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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
ECO IDEAS MATTER MINIMuM WAtER CoNSuMptIoN, MAxIMuM WASHING pERfoRMANCE – WAtER IS tHE EAR tH’S MoS t pRECIouS RESouRCE. pANASoNIC’S NEW WASHING MACHINE oNl Y CoNSuMES 44 lItRES of WA tER foR tHE S tANdARd WASHING CYClE C oMpAREd to AN AVERAGE fIftEEN YEAR -old MACHINE tHA t uSES oN AVERAGE 100 lItRES pER WASH. Add tHoSE SAVINGS up (56 lItRES WItH EVERY * WASH) ANd tHE tot Al IS up to 10,000 lItRES of WA tER SAVEd pER YEAR! this washing machine is an economic powerhouse in cleaning. th
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SAVING ENERGY MATTERS GREEN MACHINE – pANASoNIC WASHING MACHINES HAVE A top ENERGY a Panasonic core technology RAtING of A-20%*. tHEY C oNSuME 20% lESS ENERGY tHAN AN A-RA tEd INveR teR techNOl OGY WASHING MACHINE. INVERtER tECHNoloGY Not oNl Y pRoVIdES optIMAl ClEANING pERfoRMANCE, But It ENSuRES tHE MoS t * panasonic’s own Inverter technology is the key to our industry-leading cleaning performance, energy -20% savings and quiet operation. the Inverter changes the motor’s rotation and
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PERFORMANCE MATTERs tHE NExt GENERA tIoN IN lA uNdRY pERfoRMANCE – tHE 3d SENSoR W ASH’S StAtE-of-tHE- ARt SENSoR ANd INVER tER CoNtR ol tECHNoloGIES ACHIEVE GRouNdBREAkING WASHING pERfoRMANCE. pANASoNIC’S WASHING MACHINE ClEANS EffECtIVEl Y WItH oNl Y A SMAll AMouNt of WA tER, REMo VING EVEN touGH dIR t ANd S tAINS quICkl Y ANd CoMplEtEl Y, GIVING You tHE ABSolutE ClEANES t l AuNdRY EVERY tIME Y ou WASH. 3D SeNSOR WaSh the all-new 3d sensor analyses the movement of the drum in its 3 dimens
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YOUR COCe MATTRs e ShORt PROGRammeS Because most laundry is only lightly soiled and washed frequently, we have reduced the length of all washing programmes. We’ve also incorporated a ‘quick 60’ programme, which washes a 3.5kg load in only 60 minutes - with the best results. the ‘Rapid 15’ programme is ideal for refreshing 2kg of laundry in only 15 minutes. QuIet OPeRatION panasonic’s unqiue design, combined with programmes that lower the sounds of water flowing and spinning, mean quiet ope
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EASY OPERATION MATTERS tHE SIMplE INtuItIVE dESIGN of ouR WASHING MACHINE MEANS top pERfoRMANCE WItH SAfE, EASY opERAtIoN. QuIet An ultra quiet washing programme. QuIcK60 A 60 minute programme for lightly soiled items. cOl OuRS For coloured items. RaPID15 A 15 minute programme for small loads of lightly soiled items. Duvet For large items like duvets, blankets or curtains. INteNSIve tub cleaN A slightly longer wash cycle provides a more thorough wash – ideal for clothes or For cleaning the t
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DESIGN MATTERS At pANASoNIC, WE BElIEVE tHA t to pR oduCE SoMEtHING tRul Y dIffERENt, You NEEd to AppR oACH It dIffERENtl Y fR oM tHE S tARt. So our designers and engineers work closely together through each stage of product development, encouraging continuous improvement with fresh ideas and new concepts. that’s exactly how this washing machine was created. With its ingenious tilted drum for example, we were able to build a compact an efficient washing machine that actually saves water. fu
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DETAIL MATTERS pRoduCt SpECIfICA tIoNS MODEL NA-16VX1WGB NA-16VG1WGB NA-14VA1WGB GENERAL INFORMATION Body Colour White White White titanium Silver Silver White Door Ring Colour Load Capacity 7 kg 7 kg 7 kg Spin Speed 1600 rpm 1600 rpm 1400 rpm ENERGy EFFICIENCy Energy Efficiency* A -20% A -20% A -20% Energy Consumption* 1.04 kwh 1.04 kwh 1.04 kwh Auto Power Off yes yes yes WATER CONSuMPTION 44 l 44 l 44 l Water Consumption* SPECIAL FEATuRES Wash Technology 3d Sensor Wash 3d Sensor Wash 3d Sensor
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