1) & SLEEVE ASSEMBLY (4) over each end of the SMITH BAR (7) as shown in FIGLrI~E 12. ¯ Using a 5/16" Allen v,Tc~ach, SECURELY tighten the SLEEVE ASS
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STEP 13: ¯ Lift up each GUIDE ROD (13) and slide one 1" SHAFT COLLAR (24) over the bottom of each GUIDE ROD (13). Position 1" SHAFT COLLAR (24) half way up the GUIDE ROD (13) and tighten it using a 3/16" Allen wrench- See FIGURE 13. ¯ Lift up each GUIDE ROD (13) and insert them through each BEARING HOUSING (1) on the SMr]TH BAR ASSEMBLY (7) then seat GUIDE RODS (13) back into the BUSHINGS inthe BASE of the UPRIGHTS (9 & 10). See FIGURE Lift up on the SMITH BAR ASSEMBLY (7) and lock the HOOKS of
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BUSHING HOOK ~USHI I~ NG FIGURE 14 STEP 14: ¯ Lift up on each GUIDE ROD (13) aad slide the RIGHT & LEFT BAR STOP ASSEMBLIES (8) ove~’the bottom of GUIDE ROD (13) onto their respecfi~e sides then lock the HOOKS of the BAR STOPS (8) onto t~e CHROME A~GLES (12) then seat GUIDE RODS (13) back into the BUSHINGS inthe BASE of the UPRIGHTS (9 10). Se e FI GURE 14 6 4 I l ~ I-- 0 - 1 I l l l
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FIGURE STEP 15: ¯ Loosen each 1" SHAFT COLLAR (24) and slide each one up firmly agains~ the BUSHINGS of the UPPER SUPPORT (11). See FIGURE 15. ¯ Using a 3/16" Allen ,~Tcnch, SECURELY tighten each set screw on the 1" SHAFT COLLARS (24). See FIGURE 15. 15
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FIGURE 16 STEP 16: ¯ SECURELY assemble threaded end of CABLE ASSEMBLIES (26) into the BEARING HOUSINGS (1) using one WASHER (20) on each .¢,~de as sho~-a in FIGLrRE 16. NOTE: Lubricate the GUIDE RODS (13) with a light oil or lubricant that is available at most har,dware s~ores. * 4 5 I~,,] 6 2 I I 1 I +t I I 1 I 0 I I I I I iI I~ ! ~6
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FIGURE 17 STEP 17: ¯ MAKE SURE ALL CONNECTIONS ARE TIGHT! Thank you for purcha:;ing the Parabody 917101 Smith Machine. If unsure of proper use of equipment, call your local Parabody d~stributor or call the Parabody customer service department at (800) 328-9714. 17