ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
LN-25™ P RED 1 N O This design specifications by Lincoln Electric. This welder is designed and built with safety in mind. DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT W ... and thoughtful operation on your part. PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT. And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful. For use with machines having Code Numbers: 11748 R S However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation Ia e- To f H d8 P R e- r O - EtD0 U t D yE D h T -- D0 D A R -R A E
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i i SAFETY WARNING CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGS Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents The engine exhaust from this product contains are known to the State of California to cause can- chemicals known to the State of California to cause cer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. The Above For Diesel Engines The Above For Gasoline
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ii ii SAFETY ARC RAYS can burn. ELECTRIC SHOCK can 4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and cover kill. plates to protect your eyes from sparks and 3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuits the rays of the arc when welding or observing are electrically “hot” when the welder is on. open arc welding. Headshield and filter lens Do not touch these “hot” parts with your bare should conform to ANSI Z87. I standards. skin or wet clothing. Wear dry, hole-free gloves to insulate hands. 4.b. Us
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iii iii SAFETY WELDING and CUTTING CYLINDER may explode SPARKS can if damaged. cause fire or explosion. 7.a. Use only compressed gas cylinders 6.a. Remove fire hazards from the welding area. containing the correct shielding gas for the If this is not possible, cover them to prevent process used and properly operating the welding sparks from starting a fire. regulators designed for the gas and Remember that welding sparks and hot pressure used. All hoses, fittings, etc. should be suitable for mat
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iv iv SAFETY PRÉCAuTIONS DE SÛRETÉ 6. Eloigner les matériaux inflammables ou les recouvrir afin de prévenir tout risque d’incendie dû aux étincelles. Pour votre propre protection lire et observer toutes les instructions et les précautions de sûreté specifiques qui parraissent dans ce 7. Quand on ne soude pas, poser la pince à une endroit isolé de manuel aussi bien que les précautions de sûreté générales suiv- la masse. Un court-circuit accidental peut provoquer un antes: échauffement et un risqu
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v v SAFETY Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Conformance Products displaying the CE mark are in conformity with European Community Council Directive of 15 Dec 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility, 2004/108/EC. It was manufactured in conformity with a national standard that implements a harmonized standard: EN 60974-10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Product Standard for Arc Welding Equipment. It is for use with other Lincoln E
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vi vi SAFETY Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and other activities that are taking place. The surrounding area may extend beyond the boundaries of the premises. Methods of Reducing Emissions Mains Supply Welding equipment should be connected to the mains supply according to the manufacturer’s recommenda- tions. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filter
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vii vii for selecting one of our QUALITY products. We want you to take pride in operating this product ••• as much pride as we have in Thank You bringing this product to you! CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE POLICY The business of our company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask us for advice or information about their use of our products. We respond to our customers b
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viii viii TAbLE OF CONTENTS Page –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Installation.......................................................................................................................Section A Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................A-1 Safety Precautions ..............................................................................................
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A-1 A-1 INSTALLATION TEChNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – RED-D-ARC LN-25™ PRO EXTREME (K2613-6) INPuT VOLTAGE and CuRRENT INPuT VOLTAGE ± 10% INPuT AMPERES 15-110 VDC 4A RATED OuTPuT @ 104°F (40°C) DuTY CYCLE INPuT AMPERES 60% rating 450 GEARING - WIRE FEED SPEED RANGE-WIRE SIzE GMAW FCAW GEARING WFS RANGE WIRE SIzES WFS RANGE WIRE SIzES Standard Speed 50 – 700 ipm .023 – 1/16" 50 – 700 ipm .030 - 5/64 K2613-6 (1.3 – 17.7m/min) (0.6 – 1.6mm) (1.3 – 17.7m/min) (0.8 - 2.0mm) PhYSICAL DIMENSIONS h
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A-2 A-2 INSTALLATION SAFETY PRECAuTIONS The handle of the RED-D-ARC LN-25™ PRO EXTREME is intended for moving the wire feeder about the work place only. WARNING When suspending a wire feeder, insulate the ELECTRIC ShOCK CAN KILL. hanging device from the wire feeder enclosure. • Turn the input power OFF at the hIGh FREQuENCY PROTECTION disconnect switch or fuse box before attempting to connect or disconnect input power lines, out- CAuTION put cables or control cables. • Only qualified pers
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A-3 A-3 INSTALLATION ShIELDING GAS CONNECTION WIRE DRIVE CONFIGuRATION (See Figure A.2) WARNING GuN buShING, ThuMb SCREW AND SOCKET hEAD CAP SCREW CYLINDER may explode if damaged. WARNING • Keep cylinder upright and ELECTRIC ShOCK can kill. chained to support. • Turn the input power OFF at the • Keep cylinder away from areas where it may be welding power source before instal- damaged. lation or changing drive rolls and/or • Never lift welder with cylinder attached. guides. • Never allow we
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A-4 A-4 INSTALLATION 7. Install a drive roll on each hub assembly secure FIGuRE A.2 with the triangular lock. THUMB SCREW 8. Install the outer wire guide by aligning it with the pins and tightening the knurled thumbscrews. 9. Close the idle arm and engage the idle roll pressure GUN RECEIVER BUSHING arm. Adjust the pressure appropriately. OUTER WIRE GUIDE WARNING LOADING SPOOLS OF WIRE • Keep hands, hair, clothing and tools away from rotating equipment. • Do not wear gloves when threading wir
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A-5 A-5 INSTALLATION GuN CONNECTION PRESSuRE ARM and ADJuSTMENT WARNING WARNING ELECTRIC ShOCK can kill. ELECTRIC ShOCK can kill. • Turn the input power OFF at the weld- • Turn the input power OFF at the ing power source before installation or welding power source before instal- changing drive rolls and/or guides. lation or changing drive rolls and/or • Do not touch electrically live parts. guides. • When inching with the gun trigger, electrode • Do not touch electrically live parts. and dr
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Ranger 250 GXT Wire Feed Module SAE 400 with CV adapter Engine Driven welder with Work D DC-655 V DC-600 C C450-Pro C-400 V V- -6 45 05 0 Jumper Electrode PRO Extreme) (Red-D-Arc LN-25™ Work clip A-6 A-6 INSTALLATION POWER SOuRCE TO RED-D-ARC LN-25™ PRO EXTREME CAbLE CONNECTION DIAGRAMS ACROSS ThE ARC SET-uPS CV Power Sources with Stud Connectors and Remote/Local Switch (See Figure A.6) FIGuRE A.6 Jumper CV-400 Ranger 10,000 Ranger 3 Phase Ranger 225, 225GXT Commander 300 Air V Ranger
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Work Work clip V350-Pro CV 305 Electrode PRO Extreme) (Red-D-Arc LN-25™ A-7 A-7 INSTALLATION CV Power Source with Twist-Mate Connectors and Remote/Local Switch. (See Figure A.8) FIGuRE A.8 (Red-D-Arc LN-25™ V350-Pro Electrode PRO Extreme) CV 305 C CV V- -3 20 50 0 Jumper Electrode Work (Red-D-Arc LN-25™ PRO Extreme) Work clip Work clip Work K# Description Place the power source Remote/Local switch in the Local position. K2613-6 (Red-D-Arc LN-25™ PRO Extreme) Place CV/CC
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b-1 b-1 OPERATION GRAPhIC SYMbOLS ThAT APPEAR ON SAFETY PRECAuTIONS READ AND uNDERSTAND ENTIRE SECTION ThIS MAChINE OR IN ThIS MANuAL bEFORE OPERATING MAChINE. INPuT POWER WARNING • ELECTRIC ShOCK CAN KILL. unless using COLD FEED fea- ON ture, when feeding with gun trig- ger, the electrode and drive mechanism are always electri- OFF cally energized and could remain energized several sec- onds after the welding ceases.. • Do not touch electrically live part or electrode WIRE FEEDER with skin or w
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b-2 b-2 OPERATION General Functional Description DEFINITION OF WELDING TERMS The RED-D-ARC LN-25™ PRO EXTREME has adjustable WFS range for improving the knob sensitiv- WFS ity. The low range is great for critical welds with • Wire Feed Speed Innershield wires, and the upper range is suitable for general purpose welding. Selection of the WFS range CC is by a rocker switch or through the set-up menu on • Constant Current meters with digital displays. CV RECOMMENDED PROCESSES • Constant Voltage
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b-3 b-3 OPERATION (See Customer Assistance Policy in the front of this Welding Instruction Manual) The value in the left display will show actual wire feed speed. The right display shows the arc voltage. CASE FRONT CONTROLS (See Figure b.1) If the wire feeder is connected for electrode negative welding, then the voltage display shows a minus FIGuRE b.1 sign. WFS 150 1 WFS 5 150 2 2. WIRE FEED SPEED KNOb Use the Wire Feed Speed Knob to adjust the rate of 3 wire feed speed. Because the wire fee
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CD E AB b-4 b-4 OPERATION 3. TRIGGER CONNECTOR WIRE FEED SPEED uNITS There is one circular connector for the gun trigger on To change the wire feed speed units: the front of the LN-25 PRO. Note – if the gun trigger is already depressed when the feeder is powered up, Rotate the WFS knob to the left to use “inches/minute” the feeder will not activate. Release and then press for the wire feed speed units. the gun trigger to begin welding. Rotate the WFS knob to the right to use The 83% wire feed