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Powertrain component life is determined by the load
spectrum each component will experience during the
machine’s service life. Reciprocating engines, such as
spark-ignited gasoline and compression-ignited diesels,
produce alternating torque loads which, when super-
imposed on the steady driving torque, create alter-
nating stresses in driveline system components which
shorten component life and reliability. High transient
start-up torq
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 88 of 124 ® LORD engineers can assist you with selecting an appro- Dynafl ex Bushing-Type Couplings priate coupling type and confi guration. With extensive LORD Dynafl ex Bushing-Type Couplings are bonded analytical capability and years of experience in designing elastomeric elements designed for use in multiple products for powertrain vibration, shock and motion element coupling confi gurations where high torque control, LORD engineers offer everyt
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 89 of 124 Coupling Application Guide Dynafl ex Dynafl ex Dynafl ex Dynafl ex Dynafl ex Shear-Type Spool-Type Bushing-Type LCR Series LCD Series Horsepower Rated: 1/50 to 1 Rated: 50 to 1000 Rated: 10 to 600 Rated: 4 to 135 Rated: 75 to 2000 Best Application Low-frequency Low-frequency vibra- Multidirectional Large misalignment, Diesel engines, low- Area vibration, tion, high-power drive misalignment, high safetied drive frequency vibration, multidirect
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 90 of 124 A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 91 of 124 Typical applications include: • Information Systems – Motor drive, printer rollers, indexing devices, linear actuator, drives and card sorters • Hospital Bed – Actuator drive • Dynamometer – Driveline • Tachometer – Driveline • Pumps, Blowers, Compressors – Driveline Features and Benefi ts • High torsional defl ection • Easy installation • Versatile application potential - fractional horsepower couplings are available in a range of si
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 92 of 124 Dynafl ex Shear-Type Couplings Table 1 – Specifi cations and Dimensions Static Standard Bore HP at Torque Torsional Set Diameters Coupling Part C D Ref. E Ref. F 1750 rpm Rating Stiffness Screw Number (in) (in) (in) (in) Ref. (lb-in) (lb-in/deg) Size A (in) B (in) ±20% SK-1947-6 0.125 0.125 SK-1947 0.187 0.187 0.44 0.56 0.36 0.81 1/50 0.8 0.053 5/40 SK-1947-19 0.187 0.250 SK-1947-29 0.250 0.250 J-1211-1-2 0.187 0.187 0.63 0.81 0.56 1.38 1/
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 93 of 124 Figure 1 – Part Dimensions Table 2 – Standard Bore Tolerances Bore Sizes Tolerance from 0.000 to 0.499 + 0.001 - 0.000 from 0.500 to 0.749 + 0.0015 - 0.0000 from 0.750 to 1.499 + 0.002 - 0.000 A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 94 of 124 A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 95 of 124 ® Dynafl ex Spool-Type Couplings Rated: 5 to 1000 hp at 2000 rpm LORD Dynafl ex Spool-Type Couplings provide excellent protection against destructive torsional vibration in high- torque drive systems. These couplings are customer-assembled, using bonded fl exing spools from LORD, and bolted between customer-supplied metal hubs. Spools should be placed around recommended bolt circle on hub. Bonded spools can be installed or replaced with mi
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 96 of 124 Dynafl ex Spool-Type Couplings Table 1 – Specifi cations and Dimensions Minimum Bolt Circle Diameter for Number of Mounts (in) Spool Part A B Thread C Number Diameter Thickness Attachement 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J-4624-1 1.00 0.75 0.38 1/4-20-2A 1.20 1.42 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.62 2.92 3.24 3.56 3.86 J-3424-2 2.00 2.12 0.40 1/2-13-2B 2.30 2.82 3.40 4.00 4.60 5.22 5.84 6.46 7.50 7.72 J-5425-1 3.19 3.00 1.25 1/2-13-2A 3.62 4.41 5.30 6.25 7.18 8.18 9.1
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 97 of 124 Figure 1 – Part Dimensions - J-4624-1 Figure 2 – Part Dimensions - J-3424-2 Figure 3 – Part Dimensions - J-5425-1 Figure 4 – Part Dimensions - J-5682-1 Figure 5 – Typical Assembly with Bonded Flexing Spools A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 98 of 124 A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.lordfulfi llment.com/upload/PC7000.pdf. Rev.1 10/08
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 99 of 124 ® Dynafl ex Bushing-Type Couplings Rated: 10 to 600 hp at 2000 rpm LORD Dynafl ex Bushing-Type Couplings accommo- date misalignment, cushion torsional shock, and do not generate or transmit noise. Since relative motion is taken in the elastomer rather than sliding metal surfaces, no lubricant is involved or ever required. Dirt and grit cannot effect the coupling bushings. The elastomer has been compounded to provide long service life. Typ
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 100 of 124 Selection Guide Torsional Flexibility Compression bushing-type couplings are assembled Bushing-type couplings are relatively stiff torsionally by pressing the elastomeric bushings into sockets of a compared to other elastomeric couplings. The torsional coupling fl ange. Once assembled, the coupling can be spring rate of a coupling assembly can be calculated by used two ways: using the equation and data provided on the curves. • Parallel A
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 101 of 124 Dynafl ex Bushing-Type Couplings Table 1 – Parallel Arrangement Selection lb/in 2 (____) Torsional Rate: K = NR K BUSHING COUPLING SELECTION R θ rad Curves Based on Compression Torque: T = σ � N � R � d � l (lb/in) c Stress σ = 200 psi Where: σ = Comp. Stress (psi) d = joint l.M., O.D. c c N = No. of Joints l = Socket Length R = Bolt Circle Radius N = 2 3 4
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 102 of 124 Figure 3 – Joint Dimensions - J-6250-2 Figure 4 – Joint Dimensions - J-5915-58 Table 3 – Typical Socket Dimensions Figure 5 – Socket Dimensions A C Socket B Part Chamfer x 45° Radius Dia. Number in mm in mm in mm in mm J-6250-2 1.00 25.4 0.69 17.5 0.19 4.8 0.13 3.3 J-5915-58 2.19 55.6 1.06 26.9 0.25 6.4 0.19 4.8 LORD does not supply hubs. Rubber elements only. Installation Instructions: Use P-80 lube or equivalent mixed to manufacturer’s s
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 103 of 124 ® Dynafl ex LCR Series Couplings Rated: 4 to 135 hp at 2000 rpm LORD Dynafl ex LCR Series Couplings are ring-type couplings developed to overcome numerous torsional problems associated with vehicular and industrial drive- line systems. These easily installed couplings reduce noise transmission and increase bearing and driveline life through greater misalignment accommodation, isolation of low frequency disturbances, and isolation of tor
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 104 of 124 Accommodating axial misalignment along the axis of Typical Applications shafts without high reaction forces is a unique feature Dynafl ex LCR Series Couplings are useful for a wide of ring couplings. Figure 2 shows this load defl ection range of rotary drive applications, from lawn and garden relationship. tractors to large construction equipment, including U-joint replacement. Typical applications include: Ring-type couplings accommoda
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 105 of 124 Remote Driven Units: Multiple U-joint shafts (especially Specifi cations longer shafts) and the speed at which the shaft rotates Materials: The elastomer used in Dynafl ex LCR Series (especially higher rpm’s) can create complex stability Couplings is high-quality natural rubber, which meets problems. To assure satisfactory coupling performance, LORD specifi cations (available upon request) and all design layouts for remote mounted drive
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DYNAFLEX ELASTOMERIC FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS Page 106 of 124 Dynafl ex LCR Series Couplings Table 1 – Specifi cations and Dimensions Rated Performance Characteristics Static Torque Per Axial Rate Radial Capacity Torsional Permissible Misalignments Rating 100 rpm - K Rate - K Part Number A R Rate - K θ 1750 rpm 2000 rpm 3600 rpm Axial Parallel lb-in/ N-m/ Angular lb-in N-m hp kW lb/in N/mm lb/in N/mm rad rad hp kW hp kW hp kW in mm in mm LCR-275-400-004A 125 14 0.20 0.15 3.5 2.6 4.0 3.0 7.1 5.3 420 4