ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
R e g i s t e r y o u r p r o d u c t o n l i n e a t w w w . p r o d p r o t e c t . c o m / a p p l i c a ,
f o r a c h a n c e t o W I N $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 !
F o r U S r e s i d e n t s o n l y
U S A / C a n a d a 1 - 8 0 0 - L I T M A I D
( 5 4 8 - 6 2 4 3 )
w w w . l i t t e r m a i d . c o m
A c c e s s o r i e s / P a r t s ( U S A / C a n a d a )
1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 8 - 0 2 4 5
M o d e l
L M E 9 0
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! I n s t r u c t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g t o a r i s k o f f i r e , e l e c t r i c s h o c k o r i n j u r y t o p e r s o n s . ® Congratulations on your purchase of the LitterMaid Advanced Automatic W A R N I N G : W h e n u s i n g e l e c t r i c a p p l i a n c e s , b a s i c p r e c a u t i o n s s h o u l d Self-Cleaning Litter Box. This product is designed to make caring for
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
Product may vary slightly from what is illustrated. Accessories 7 5 7 6 4 8 3 2 6 10 1 1 16 9 3 2 11 14 5 15 12 4 13 1. ON/OFF button. Important: When the On/Off button is in the Off position it only disables † 1. Tent plugs type 1 and 2 (4) set (Part# LME9000MB-07) the rake function. † 2. Cleaning brush (Part# LME9000MB-08) 2. Timer † 3. AC adapter (Part# LME9000MB-09) 3. Warranty board ® † 4. LitterMaid triple-action
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
Timer Setup Instructions No Tools Required for Setup • Unpack the pieces of the unit listed below. • Peel off the protective tape on the battery compartment. • Cut or remove the tie restraints on the underside of unit. 2 1. Press down. 1 2. Slide through. 1 2 4 3 Before getting started be sure you have all of the following contents. Litter tray 1 Top housing 1 1. Green LED POWER indicator light Waste receptacle compartment support
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Assembly • Attach the waste receptacle lid by inserting the push tabs into the round holes. To secure, press on positions indicated 1. Slide receptacle supports (marked L (left) and R (right)) into (H) . grooves on the bottom tray until they lock into place (A) . H A Make sure lid edges are under the cover tabs (J) . 2. Place both left and right flaps flat on top of the waste receptacle compartment panel. 3. Push the flaps
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• Assists in cleaning the rake in case it's needed (N) . Note: If setting P.M., be sure light in the upper left corner of the display is lit. The LED continues to blink 12:00 until the clock is set. Programming the Timer Sleep mode deactivates the cleaning cycle for a period of 9 hours. During this time the ionic air cleaner automatically turns on for 10 minutes every hour to N freshen the air. • Aids in the removal of sm
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
® Helpful Information • If your cat is shy, do not operate the LitterMaid litter box automatically for 2 to 3 days. Do it manually by pressing the ON/OFF button once and then ® If you need to acclimate your cat to the LitterMaid Advanced Automatic turning it off. Self-Cleaning litter box, refer to "Acclimating Your Cat" in this use and care book. ® • Manually activate the LitterMaid litter box 2 to 3 times a day for
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• Depress the two push tabs in the waste receptacle compartment cover (V) to detach the disposable waste Troubleshooting receptacle lid from the waste receptacle compartment cover. • Lift the compartment cover, exposing the closed disposable Rake continues to go through cleaning cycles. waste receptacle assembly. Probable Cause: V • Press in on four corners of lid to secure lid to the waste receptacle, pull up from both sides making
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Unit does not completely clean litter box. Solution: Press ON/OFF button Probable Cause: OFF and check the following: Important: When the On/Off button is in the Off position it only disables the • Low-quality litter. rake function. Solution: 1. The AC adapter plug is inserted fully into the input jack. 1. Do not use non-clumping, crystal or pearl-like litter. 2. The power outlet is operating. (you may wish to double-check by plugg
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If you can’t solve the problem using this Troubleshooting section, more help is If the rake is stuck in the center or dumping position. available by calling Customer Service at 1-800-LIT-MAID (548-6243). Solution: Power light blinks slowly and continuously. Press ON/OFF button 1. OFF. Important: When the On/Off button is in the Off position it only disables Probable Cause: the rake function. • Rake has encountered an obstacle it
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NEED HELP? For service, repair or any questions regarding your appliance, call the appropriate "800" number on the cover of this book. Do not return the product to the place of purchase. Do not mail the product back to the manufacturer nor bring it to a service center. You may also want to consult the website listed on the cover of this manual. Two-Year Limited Warranty (Applies only in the United States and Canada) What do