ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
commerlts. or quMtions with lm call
12 Guide Laundry
10 otllerFeatures
5 Connections Washer
4 Features And Parts
You To Note A
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
for a Whirlpool a worfcf-class of full of on to on safety is to to follow a of of to fire to is toll-free ir If a or if first ‘If Or on 21. lf further to When to find on on 4). For a for to from a for future 2 Date Purchase Phone Dealer Number Serial Name Dealer Number Model reference. place safe in together slip sales the and book this Keep number. telephone and name dealer’s your and slip sales the date purchase the numbers, these record you below place handy included
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
l l not 2 or l hot or or or fluids turn on hot a or to run for to or l to or l of l When a to on a floor l to or If a from l not l fluids fluids to off - - safety l l cord a to a l to l of l or for of or to not run or to or fire l or or rust 3 remover. vinegar as such acids ammonia as wash same the in used is bleach chlorine if form can FUMES HAZARDOUS itself. by catch properly. it operate smoke may fabric the oil, remaining the unable anyo
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
of 5 6 for lf a It to l to a or l not fluids or finish. on 3. 1 4 panel Control 46 Tub I Basket . . . agitator) (Inslde filter lint clean Manual dlspenser~ Bleach Ild) (under d15penser rerlal and Model softener Fabric knob qonbol telector selector Cycle Temperature size Load page Instructions” Safety ‘Important See the damage can These cleaners. abrasive flammable alcohol, rubbing instruments, sharp use Do above. described as glue removing before detergent dishwashing
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
In This . . . . . . . . . ,...6 5 . . . . . . . . . or for from to for fill four from Whirlpool #3430190). for a 6 for a Water to to fills. follows: l for to fill for l for to fill for for To l off on of l to on on l turn on l cord from of cord a 5 outlet. grounded 3-prong into power the Plug washer. the back the in area storage the power electrical the Pull way. the all faucet water the Slowfy place. into snaps lt until connector the up Ming while collar lo
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
To l cord l off. l flow to l to from l from l on ff to hot #3430190. from Whirlpool l hot to hot l to or l turn on l cord a To l cord to l off. l on rack. storage the them Hang hoses. supply water and drain the Disconnect faucets water Turn area. storage the it return and power Unplug washer: the disconnect outlet. grounded 3-prong into power the Plug way. the all faucets water the Slowly standpipe. sink the hose drain the Secure faucets. cold and the hoses inlet
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
In This a time . . - . . . 7 What In I . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . a . Whirlpool for of to washer a 12 for l to a of to l on or full For not or a too for For or a for temperature l to of l or For or or for 7 fabrics. press TEMPERATURE permanent water rinse cold use ALWAYS 8lME wrm water. warm in washing before pre-soak pre-wash clothes, knit press permanent soiled heavily cycles. DELICATE PRESS PERMANENT the with water wash warm Use NOTE: selection
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
wash time l turn l on to of l out fill to or l out What for different of When to a out, fills turns to OFF for l Wash 14 l of Wash 10 a to times. drying shorten spin longer uses cycle Regular The minutes time: soiled. moderately are that fabrics loads regular Regular/Normal-cleans minutes time: loads. soiled heavily and fabrics constructed sturdily Regular/Heavy-cleans cycle Regular operation. washer normal are pauses These cycle. each throughout briefly pause
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l to Wash 10 l Wash 6 a to l to Wash 4-8 to 9 wrinkling. reduce spinning pulsed uses cycle Delicate The minutes time: knits. washable and items delicate soiled moderately lightly washes Gently cycle Delicate m wrinkling. reduce spinning pulsed and rinse cool-down uses cycle Press Permanent The ‘U minutes time: 10 . fabrics. synthetic some and press permanent soiled lightly PressLightxleans Permanent minutes time: fabrics. synthetic some and press permanent soiled heavil
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
In This u.“..m.-.- 11 . . 11 . . . . I._....._..._.._. of When for or 1. 2. to of on 3. out. fill to A for or 1. 2. to OFF on 3. out. 1. of 2. forked of off. 3. Wash or fifter 4. fitter on 5. 10 agitator. tilter Llnt into back cap agitator and filter lint Push place. into Snap up). end (open shaft cap agitator place into back Slide clean. lint the wipe filter lint sliding and together shaft ends pinching by filter lint Detach thumbs. with upward push and Squeeze
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11
dispenser not 1 (250 mL) for a full on for a a to 1. 2. not or run 3. of dispenser 1. to 2. to on 3. or on 4. to fill to 5. to not tf do, not 6. If flush hot on 10. not 11 removed. dispenser with clothes wash Do NOTE: page filter’ lint clean ‘Manual see remove, To water. with cleaning, needs dispenser the dispenser. softener fabric liquid the in detergent put Do stains. cause will This water. wash soapy remaining the with mix will softener fabric the you time.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12
In This . . . . . . - . . . . . ..I. 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ” . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . “.“.W..._ . . . . I 16 20 Items . 17 to wash for l or l turn out. l cuffs dirt. l out to l to to out of l of not l trim l not l to of l do not l 13 for l for information.) Watch for l or for l to off- l from from l l room to l from l from When turn out. 12 inside givers lint possible, press). permanent synthetics, (corduroy, takers lint chenille) (towels
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
For Work 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 6 2 4 2 6 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 7 6 1 4 2 7 3 1 2 Removing stains or 3. to or for l or or l When a for l on or for or of to if l on a removal or to l to of force fresh. or not out. off of for l or to l find out . . . What of l a 2. What of if room. removal turn or fresh Wash. ff 15 a of a of or for 30 or If a of on for 3-5 thor- Wash. to off a non-flam Wash. 13 gum dry. Let solvent. cleaning dry mable Chewing with Spong
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
removal a or Wash. If a to or off a or iron. for If full to or a or a Wash. if If a of a of If Wash. or Wash for on a of for 30 Wash for l Wash for l to a non- Wash. l or a on Wash for Wash. lf a of a of hot a of Wait 15 to 30 Wash. for fresh or for 30 or Wash for For For a If or if Wash. If if for to to rust first on or rust not or if If Wash. off a or 30 a Wash. 14 solvent. cleaning egg dry non-flammable with stains grease Treat minutes. least at pr
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
Wash for If for 15 to 30 to or to to form if or for of off a or a Work a of If Water to flush out a off fresh a or While Wash for Wash or If of of to to odor. to to odor. Wet a iron hot for Wash. Wet to Wash. Water Water l l for 130°F (54°C) l or l l l l from l Work l l for WARM l 10°F l l or (32”~44°C) l l l l soak Prewash, woolens silks, acrylics, polyesters, Nylons, fabrics delicate and Knits wrinkling. Reduces colors non-colorfast Dark bleed
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16
Water l hot l for 70”-90°F l hot or l (21”-32”C) (non-colorfast) l or l l if to l or l hot a or a from fill 2. or to In 70°F l do not l diffiiuh to l Water to lf 9 or or 153 l a l l l Well l a for or l not All-fabric on 13, for l or information.) on of l not l l on not on or l not (125 mL) for a full to l When to or not 16 later. washings several until up show may and loss color tears holes, rips, as appears damage The touches. it fabric any dam
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17
l If l too a of or do not on: (4-6 l for: l or from -full l or fluids not l not of to l of do not from l If of a fire or I too a not of l or form. l out of l of . . . a to 1 (125 to 250 mL) l l not form. lf form, or a of Washing special-care items for 3. for 10 to 15 In . . . 4. to l 1 10 for informa- to of of l 5. for to l for 6. to l to finish l 7. on to Woolens to first For or of 2. to to 17 detergent. dissolve briefly agitate and Fill w
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18
slipcovers or to dirt. 2. Wash or a 3. fire to fit stuffed or fill 2. on of a of to a of to 3. to fill to or a 4. to from from Wash l not l foam l When for Plastic items to l of of Wash 3. Wash Elastic, 4. from Wash often to Quilts 2. sufficient to Wash a not comforters or to follow or to dirt. Glass fiber materials 2 Wash a If to not A to to irrftation. etc. Knits Wash or a to to 2. for knfts). of 3. to from to a of or to 2. Wash to 18
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problems for l lf to Or of l not rips, l l of l Iron or l not from l Iron l l l not l l not from Mt;;;;gh fabrics l too if a l l l too l l l too l too l if a l Wrinkling l l l l not from l l Lint l l l on l or l for l (from oils) l l too l l after l l 19 completed is spinning before opened is Lid rinses Cold spin wet too Load detergent enough Not filter lint Clogged low temperature Water detergent enough Not body areas Yellow Overloa
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Washer l or a soft, l or not on or for l If 1 of 2 of a hot l When l or a hot to or If on Tips l l hot or do not or l for sort l Wash full l l not lf 2. or 3. on off 4. a 1 (250 mL) of to out 2. 1 (0.95 L) of 3. on a for 10) to 20 water. and antifreeze mix page (see seconds 30 about setting spin and drain washer Run basket. the antifreeze. in antifreeze R.V.-type quart Put clean detergent cup hoses. inlet water drain with cycle complete through washer