Wayne-Dalton Corp.9700 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Wayne-Dalton Corp.9700

جهاز: Wayne-Dalton Corp.9700
فئة: مضخة مياه
الصانع: Wayne-Dalton
مقاس: 12.6 MB
مضاف: 8/31/2014
عدد الصفحات: 32
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Wayne-Dalton Corp.9700 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Torquemaster Plus - Single and Double Spring
Installation Instructions and Owner’s Manual
Read these instructions carefully before attempting
Wayne-Dalton, a Division of
installation. If in question about any of the proce-
Overhead Door Corporation
dures, do not perform the work. Instead, have a
P.O. Box 67, Mt. Hope, OH 44660
trained door systems technician do the installation
or repairs.
©Copyright 2010 Wayne-Dalton, a Division of Overhead Doo

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

WARNINg Table of Contents Important safety Instructions ........................................................ 2 TO AvOID POSSIblE INjuR y, READ ThESE Package Contents ......................................................................... 3 INSTRuCTIONS CAREFully bEFORE ATTEMPTINg Door section Identification ............................................................ 4 Tools Required ......................................................

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

Package Contents NOTE: Depending on the door model, some parts listed will not be supplied if not necessary. Rear supports may or may not be included with your door. DOOR sECTIONs (as REquIRED) ® (1) TORquEMasTER sPRINg TuBE (2) HORIzONTal TRaCks RH/lH (2) quICk INsT all RH/lH (2) fully aDjusT aBlE RH/lH flagaNglEs (as REquIRED) flagaNglEs (as REquIRED) q.I. jaMB BRaCkETs (2) HORIzONTal aNglEs (2) TOP BRaCkET BasEs (2) TOP BRaCkET slIDEs (as REquIRED) u-BaR (2) VERTICal RIgHT aND lEfT CaBlE D

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4

Door Section Identification Tools Needed: Hinges are always pre-attached at the top of each section (except top section) TOP sECTION NOTE: End hinges are stamped with a number that identifies the stacking sequence of the section. #1 end hinges are always on the bottom section. #2 end hinges are on the lock section of a four #3 section door. #3 end hinges are on the END intermediate section of a four section door HINgE WaRNINg laBEl and on the lock section of a 3 section door. INTERMEDIaT

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

Tools Required POWER DRIll RaTCHET WRENCH PlIERs/WIRE CuTTERs TaPE MEasuRE 1/8”, 3/16” DRIll BITs PHIllIPs HEaD sCREWDRIVER fla T TIP sCREWDRIVER PENCIl NEEDlE NOsE PlIERs glOVEs 3/8”, 7/16”, 1/2”, 9/16” 7/16”, 1/2”, 9/16” 7/16” sOCkET DRIVER safETy glassEs sOCkETs WRENCHEs sTEP laDDER HaMMER VICE gRIPs VICE ClaMPs (2) sa W HORsEs Removing An Existing Door IMPORTANT: COuNTERBalaNCE sPRINg TENsION MusT al Ways BE RElEasED BEfORE aNy a TTEMPT Is MaDE TO sTaRT REMOVINg aN ExIsTINg DOOR. WARNINg a

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6

suITaBlE MOuNTINg suRfaCE 2” x 6” Preparing the Opening luMBER MINIMuM HEaDER BOaRD 2” x 6” luMBER PREfERRED Tools Needed: If you just removed your existing door or you are installing a new door, complete all steps in PREPaRINg THE OPENINg. Recommended DOOR HEIgHT tools from To ensure secure mounting of track brackets, side and center brackets, or steel angles to new or retro-fit construction, it is lEVEl HEaDER page 5 recommended to follow the procedures outlined in Das Ma Technical D

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7

Installation Begin the installation of the door by checking the opening. It must be the same size as the door. Vertical jambs must be plumb and the header level. side clearance, from edge of door to wall, must be minimum of 3-1/2” (89mm) on each side. IMPORTANT: sTaINlEss sTEEl OR PT 2000 COa TED lag sCREWs (NOT suPPlIED) MusT BE usED WHEN INsTallINg CENTER BEaRINg BRaCkETs, END BRaCkETs, jaMB BRaCkETs, OPERa TOR MOuNTINg/suPPORT BRaCkETs aND DIsCONNECT BRaCkETs ON TREaTED luMBER (PREsERV aTI

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8

HORIzONTal HOlE TaBs aNglE horizontal Angles 2 kEy slOT Tools Needed: Position the horizontal angle as shown. Place tabs of horizontal angle in the key slot Hammer of horizontal track. using a hammer, tap the horizontal angle towards the curved end of the track until the hole in track and angle are aligned. set tracks aside. HORIzONTal TRaCk HOlE NOTE: f or larger doors, a full length horizontal HORIzONTal angle may be spot welded to the horizontal TRaCk track. If the horizontal angle

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9

lEfT HaND ® TORquEMasTER Drums COuNTERBalaNCE 4 DRuM assEMBly Tools Needed: IMPORTANT: RIgHT aND lEfT HaND Is al Ways DETERMINED fROM INsIDE THE BuIlDINg lOOkINg #1 END HINgE None OuT. (HINgE TuBE) NOTE: f or door section identification see page 4. ® TorqueMaster counterbalance drum assemblies, which consist of cable drums and drum wraps, are BOTTOM marked right and left hand. uncoil the counterbalance sECTION COuNTERBalaNCE cables and make sure you place the right hand cable CaBlE

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10

BOTTOM sECTION VERTICal TRaCk flagaNglE vertical Tracks 6 CaBlE Tools Needed: IMPORTANT: THE TOPs Of THE VERTICal TRaCks MusT BE lEVEl 5/16” x 3/16” Drill Bit fROM sIDE TO sIDE. If THE BOTTOM 1-5/8” lag 3/8” Power Drill sCREWs sECTION Was sHIMMED TO lEVEl IT . TO 5/8” 7/16” socket THE VERTICal TRaCk ON THE sHIMMED ROllER Driver sIDE, MusT BE RaIsED THE HEIgHT Of f laga Ngl E lag s CREW l OCaTIONs THE sHIM. VERTICal Tape Measure TRaCk level Position the left hand vertical track assembly

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

Stacking Sections - Continued Tools Needed: (3) 1/4” - 14 x 5/8” sElf-T aPPINg sCREWs INTERMEDIaTE HINgEs u-bar u-BaR 8 NOTE: f or door section identification see Tools Needed: page 4. Power Drill 7/16” socket NOTE: 18’-0” wide by 8’-0” high doors will be supplied with one u-bar for the lock Driver lOCk sECTION EDgE section. Tape Measure Center the u-bar on top edge of lock section and flush with edge of section. f asten each end of the u-bar to the endcap with 1/4” - 14 x 7/8” self tap

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12


ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

flagaNglE TOP sECTION Top brackets 10 2ND sET TOP BRaCkET BasE NOTE: f or door section identification see Tools Needed: page 4. Power Drill 7/16” socket ENDCaP To install the l-shaped top brackets, align Driver (4) 1/4” - 14 x 5/8” the top holes in the top bracket base with sElf T aPPINg sCREWs the second set of holes in the endcap. (2) 1/4” - 20 x 5/8” f asten top bracket base to endcap using CaRRIagE BOl Ts (4) 1/4” - 14 x 5/8” self tapping screws. secure the top bracket slide to the br

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14

flagaNglE Attaching horizontal Tracks to Flagangles 12 If you have fully adjustable flagangles: Tools Needed: To install horizontal track, place the curved 9/16” socket end over the top roller. align the bottom of the horizontal track with the vertical track. 7/16” socket Hand tighten the horizontal track to the Ratchet Wrench HORIzONTal TRaCk flagangle with (2) 1/4”-20 x 9/16” track bolts and (2) 1/4” - 20 flange hex nuts. 9/16” Wrench Repeat for other side. level step ladder WARNIN

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15

Adjusting Top brackets HORIzONTal 13 TRaCk TOP Tools Needed: With horizontal tracks installed, you can now sECTION adjust the top brackets. 7/16” Wrench step ladder Vertically align the top section of the door with the lower sections. Once aligned, position the top bracket slide, out against the horizontal track. Maintaining the slide’s position, tighten the (2) 1/4” - 20 flanged hex nuts to secure the CORRECT top roller slide to the top bracket base. TOP BRaCkET slIDE TOP sECTION (2

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16

CENTER Center bracket bushing BRaCkET 15 assEMBly ® NOTE: If you are installing the idrive Tools Needed: opener with your garage door, skip this step None ® and go to your idrive Installation Instructions step ladder and Owner’s Manual. after completing steps ® 1-13 of your idrive Installation Instructions ® and Owner’s Manual, rear supports will need TORquEMasTER sPRINg TuBE to be fabricated/installed to support both horizontal tracks, see step 27. NOTE: If you are not installing the

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17

CaBlE DR uM Cable Drums/ Drum Wraps 16 DRuMs COME WITH DRuM WRaPs PRE-INsTallED ON THEM. ® s hake the TorqueMaster Plus spring tube Tools Needed: assembly gently to extend the winding Tape Measure shafts out about 5" on each side. f or single step ladder spring applications, there will be no left ® hand spring in the TorqueMaster Plus spring tube assembly. DRuM WRaP ® lift the TorqueMaster Plus spring tube assembly and rest it on the top of the flagangles. NOTE: Cable drum assemblies a

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18

WARNING Rachet Bracket is under EXTREME SPRING TENSION. To avoid possible severe or fatal injury, DO NOT remove fasteners from ratchet bracket until spring(s) are fully wnwound. To safely unwind spring(s) read and follow the directions in the installation instructions/owners manual. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG. WARNING Rachet Bracket is under EXTREME SPRING E SI . T N ON To avoid possible severe or fatal injury, DO NOT remove fasteners from ratchet bracket until spring(s) are fully wnwound. To s

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19

Securing Door 19 for Spring Winding Tools Needed: Place vice clamps onto both vertical tracks just above the third Roller. This is to prevent (2) Vice Clamps the garage door from raising while winding torsion spring(s). WARNINg faIluRE TO Pla CE VICE Cla MPs ONTO VERTICal TRaCk CaN allOW DOOR TO PlaCE VICE RaIsE aND CausE sEVERE OR faTal ClaMPs aBOVE 3RD ROllER INjuRy. VICE ClaMPs TRaCk aTTaCHED TO TRaCk Cable Adjustment Fir St an D 20 Cam Peak SeCOnD gr OOve Straig Ht uP startin

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 20

WARNING Rachet Bracket is under EXTREME SPRING TENSION. To avoid possible severe or fatal injury, DO NOT remove fasteners from ratchet bracket until spring(s) are fully wnwound. To safely unwind spring(s) read and follow the directions in the installation instructions/owners manual. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG. WARNING WARNING Use these Illustration, in conjunction with the Instructions on the other side of this label. ENGAGED SIDE VIEW Cable Drum ENGAGED UNDERNEATH VIEW Ratchet Pawl No space

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