ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Kid Kart Xpress
Manual &
With Transit Option
Without Transit Option
A.R.T. Group is a division of Sunrise Medical
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I . I N T R O D U C T I O N A.R.T. GROUp LIsTeNs Thank you for choosing this dependent mobility device. We want to hear your questions or comments about this manual, the safety and reliability of your mobility device, and the service you receive from your A.R.T. Group supplier. Please feel free to write or call us at the address and telephone number below: A.R.T. GROUP 7128 Ambassador Road Baltimore, MD 21244 Toll Free 800-333-4000 Fax 877-544-5813 www.artgrouprehab.com FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR QU
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I I . T A B L e O F C O N T e N T s I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................3 II. TABLe OF CONTeNTs ................................................................4 III. YOUR XpRess AND ITs pARTs .................................................6 IV. GeNeRAL WARNINGs ..............................................................8 A. Weight Limit ............................................................................8 B. Getting To
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I I . T A B L e O F C O N T e N T s E. Transit Use ................................................................................22 F. Positioning Shell Installation .....................................................22 G. Positioning Shell Removal .........................................................23 H. Tilt-In-Space (TIS) Angle Adjustment ........................................24 I. Hip Angle Adjustment ..............................................................24 J.
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I I I . Y O U R X p R e s s A N D I T s p A R T s 8 4 3 12 4 9 11 14 13 14 6 1 2 5 2 7 8 10 K I D K A R T X p R e s s 1. Wheel locks 10. Mobility base 2. Safety Lockout Pin 11. Tilt in space block 3. Recline Control (optional) 12. Tilt in space adjustment mechanism 4. A ttendant handle adjustment control button 13. Tray support 5. T ransit Option (optional) Securement points 14. Trigger mechanism 6. Footbed adjustment button 7. Anti-Tip tubes 8. Sunshade adjustment control
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I I I . Y O U R X p R e s s A N D I T s p A R T s K I D K A R T X p R e s s T e C h N I C A L s p e C I F I C A T I O N s Weight: Seating Options: 34 lbs. Standard Cushion without-Lateral Shell only weight: 16 lbs. Hip Support Base only weight: 18 lbs. Adjustable Contour Cushion w/o Lateral Hip Support Color Options All features may not be available with some Frame: confiurations or in conjunction with another prod- Purple, Silver, Pink, Black uct feature. Please consult your suppli
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I V. G e N e R A L W A R N I N G s Throughout this section, you will find general warnings for the safe use of your dependent mobility device. It is important that you read and understand these warnings before you use this product. If you fail to do so, a fall, tip over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider, you or others. WARNING ! A. WeIGhT LIMIT Never exceed the weight limit for the rider (55 lbs) or for items carried in the storage areas (15 lbs). The co
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I V. G e N e R A L W A R N I N G s e. eNVIRONMeNTAL CONDITIONs 1. Your mobility device is designed for use on firm, even surfaces such as concrete, asphalt and indoor floors and carpeting. 2. Use extra care if you must use this mobility device on a wet or slick surface. If you are in doubt, ask for help. 3. Do not use this product in a shower, pool or other bodies of water. 4. Do not operate your mobility device in sand, loose soil or over rough terrain. F. sTReeT Use 1. This prod
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I V. G e N e R A L W A R N I N G s h. FOR CAReGIVeRs 1. Work with the child's health care professional to learn safe methods best suited to your abilities and those of your child. 2. To prevent injury to your back, use good posture and proper body mechanics when lifting or tilting your child. 3. Remind the child to lean back when you tilt the mobility device backward. 4. When you descend a curb or single step, slowly lower the mobility device in one easy movement. 5. NEVER leave the child a
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V. W A R N I N G s F O R s A F e U s e A. TRANsIT Use 1. If possible and feasible, the child should be transferred to a car seat and the vehicle restraint used. 2. If the mobility device is used for transport and has been installed with the Transit Option, it must be used in a vehicle equipped for forward-facing securement during transport. 3. The rider must not weigh more than 55 lbs. 4. Figure 1 shows the location of the transit securement points (A) for this product. 5. Use only with Wheelc
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V. W A R N I N G s F O R s A F e U s e B. CeNTeR OF BALANCe Kid Kart mobility devices are designed for stability and performance. The point where this device will tip forward, back, or to the side depends on its center of balance and stability. The center of balance is also affected by: • The distance between the rear wheels. • The seat height and seat angle. • Backrest angle. • Changes in your child's body position, postures or weight distribution. • Pushing the mobility device on a ramp or s
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V. W A R N I N G s F O R s A F e U s e F. RAMps, sLOpes & sIDe hILLs Pushing the mobility device on a slope, including ramps or hills, will change the center of balance. A few safety reminders include: 1. Do not push this product on a slope steeper than 10%. (A 10% slope means: one foot in elevation for every ten feet of slope length.) 2. Do not turn or change direction on a slope or ramp. 3. For your child's safety, ramps at home and work must meet all legal requirements for your area. 4. A
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V. W A R N I N G s F O R s A F e U s e TO CLIMB A sTep OR CURB GOING FORWARD: 1. Stay behind the mobility device. 2. Face the curb and tilt the mobility device up on the rear wheels so that the front casters clear the curb or step. 3. Move forward, placing the front casters on the upper level as soon as you are sure they are past the edge. 4. Continue forward until the rear wheels contact the face of the curb or step. Lift and roll the rear wheels to the upper level. I. CLIMBING sTAIRs 1. Us
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V I . W A R N I N G s F O R C O M p O N e N T s & O p T I O N s Below are warnings for various standard and optional components for your Xpress. (Options may vary based on your Kid Kart model.) If you fail to heed these warnings, you may cause damage to your Kid Kart, a fall, tip over or a loss of control that may cause severe injury to the child, caregiver or others. A. TRANsIT OpTION 1. Use only Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) which meet the requirements of SAE J
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V I . W A R N I N G s F O R C O M p O N e N T s & O p T I O N s e. FAsTeNeRs Many of the screws, screws and nuts on this product are special high-strength fasteners. ONLY use fasteners provided by an authorized supplier (or ones of the same type and strength, as indicated by the markings on the heads), do not over- or under-tightened fasteners, and If screws or screws become loose, tighten them as soon as you can. F. FOOTBeDs 1. At the lowest point, footbeds should be at least 2" off the gr
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V I . W A R N I N G s F O R C O M p O N e N T s & O p T I O N s I. pOWeR DRIVe Do not install a power drive on this product. J. ATTeNDANT hANDLe Your mobility device's attendant handle provides secure points for a caregiver to grasp the rear of this Kart, to prevent a fall or tip over. Check to make sure handle is locked in place after adjusting height. K. QUICK-ReLeAse AXLes If this product has quick-release axles, ensure that both quick-release rear axles are locked before using this pr
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V I I . O p e R A T I N G I N s T R U C T I O N s A. WheeL LOCK ADJUsTMeNT 1. Loosen bolts and adjust wheel lock contact bar downwards. Lock arms should embed into tires minimum of 1/8th inch when locked. 2. With the wheel locks on the rear wheels should skid, not roll when the Kid Kart is pushed with a child in the product. Wheel Lock Adjustment Bolts Wheel Lock Adjustment Figure 1 (Unlocked) Figure 2 (Locked) B. UNFOLDING 1. Unhook fold retaining strap and store in tray provided under sea
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V I I . O p e R A T I N G I N s T R U C T I O N s Figure 6 Figure 7 6. If the shell is being installed separately, see positioning shell installation instructions on page 22. To position the shell back, depress the recline lever and pull back. Adjust legrest, tilt and optional recline to appropriate configuration. (See Fig. 7) C. FOLDING FRAMe AND ROTATING hANDLe INTO sTORAGe pOsITION Your kid kart is equipped with two stage folding 1. Stage one (See Fig. 9) does not effect the stroller wh
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V I I . O p e R A T I N G I N s T R U C T I O N s C1. TWO sTAGe FOLDING Figure 3 Figure 1 Figure 4 Figure 2 C2. hANDLe ONLY FOLDING (See Fig.3) NOTE: With the locking pin installed (See Fig.10) 1. Remove the child from the seating system 2. Handle storage will work with or without the shell in the Kid Kart 3. Engage the wheel locks 4. A ctivate the trigger handle as shown. (See Fig.2) 5. Rotate the handle forward and continue rotating the handle to it's folded position. (See Fig.3) 6. As