Samsung SGH-i550W دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Samsung SGH-i550W

جهاز: Samsung SGH-i550W
فئة: الهاتف الخلوي
الصانع: Samsung
مقاس: 2.16 MB
مضاف: 6/14/2014
عدد الصفحات: 110
اطبع الدليل


كيفية استخدام هذا الموقع؟

هدفنا هو أن نوفر لك وصولاً سريعًا إلى محتوى دليل المستخدم الخاص بـ Samsung SGH-i550W. باستخدام المعاينة عبر الإنترنت ، يمكنك عرض المحتويات بسرعة والانتقال إلى الصفحة حيث ستجد الحل لمشكلتك مع Samsung SGH-i550W.


إذا لم يكن البحث في دليل المستخدم Samsung SGH-i550W مباشرة على موقع الويب هذا مناسبًا لك ، فهناك حلان محتملان:

  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم Samsung SGH-i550W بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Samsung SGH-i550W على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Samsung SGH-i550W دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

يفضل العديد من الأشخاص قراءة المستندات ليس على الشاشة ، ولكن في النسخة المطبوعة. تم أيضًا توفير خيار طباعة الدليل ، ويمكنك استخدامه بالنقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه - اطبع الدليل. لا يتعين عليك طباعة الدليل بالكامل Samsung SGH-i550W ولكن الصفحات المحددة فقط. ورق.


ستجد أدناه معاينات لمحتوى أدلة المستخدم المقدمة في الصفحات التالية لـ Samsung SGH-i550W. إذا كنت ترغب في عرض محتوى الصفحات الموجودة في الصفحات التالية من الدليل بسرعة ، فيمكنك استخدامها.

ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

User’s Guide

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Using this guide Refer to—pages with related information; for example: This user’s guide has been specially p. 12 (represents refer to designed to guide you through the page 12) functions and features of your device. To get started quickly, refer to the Quick → Followed by—the order of Start Guide. options or menus you must select to perform a step; for example: Press [ ] → Media Instructional icons → Music player. (represents Before you start, familiarise yourself with [ ], followe

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

Copyrights and trademarks ® • Bluetooth is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Rights to all technologies and products worldwide—Bluetooth QD ID: B013176 that comprise this device are the property of their respective owners: ® •Windows Media Player is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. • This product includes software licensed from Symbian Ltd. © 1998-2007. Symbian and Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd. • Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, In

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4

Contents Safety and usage information .......... 4 Personal Productivity ............... 46 Contacts .....................................46 Communication ........................ 11 Calendar .....................................50 ® Calls ..........................................11 Quickoffice ................................52 ® ® Messages .................................... 14 Adobe Reader ..........................53 Logs ..........................................28 Notes .................

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

Contents Connectivity ............................. 61 Device manager ...........................78 Use the Bluetooth wireless feature . 61 Activation key manager .................80 Memory card manager ..................81 Connect via USB .......................... 64 Synchronise your device ............... 66 Connection manager .....................82 Settings .................................... 85 Additional Programs................. 68 General settings ...........................85 Calculat

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6

Install mobile devices and Safety and usage equipment with caution information Ensure that any mobile devices or related Comply with the following precautions to equipment installed in your vehicle are avoid dangerous or illegal situations and securely mounted. Avoid placing your ensure peak performance of your device. device and accessories near or in an air bag deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause Safety warnings serious injury when air bags inflate rap

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Safety and usage information • Never place batteries or phones on or Turn off the device in potentially in heating devices, such as microwave explosive environments ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries Do not use your device at refuelling may explode when overheated. points (service stations) or near fuels or chemicals. Turn off your device whenever Avoid interference with pacemakers directed by warning signs or instructions. Your device could cause explosions or fire Maintain a minimum

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Safety and usage information Turn off the device near medical Safety precautions equipment Drive safely at all times Your device can interfere with medical equipment in hospitals or health care Avoid using your device while driving and facilities. Follow all regulations, posted obey all regulations that restrict the use warnings, and directions from medical of mobile devices while driving. Use personnel. hands-free accessories to increase your safety when possible. Turn off the device o

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9

Safety and usage information Protect batteries and chargers from Handle your device carefully and damage sensibly • Avoid exposing batteries to very cold or • Do not allow your device to get wet— very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° liquids can cause serious damage. Do F or above 45° C/113° F). not handle your device with wet hands. Extreme temperatures can reduce the Water damage to your device can void charging capacity and life of your your manufacturer’s warranty. batteries. • Avoid usi

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10

Safety and usage information • Avoid using the device’s camera flash Important usage information or light close to the eyes of children or animals. Use your device in the normal position • Your device and memory cards may be damaged by exposure to magnetic Avoid contact with your device’s internal fields. Do not use carrying cases or antenna. accessories with magnetic closures or allow your phone to come in contact Allow only qualified personnel to with magnetic fields for extended se

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

Safety and usage information • Disconnect chargers from power Ensure access to emergency services sources when not in use. Emergency calls from your device may • Use batteries only for their intended not be possible in some areas or purpose. circumstances. Before travelling in remote or undeveloped areas, plan an alternate method of contacting Handle SIM cards and memory cards emergency services personnel. with care • Do not remove a card while the device Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) i

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

Safety and usage information During testing, the maximum SAR recorded for this model was 0.679 watts per kilogram. In normal use, the actual SAR is likely to be much lower, as the device has been designed to emit only the RF energy necessary to transmit a signal to the nearest base station. By automatically emitting lower levels when possible, your device reduces your overall exposure to RF energy. The Declaration of Conformity at the back of this user’s guide demonstrates your device

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

Communication 1 Your device allows you to send and 3. To end the call, press [ ]. receive many types of calls and messages over cellular networks and the Make a call from the contact list internet. 1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → Contacts to open your contact list. Calls 2. Scroll to a contact or search by entering the first few letters of the Learn to use your device's call functions. contact's name. For basic call functions, see the Quick Start Guide. 3. Press [ ] to call the default n

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14

Communication Insert a pause View and return missed calls When calling automated systems, you Your device will show missed calls on the can insert a pause between the phone display. number and another set of numbers. To return a missed call, To insert a pause, press [ ] to select the 1. Press the trackball. type of pause: 2. Scroll to a missed call. • p (automatic pause)-press [ ] three times to insert an automatic pause. 3. Press [ ] to dial. The device will pause for two seconds, then a

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Communication Divert calls Bar (block) calls Your service provider or network may or To activate this function, you need a may not support this feature. barring password from your service provider. To direct your incoming calls to another number, To bar incoming calls from a specific number, 1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → Settings → Phone → Call divert. 1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → Settings → Phone → Call barring. 2. Scroll to a call type and press the trackball. 2. Scroll to a barri

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16

Communication • Drafts: messages you have not yet Messages sent Learn to use messaging functions. For • Sent: recent sent messages instructions on entering text, see the • Outbox: temporary storage for Quick Start Guide. For an explanation of messages waiting to be sent options, see "Communication options," 31. • Reports: delivery reports of text and multimedia messages; you must request a delivery report in the Message folders message options before sending When you open Messaging, yo

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Communication Inbox icons Outbox status In the Inbox, you may see the following When you are outside your service area icons next to your messages: or have no connection to the network or email server, your messages will remain Icon Description in the Outbox until you re-establish a Unread text message connection. The outbox status explains why a message is being held in the Multimedia message Outbox: notification • Sending: the device is connecting and Unread multimedia message the mess

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18

Communication • Failed: the device has attempted to View a text message send the message multiple times, but 1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → has failed Messaging → Inbox. 2. Scroll to a message and press the Text messages trackball. Text messages longer than 160 characters will be sent as two or more Retrieve messages from a SIM card messages and may result in additional If you have text messages stored on a charges. SIM card, you must copy them to the device before you can view them. Se

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19

Communication 3. Press → Copy → Inbox or To manually set an access point, a folder. 1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → You can now view the messages from the Settings → Connection → Access folder on your device. points. 2. Scroll down and press the trackball to Multimedia messages select an existing access point or press → New access point. Before you can send multimedia messages, you must define an access 3. Set access point options according to point. the instructions

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Communication 4. Scroll down and enter text. • To change the message layout, press → a text position 5. To insert an existing multimedia • To preview the message, press object, press → Insert → Preview object → an object type. To create and insert a new multimedia object, press • To remove an item, press → Insert new → an → Remove → an item object type. You can add images, sounds, or 6. Press the trackball → Send to send the videos to s

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
# دليل الاستخدام فئة تحميل
1 Samsung 07272010 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 99
2 Samsung 022004 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 22
3 Samsung 10.1 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 27
4 Samsung 12172009 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 3
5 Samsung 07212010 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 6
6 Samsung 20040223181057531 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 6
7 Samsung 090308 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 2
8 Samsung 010505D5 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 1
9 Samsung 11252009_D5 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 0
10 Samsung A420 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 18
11 Samsung A886 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 4
12 Samsung A640 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 2
13 Samsung A960 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 2
14 Samsung 426 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 3
15 Samsung A580 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 13
16 Sony HBH-60 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 11
17 Sony 1261-4180 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 1
18 Sony 1264-0776 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 2
19 Sony 1265-9043 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 0
20 Sony Mobile Xperia tipo 1264-0772 دليل الاستخدام الهاتف الخلوي 0