ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
model g0705
mill/drill w/stand
oWner's manual
Copyright © MarCh, 2010 By grizzly industrial, inC. revised deCeMBer, 2010 (JB)
Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape
or form Without the Written approval of grizzly industrial, inc.
(For Models Manu FaCtured sin Ce 09/09) #JB12469 printed in China
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This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal injury—including amputation, electrocution, or death. The owner of this machine/tool is solely responsible for its safe use. This responsibility includes but is not limited to
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t able of c ontents section 5: accessories ......................... 35 introduction ............................................... 2 Manual accuracy ........................................... 2 section 6: maintenance ......................... 38 Contact info.................................................... 2 schedule ...................................................... 38 Machine description ...................................... 2 Cleaning and protecting .............................. 3
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introduction manual a ccuracy c ontact info We are proud to offer this manual with your new We stand behind our machines. If you have any machine! We've made every effort to be exact service questions, parts requests or general ques- with the instructions, specifications, drawings, tions about the machine, please call or write us at and photographs of the machine we used when the location listed below. writing this manual. However, sometimes we still make an occasional mistake. Grizzly Indust
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identification C B a d e v W F u g t h s detail of left side of r machine i J J K M K l Q M n p o figure 1. Model g0705 identification. a. Control panel m. longitudinal travel lock b. drawbar & Cap n. Cabinet stand c. Belt Cover o. Mounting Bolt hole d. Motor p. Cabinet door e. Coarse downfeed lever Q. Cross travel handwheel f. Fine downfeed lock Knob r. Chuck g. Fine downfeed handwheel s. spindle h. Column t. depth stop i. table u. Quill lock lever J. longitudinal handwheel v. depth scale K. t
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MACHINE DATA SHEET Customer Service #: (570) 546-9663 · To Order Call: (800) 523-4777 · Fax #: (800) 438-5901 MODEL G0705 DRILL/MILL WITH STAND 29 INCH X 8 INCH TABLE Product Dimensions: Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 617 lbs. Length/Width/Height...........................................................................................................41-5/8 x 40-1
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Main Specifications: Operation Info Spindle Travel.................................................................................................................................... 4-11/16 in. Longitudinal Table Travel.................................................................................................................19-11/16 in. Cross Table Travel.......................................................................................................................................
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Features: Front mounted digital display Calibrated depth stop Fine feed downfeed control, graduated in 0.001 in. Coolant trough Replaceable brushes on universal motor Quill moves 0.108 in. per revolution of fine feed handwheel Table moves 0.100 in. per revolution of handwheel Accessories Included: Drill chuck 1/16-1/2 in. with MT#3 spindle taper Tool box Chuck key Drift Oil bottle Hex wrenches Locking nuts for leveling feet R8 to MT#3 adapter MT#3 to MT#2 adapter Two T-bolts The information cont
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SECTION 1: SAFETY For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating this Machine The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures. Indicat
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Safety Instructions for Machinery DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY. Always APPROVED OPERATION. Untrained operators disconnect machine from power supply before can be seriously hurt by machinery. Only allow servicing, adjusting, or changing cutting tools trained or properly supervised people to use (bits, blades, cutters, etc.). Make sure switch is machine. When machine is not being used, dis- in OFF position before reconnecting to avoid an connect power, remove switch keys, or lock-out unexpect
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a dditional safety for mill/drills understanding controls. Make sure you machine care and maintenance. never understand the use and operation of all con- operate the mill/drill with damaged or worn trols. parts. Maintain your mill/drill in proper work- ing condition. perform routine inspections safety accessories. always use a chip and maintenance promptly. put away adjust- guard in addition to your safety glasses when ment tools after use. milling to prevent bodily injury. disconnect poWer
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section 2: po Wer supply availability circuit information Before installing the machine, consider the avail- A power supply circuit includes all electrical ability and proximity of the required power supply equipment between the breaker box or fuse panel circuit. If an existing circuit does not meet the in the building and the machine. The power sup- requirements for this machine, a new circuit must ply circuit used for this machine must be sized to be installed. To minimize the risk of elect
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grounding requirements This machine MUST be grounded. In the event of certain malfunctions or breakdowns, grounding Serious injury could occur if you connect reduces the risk of electric shock by providing a the machine to power before completing the path of least resistance for electric current. setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual. For 220V operation: This machine is equipped with a power cord that has an equipment-ground- Improper connection of t
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Contactor Information For 220V, Contactor Type 3TB41 22-OX, Coil Voltage 220V/60Hz/1PH, SIEMENS For 110V, Contactor Type 3TB41 22-OX, Coil Voltage 110V/60Hz/1PH, SIEMENS (Contactor is wired the same for 110V/220V) 110v c onversion U1 U1 N A1 13NO V1 6 V1 14NO U2 U2 N 2T1 1L1 U2 21NC L 22NC U2 4T2 3L2 V1 V1 t he Model g 0705 can be converted for 110v 31NC V2 32NC L 6T3 7 8 5L3 To Motor operation. t his conversion job consists of dis- 43NO V2 V2 4 N 44NO A2 5 4 connecting the machine from the pow
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4. remove the screws that secure the brass 10. locate the terminal block located in the motor contactor mounting plate to the back of the junction box, shown in figure 8. electrical box, then pull the contactors out to access the gray tab shown in figure 7. pull outward on the gray tab to release each Motor 220V contactor from the mounting plate. terminal Block 110V Terminal Block Jumper To Electrical Box Position. (Wire positions are the same for 110V/220V) U1 Run U1 Z2 Start Z2 Capacito
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Motor 220V 110V Terminal Block Jumper To Electrical Box Position. (Wire positions are the same for 110V/220V) U1 Z2 Run U1 Z2 Start Capacitor Capacitor U2 W2 W2 V1 U2 V2 V1 U2 20 MFD 150 MFD 450 VAC 250 VAC Z1 Z1 V1 U1 W1 V2 W1 V2 PE Ground 11. use a phillips screwdriver to remove the 14. install a neMa 5-20 plug such as the one screws that secure the two metal jumpers shown in figure 3 onto the power cord, as to the terminal block, as shown in figure 9, illustrated in figure 10. refer to s
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section 3: setup needed for setup t his machine presents serious injury hazards t he following are needed to complete the setup to untrained users. r ead process: through this entire manu- al to become familiar with description Qty the controls and opera- • precision l evel ........................................... 1 tions before starting the • safety g lasses (for each person) ............... 1 machine! • solvent/Cleaner .......................................... 1 • s hop r ags .......
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inventory t he following is a description of the main compo- a nents shipped with your machine. B c rate c ontents (f igures 11 & 12) Qty a. Cabinet Base .............................................. 1 b. Machine ...................................................... 1 c. t oolbox ....................................................... 1 d. d rill Chuck B16 1–13mm ............................ 1 e. d rill Chuck arbor r 8–B16 .......................... 1 f. l ug Wrench ........................
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c leanup Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash The unpainted surfaces of your machine are points and can explode coated with a heavy-duty rust preventative that or cause fire if used to prevents corrosion during shipment and storage. clean machinery. Avoid using these products This rust preventative has been your machine's to clean machinery. close ally and guardian since it left the factory. If your machine arrived to you free of rust, then be thankful that the rust preventa
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site c onsiderations Weight Load Physical Environment Refer to the Machine Data Sheet for the weight The physical environment where your machine of your machine. Make sure that the surface upon is operated is important for safe operation and which the machine is placed will bear the weight the longevity of its components. For best results, of the machine, additional equipment that may be operate this machine in a dry environment that is installed on the machine, and the heaviest work- free f