ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
3. Newlabels forrightside-up application onoutside ofblower kinking of the pressure switch hose, trim the hose to remove ex- compartment door may bepurchased inakitfrom your distrib- cess length. utortocover upside-down labels. Note: When drilling new holes make sure metal shavings do not fall on or in components, as this can shorten the life of the furnace. Downflow Venting: Thecombustion venter MUST berotated to vent outtheside foralldownflow installations, (see Figure 5).Bot- tom venting isno
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
7. Tighten the three (3) or four (4) screws that secure the venter NOTE: Unused open vent hole must be covered. A Vent Cover is supplied with Vent Pipe Shield Kit NAHAOO2VC. A 55/16" diameter assembly to the collector box. Do tighten screws enough to compress venter gasket. Vent Cover is available separately from your distributor, or one can be fabricated with sheet metal for all side vent installations. 8. Replace power leads to venter motor and reconnect hose to pressure switch. 4. Combustion
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
Outside Air (This is ONLY a guide. SubJect to codes of country having jurisdiction.) ThisinstallationNOTapprovedinCanada Vent GasVent G Vent_j_.Gable , GableV_/) ba_ventilated Attic'_ I Top Above Insulation_ (1) I 1 €_:;;_l TM I/ SoffitVen, Soffit Vent I_ utletAir (1) Outlet/1_ II _. Air(1) Inlet F...... NG_ _,, _ r-_ Inlet Air (1) -- Air (2) Inlet Air (1) ........ Air (2) MinimumOne Inletand OneOutlet AirSupply is Required May be in andCombination Shown Inlet Air OpeningMust beWithin12"(300mm)o
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11
The Standard Method may be used, if the space has no less vol- (ACH) and equal to or greater than 0.10 ACH. Infiltration rates ume than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 BTUH of the maximum input rat- greater than 0.60 ACH shall not be used. The minimum required ings for all gas appliances installed in the space. The standard volume of the space varies with the number of ACH and shall be method permits indoor air to be used for combustion and ventila- determined per Table 2 or Equations 1 and 2. Determine
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12
Z223.1-2002/N FPA 54-2002; and/or Section 7andAppendix Cof theCSA B149.1-05, National Standard ofCanada, Natural Gas andPropane Installation Code; thelocal building codes; furnace CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARD andventmanufacturer's instructions. Failure to follow the steps outlined below for each NOTE: The following instructions comply with the ANSI appliance connected to the venting system being placed Z223.1/NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code and CSA B149.1 Natu- into operation, could result in
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
13.2 or a listed, metal lining system. (See Section 7 Masonry Combined Venting into a Masonry Chimney Chimney Venting of these instructions.) Listed, corrugated metallic chimney liner systems in masonry Venting into a masonry or concrete chimney is only permitted chimneys shall be sized by using NFGC tables per 13.1.7 for dedi- as outlined in the NFGC or NSCNGPIC venting tables. Follow cated venting and per 13.2.19 for common venting with the maxi- all safe venting requirements. mum capacity red
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
80+Single Stage
*8MPN& *8MPL
* Denotes Brands (C, H, T)
Category I Furnace
See section 5 for Category [ definition.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-alert symbolZl._. When you see this symbol on the furnace and in instruction manuals be alert
to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, or CA UTION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the
most serious hazards, those that will r
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
Other than Direct Vent Termination Clearance iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i! ii ii ! i ! !i ! ii i i i i i i i i i i i AREA WHERE TERMINAL IS NOT PERMITED IVIVENTTERMINAL AIRSUPPLVINLET Item Clearance Descriptions Canadian Installation (1) U.S. Installation (2) A Clearance above grade, veranda, porch, deck, balcony, or 12" (30cm) # 12" (30 cm) anticipated snow level B Clearance to a window or door that may be opened 6" (15 cm) for appliances _< 10,000 BTUH (3kW), 12" (3
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
7. Masonry Chimney Venting Ira claytile-lined masonry chimney is being used and it is exposed Chimney Inspection to the outdoors below the roof line, relining might be required. All masonry chimney construction must conform to Standard Chimneys shall conform to the Standard for Chimneys, Fire- ANSI/NFPA 211-2003 and to any state or local codes applicable. places, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances ANSI/NFPA The chimney must be in good condition and a complete chimney 211-2003 in the United
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16
CHIMNEY INSPECTION CHART Foradditionalrequirementsrefer tothe NationalFuelGasCodeNFPA541ANSI Z223.1-2002andANSIINFPA211-2003Chimneys,Fireplaces, Vents,andSolidFuel Burnin9 Appliancesin the U.S.A. orto the CanadianInstallationCodeCSA B149.1-05 in Canada. Rebuild I Reline andtile debris? Removemortar 1_ .._ tile m.isalignment, Yes mg sections, _10 No adapter venting Not Suitable ins[ruc_lons Tor w /,%-\ opp,cotion / Oondonsoto ",,
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17
If the inspection of a previously used tile-lined chimney: Exterior Masonry Chimney, a. Shows signs of vent gas condensation, the chimney should FAN+NAT Installations with be relined in accordance with local codes and the authority Type-B Double-Wall Vent Connectors having jurisdiction. The chimney should be relined with a © NFPA & AGA listed metal liner, Type-B vent, or a listed chimney adapter kit to reduce condensation. If a condensate drain is required Table A- by local code, refer to the NF
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18
Vent dampers onanyappliance connected to the common vent can cause condensation and corrosion in the venting system. Do not use vent dampers on appliances common vented with this fur- nace. 8. Gas Supply and Piping Gas Piping Requirements NOTE: The gas supply line must be installed by a qualifted service CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING, FIRE AND technician in accordance with all building codes. EXPLOSION HAZARD. NOTE: In the state of Massachusetts. Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could a. Ga
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19
5, Use ground joint unions and install a drip leg no less than 3" long to trap dirt and moisture before it can enter gas control Gas Valve with Elbows (N8MP) valve inside furnace. 6, Provide a 1/8" NPT plugged tapping for test gauge connection immediately up stream of gas supply connection to furnace. 7. Use two pipe wrenches when making connections to prevent furnace gas control valve from turning. NOTE: If local codes allow the use of a flexible gas appliance con- nector, always use a new list
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 20
2. Follow steps 2 through 4 Piping with Street Elbows. Typical Gas Piping ('aMP) FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD. Failure to properly install metal gas connector could result in death, personal injury and/or property damage. A flexible corrugated metal gas connector must be properly installed, shall not extend through the side of the furnace, and shall not be used inside the furnace. Black iron pipe shall be installed at the furnace gas control valve and extend a minimum of 2" outside furnace. 25-25-02
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START-UP CHECK SHEET (Keep this page for future reference) Recommended, but not required, Dealer Name: Address: Business Card Here City, State(Province), Zip or Postal Code: Phone: Owner Name: Manual Gas Shut-Off Upstream YES_I NO_I Address: of Furnace/Drip- Leg? City, State(Province), Zip or Postal Code: YES_I NO_I Drip-Leg Upstream of Gas Valve? NO[_I Blower Speed Checked? YES _1 Model Number: YEs_I NO[31 All Electrical Connections Tight? Serial Number: Gas Valve turned ON? YES _1 NO[_I Natura
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
1. Safe Installation Requirements • This furnace is not to be used for temporary heating of buildings or structures under construction. See "2. Installation, Item 10'_ FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND ASPHIXIATION HAZARD • This furnace is NOT approved for installation in mo- Improper adjustment, alteration, service, bile homes, trailers or recreation vehicles. maintance or installation could cause death, • Seal around supply and return air ducts. personal injury, and/or property damage. • Install correct fi
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
Frozen Water Pipe Hazard Ifyourfurnace remains off for an extended time, the pipes in your home could freeze and burst, resulting in serious water damage. If the structure will be unattended during cold weather you should take these precautions. FROZEN AND BURST WATER PIPE HAZARD Turn off the water supply to the structure and drain the water Failure to protect against the risk of freezing could lines if possible and add an antifreeze for potable water to result in property damage. drain traps an
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• The furnace, ductwork and filters are cleaned as neces- The air temperature rise is within the rated rise range on sary to remove drywall dust and construction debris from the furnace rating plate, and the firing rate has been setto all HVAC system components after construction is com- the rating plate value. pleted. The filters used to clean the circulating air during the • Verify proper furnace operating conditions including igni- construction process must be either changed or thor- tion, ga
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
Dimensions and Clearances (*8MPN/L Models) MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS FOR ALL UNITS REAR 0 TOP FRONT (combustion air openings 3" in furnace and structure) 5113 Required For Service *24" _E ALL SIDES Of SUPPLY PLENUM 1" "24"Min. SIDES 0 VENT LEFT SIDE Single-Wall Vent 6" -- 3314 Type B-1 Double Wall Vent 1" 5f__ _ _1 TOP OF FURNACE 1" --A_ -- B -- "30" clearancerecommendedfor furnaceremoval. Horizontalposition:Linecontactispermissibleonly betweenlines formed by intersectionsof to
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_!!!!!!!!:!i:iil ¸;i ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸ii ¸i ¸iiiiliiiiii;;;iiiiiiii;i;il;i;i;i;iiii_ilili;i;i;i;;i;i;il;i;iiiii ¸i;iiiii!!! The horizontal furnaces may be installed directly on combustible wood flooring or supports, however, it is recommended for further i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i! i i i i i ii i ! i ! i!! i!i!!i!iiii! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i T p,ca, Up.ow ,nsta.at,on fire protection cement board or sheet metal is placed between