Yeoman ELEGANCE BY HAAS & SOHN 210 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Yeoman ELEGANCE BY HAAS & SOHN 210

جهاز: Yeoman ELEGANCE BY HAAS & SOHN 210
فئة: موقد
الصانع: Yeoman
مقاس: 0.9 MB
مضاف: 11/2/2014
عدد الصفحات: 24
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  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Yeoman ELEGANCE BY HAAS & SOHN 210 على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Yeoman ELEGANCE BY HAAS & SOHN 210 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Elegance by Haas & Sohn
Multi-Fuel Stove
Models 200 / 210 / 220 / 240 / 250 / 270 / 280
This product is for use only in Great Britain and Ireland (GB, IE)
These instructions are to be left with the customer, should be read
carefully and kept in a safe place.
They will be necessary when servicing the appliance.
Before installation of this product please read these instructions fully.
The installer should complete the commission

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Contents Welcome to Yeoman 3 Commissioning Data 4 Technical Specification 5 SITE REQUIREMENTS Stove Dimensions 6 Hearth Dimensions 7 Walls adjacent to Hearths 7 PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS Flue or Chimney 8 Additional Ventilation 9 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installing the Stove 10 Commissioning 11 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS General 12 Using the stove for the first time 12 Burning Wood 12 Burning Solid Fuel 13 Ash Removal 13 Recommended Fuels 14 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING General Cleaning 15 Cleaning Glas

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

Welcome to Yeoman Your new Elegance multi-fuel stove is perhaps the most IMPORTANT NOTICE advanced design of modern stoves. Owning such a stove shows appreciation for exceptional quality. If your stove is installed correctly, it will give you many years of excellent service for which it was designed. This appliance Please read your manual thoroughly, its purpose is to must be installed by a HETAS registered installer (GB only). familiarise you with your stove, and give guidelines for its instal

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FOR YOUR RECORDS To assist us in any Guarantee claim please complete the following information:- YEOMAN DEALER APPLIANCE WAS PURCHASED FROM Name: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Address:.......................................................................................................................................................

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Model Elegance 200 YM-EL200 Elegance 210 YM-EL210 Elegance 220 YM-EL220 Elegance 240 YM-EL240 Elegance 250 YM-EL250 Elegance 270 YM-EL270 Elegance 280 YM-EL280 Nominal Heat Output kW 4.9 4.9 7 4.9 6 6 8 mm Wg 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Flue Draught at Nominal Heat Output Inch Wg 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Flue Gas Mass Flow g/s 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.8 6.8 6.8 7.4 Flue Gas Temperature at °C 290 290 290 290 290 290 270 Spigot/Socket mm 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Flue Outl

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6

SITE REQUIREMENTS Before installation of this product please read these The Elegance Stove should be fitted by a HETAS (GB instructions fully. only) registered installer, or approved by your local building control officer. Your Yeoman dealer should be It is very important to also understand the requirements able to arrange this service for you. of the UK Building Regulations (England and Wales - Document J / Scotland - Part F), along with any local Your building insurance company may also requir

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SITE REQUIREMENTS Elegance 250 Elegance 280 Elegance 270 7

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SITE REQUIREMENTS Additional information covering the installation of the WALLS ADJACENT TO HEARTHS Elegance stove may be found in the British Standard: BS8303. HEARTH DIMENSIONS 150mm minimum 150mm minimum The appliance must stand on a constructional hearth with the minimum dimensions as shown in diagram below. Solid, non combustable Yeoman Elegance material e.g concrete or masonry A 225mm 150mm 150mm minimum minimum minimum C Constructional Constructional hearth 840mm hearth 840mm Change in l

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PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS It is important that adequate ventilation exists and the 1.5 The flue exit from the building should be positioned to flue or chimney system that is to be used is in good comply with the requirements of the Building working condition. Products of combustion that enter the Regulations. room could be a serious health risk. Before installation of 1.6 Any existing flue should be confirmed as suitable for the this product we recommend that the flue or chimney new intended use,

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PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS 1.12 Where a hearth, fireplace, flue or chimney is provided or extended (including cases where a flue is provided as part of refurbishment work), information essential to the correct appliance and use of these should be permanently posted in the building, to meet Requirement J4 of the Building Regulations (England and Wales), F3.12 (Scotland). 2. ADDITIONAL VENTILATION 2.1 Additional ventilation will be required to comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations.

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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Because each installation is unique to the property, it is 1.6 Typical top flue installation. Flue to be installed in not possible to give full details to suit every setting. accordance with manufacture’s instructions. However the installation should comply with the To chimney connection as requirements of the Building Regulations and be made detailed in building regulations using ‘best practice’ construction methods. Remember that many fireplace openings will have a 13

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2. COMMISSIONING 2.1 Before lighting the Elegance stove, check the following items: - a) Fit of internal parts (firegrate, firebricks, baffles, and fuel retainer). b) Door alignment, seals and catch operation. c) Operation of air controls. 2.2 If there are any problems with the fit or operation of any of these items, this should be corrected before continuing with the commissioning of the Elegance stove. 2.3 Carry out a final smoke draw test, by first warming the flue

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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. GENERAL 2. USING THE STOVE FOR THE FIRST 1.1 This stove is designed for domestic heating and should TIME only be used for this purpose, and in accordance with the 2.1 When new, it is best to burn the fire at a low output for manufacturer’s operating instructions. the first few days of use. This will allow the construction to settle and all fixing glues and paint to fully cure. 1.2 It should be installed by a competent installer (HETAS registered GB only), in accordanc

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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.11 We would recommend that the stove be burnt at high OVER-FIRING output for at least 30 minutes each day when it is in use. 4.12 Do not use the appliance at maximum output for This will help reduce the build-up of tars and creosotes prolonged periods of time, or over fill the firebox with within the stove and flue system. fuel, as this could result in over-firing. If the connecting 3.14 Do not burn painted or impregnated wood, fluepipe, appliance flue collar or top plat

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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 5.3 When burning wood the amount of ash will be smaller and may only need removal once every week. To do this, allow the fire to burn out and cool. Then after removing the log retainer scoop out the ash with a suitable shovel. It is best to leave a layer of ash in the stove to form a bed for the new fire. 5.4 Do not place ash in a bin made from plastic or any other combustible material. 6. RECOMMENDED FUELS 6.1 Wood: - Burn only seasoned timber, with a moisture content of

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MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING 1. GENERAL CLEANING 4.6 Re-fit cleaned internal parts. 1.1 We would recommend that your Elegance stove be 4.7 Remove the glass from the door, and discard all old rope cleaned fully on a regular basis, according to the level of seals. use. Attention should be given to cleaning the baffle 4.8 Remove the door rope seal from the outer edge of the system, flueways and removing ash. Regular cleaning and door clean the old glue from the door sealing rope grove. preventive main

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SPARE PARTS LIST Elegance 200 Part No. Item Description Part No. Item Description 1 Stove body 183792 12 Glass pane curved 280x260 183793 2 Door - anthracite 183791 13 Deflection plate 420x145x19 183799 3 Ash pan 183795 14 Cover plate 4 Wood storage compartment 183802 15 Door spring 5 Flue spigot 181938 16 Secondary air control (Airwash) See detail list* 6 Firebrick 183949 17 Support deflection plate 180492 7 Grate 183950 18 Guard plate 8 183786 *181 Firebrick 300x300x30 183790 9 Log Guard 18378

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SPARE PARTS LIST Elegance 210 Part No. Item Description Part No. Item Description 1 Stove body 183792 12 Glass pane curved 280x260 183793 2 Door - anthracite 183791 13 Deflection plate 420x145x19 183799 3 Ash pan 183795 14 Cover plate 4 Wood storage compartment 183802 15 Door spring 5 Flue spigot 181938 16 Secondary air control (Airwash) See detail list* 6 Firebrick 183949 17 Support deflection plate 180492 7 Grate 183950 18 Guard plate 0065000015000 8 Warming compartment insert plate 183786 *18

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SPARE PARTS LIST Elegance 220 Part No. Item Description Part No. Item Description 1 Stove body 183792 12 Glass pane curved 280x260 183793 2 Door - anthracite 183791 13 Deflection plate 420x145x19 183799 3 Ash pan 14 Cover plate 4 Wood storage compartment 183802 15 Door spring 5 Flue spigot 181938 16 Secondary air control (Airwash)* See detail list* 6 Firebrick 183949 17 Support deflection plate 180492 7 Grate 183950 18 Guard plate 8 183786 *181 Firebrick 300x300x30 183790 9 Log Guard 183787 *202

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SPARE PARTS LIST Elegance 240 Part No. Item Description Part No. Item Description 1 Stove body 181324 11 Glass curved 340x280 182554 2 Door - anthracite 183127 12 Baffle 430x210 181338 3 Ash pan 183128 13 Cover plate 4 Wood storage compartment 182557 14 Door spring 5 Flue spigot 182558 15 Door bolt See detail list* 6 Firebrick 16 Secondary air control (Airwash)* 180492 7 Grate 1825593 *163 Firebrick 260x62x30 181341 8 Log Guard 1825603 *164 Firebrick 275x60x30 182556 9 Door Handle 1825613 *165 F

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
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