Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL.

جهاز: Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL.
فئة: سخان الماء
الصانع: Kenmore
مقاس: 4.59 MB
مضاف: 12/25/2013
عدد الصفحات: 32
اطبع الدليل


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هدفنا هو أن نوفر لك وصولاً سريعًا إلى محتوى دليل المستخدم الخاص بـ Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL.. باستخدام المعاينة عبر الإنترنت ، يمكنك عرض المحتويات بسرعة والانتقال إلى الصفحة حيث ستجد الحل لمشكلتك مع Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL..


إذا لم يكن البحث في دليل المستخدم Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. مباشرة على موقع الويب هذا مناسبًا لك ، فهناك حلان محتملان:

  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

يفضل العديد من الأشخاص قراءة المستندات ليس على الشاشة ، ولكن في النسخة المطبوعة. تم أيضًا توفير خيار طباعة الدليل ، ويمكنك استخدامه بالنقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه - اطبع الدليل. لا يتعين عليك طباعة الدليل بالكامل Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL. ولكن الصفحات المحددة فقط. ورق.


ستجد أدناه معاينات لمحتوى أدلة المستخدم المقدمة في الصفحات التالية لـ Kenmore 153.326563 55 GAL.. إذا كنت ترغب في عرض محتوى الصفحات الموجودة في الصفحات التالية من الدليل بسرعة ، فيمكنك استخدامها.

ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9

HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will satisfy clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact. Fire Hazard / Electric Shock Hazard Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot water - Do not use this water heater with in you

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10

Fit T & P valve insulation over valve. Make sure that the insulation NOTE: Toprotect against untimely corrosion ofhot and cold does not interfere with the lever of the T & P valve. water fittings, it is strongly recommended that di=electric unions or couplings be installed on this water heater when Secure all insulation using tape. connected to copper pipe. 1. Look at the top cover of the water heater. The hot water outlet is marked hot. Put two or three turns of teflon tape around the threaded

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

Position thevalvedownward andprovide tubing sothatany Ifaftermanually operating thevalve, itfailstocompletely reset discharge willexitonlywithin 6inches (153mm)above, orat andcontinues to release water, immediately closethecold any distance below thestructural floor. Becertain thatnocontact water inlet tothewater heater, follow thedraining instructions, ismade withanyliveelectrical part.Thedischarge opening andreplace thetemperature-pressure reliefvalve witha new one. must not be blockedor reduc

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

Necessary element conversion parts are located in a small Converting the Lower Element bag contained within the electrical junction box on top of the water heater. These instructions only cover the conversion of the convertible element, read this entire manual before attempting to install or operate the water heater. The water heater is factory set to CONVERSION PARTS operate at 3800 watts. The lower element can be converted to operate at 5500 watts. Refer to "Facts to Consider About the Convert

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

8. Tighten terminals 2 and3 to ensure proper electrical LIFT OUT TABTO UNCLIPTERMINAL connection. JACK_ _-, COVER FROM PLASTIC TABSON THERMOSTAT TERMINAL COVER t BOTH SIDES OF TERMINAL COVER CLIPPED TO _ THERMOSTAT AT HOL IT IN PLACE THIS POINT _ tHERMOSTAT BRACKET Fire and E×plosion Hazard _-TANK • Failure to tighten screws can _'_ " ELEMENT cause a fire. THERMOSTAT • Failure to do this could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage. FIGURE 16. Failure to tighten terminal scre

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14

11.Replace theaccess panel. Fire Hazard / Electric Shock Hazard ® Do not use this water heater with any voltage other than shown on the model rating plate. Failure to use the correct voltage shown on the model rating plate FIGURE 21. could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage. 12. Complete wiring to the water heater, or if completed, turn "ON" electric power to the water heater after filling the tank with water. If wiring from your fuse box or circuit breaker box was alumin

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Owner's Manual
153.326362 30 Gal.
153.326363 30 Gal.
153.326462 40 Ga!.
153.326463 40 Gal.
153.326562 55 Gal.
153.326563 55 Gal.
153.326662 50 GaL Medium
153.326663 50 Gal. Medium
153.326762 40 Gal. Medium
153.326763 40 Gal, Medium
153,326862 50 Gal, Short
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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Your safety andthesafety ofothers is extremely important in the installation, use and servicing of this water heater. Many safety=related messages and instructions have been provided in this manual and on your own water heater to warn you and others of a potential injury hazard. Read and obey all safety messages and instructions throughout this manual. It is very important that the meaning of each safety message is understood by you and others who install, use or service this water heater. to po

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15

5. Wiring Diagrams (see "Wiring Diagrams" section) have been 6. Use wire nuts and connect the power supply wiring to the supplied showing the two most common types of wires inside the water heater's junction box. connections between the water heater and the power supply. You can easily see which type connection you have by 7. The water heater must be electrically "grounded" by the removing the junction box cover on top of the water heater. installer. A green ground screw has been provided on the

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16

Wiring Diagrams STANDARD WiriNG FOR 2 WiRE LEAD WATER HEATERS NON=SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION 240 VOLT DOUBLE ELEMENT A6 [ GROUNDTERMINAL--""""-_,_ * Before removing any access panels or servicing the water _1 _*,_l L_ POWER SUPPLY heater, make sure the electrical supply to the water heater is H,-TEMP _ JUNJTiON turned "OFF". LIMIT_l O_1I_(bl BOX sw,TCB _40-11_ tt" , Failure to do this could result in death, serious bodily injury, or TH2tggPTAT --n property damage. J I_ _f% ELEMENT <, THERMOS FOR 550

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17

The lower thermostat is factory set at a position which Temperature Regulation approximates 120°F (49°C), and is adjustable if a different water temperature is desired. Read all warnings in this manual and on the water heating before proceeding. Water temperature over 125°F (52°C) can cause severe burns TEMPERATURE instantly resulting in severe injury ADJUSTMENT or death. KNOB Children, the elderly, and the physically or mentally disabled are at highest risk for scald injury. Feel water before b

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18

Theupper andlower thermostats areadjustable ifa different Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation watertemperature is desired.Readall warningsin the "Temperature-Regulation" section before proceeding. The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year. 1. Turn "OFF" the electric power to the water heater at the junction box. • Burn hazard [ • Hotwater discharge. Before removing any access • Keep clear of relief valve panels or servicing the water discharge o

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19

Thewater heater should bedrained ifbeing shutdown during 1. Turn "OFF" the electrical power to the water heater at the freezing temperatures. Also,periodic draining andcleaning of junction box. sediment fromthetankmaybenecessary. 2. Remove the access panel and the insulation cap with handle. l 3. Lift out the tab as shown below to unclip the terminal cover • Before removing any access from the thermostat. The terminal cover can now be removed panels or servicing the water from the thermostat. he

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 20

Remove the two screws securing the access panel, and remove panel. [ o Before removing any access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the electrical supply to the water heater is turned "OFF". • Failure to do this could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage. FIGURE 33. Before beginning turn "OFF" the electric power supply to the water heater. 5. Remove the insulation cap with handle. QI .___J FIGURE 30. 2. Turn off the water supply to the water heater at the wate

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

Read andunderstand instruction improper installation and use may result manual and safety messages in property damage. before installing, operating or servicing thiswater heater. - Do not operate water heater if flood damaged. - Inspect and replace the anode as needed. Failure tofollow instructions and - Install in location with drainage. safety messages could result in - Fill tank with water before operation. death orserious injury. - Be alert for thermal expansion. Instruction manual must rema

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4

"q! SAFE INSTALLATION, USEAND SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................ 2 GENERAL SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

The installation must conform with the instructions in this ThankYouforpurchasing a Sears waterheater. Properly manual; electric company rules; and Local Codes, or in the installed andmaintained, it should giveyouyears oftrouble absence of Local Codes, with the current edition of the freeservice. Itisstrongly suggested thatthisnew water heater beprofessionally installed, contact thelocalSearsService NEC - National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. This publication is available from your local government

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6

Materials Needed To simplify the installation Sears has available the installation parts shown below. You may or may not need all of these materials, depending on your type of installation. DRAIN PANS AVAILABLE IN 20" EXPANSION TANKS FOR THERMAL EXPANSION CONDITIONS AVAILABLE IN 2 DIAMETER FORWATER HEATERS HAVING A DIAMETER 18" OR LESS, GALLONS , AND 5 GALLONS CAPACITY THROUGH LOCAL SEARS STORE OR 24" DIAMETER FOR WATER SERVICE CENTER. HEATERS HAVING A DIAMETER 22" WATER HEATER INSTALLATION KIT

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7

The water passing out of the drain valve may be extremely hot. Removing the Old Water Heater To avoid being scalded, make sure all connections are tight and that the water flow is directed away from any person. 4. Check again to make sure the electrical supply is turned "OFF" to the water heater. Then unplug the water heater (cord set) or disconnect the electrical supply connection from the water heater junction box. FIGURE 4. 5a. If you have copper piping to the water heater, the two copper wat

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8

• Sensors mounted in the drain pan that turn offthe water supply to the entire home when water is detected in the drain pan. • Water supply shut-off devices that activate based on the water Mineral Buildup or Sediment IVlayAccumalate pressure differential between the cold water and hot water pipes connected to the water heater. . This causes the water heater to become much heavier than normal. ® If spilled, could cause staining. Installations in Residential Garages Mineral buildup or sediment ma

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
# دليل الاستخدام فئة تحميل
1 Kenmore 153 327566 50 GAE دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 1
2 Kenmore 153.32118 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
3 Kenmore 153.326462 40 GA!. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 1
4 Kenmore 153.326363 30 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
5 Kenmore 153.326362 30 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
6 Kenmore 153.326463 40 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 1
7 Kenmore 153.326562 55 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
8 Kenmore 153.31702 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 1
9 Kenmore 153.326662 50 GAL دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
10 Kenmore 153.32116 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
11 Kenmore 153.326762 40 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
12 Kenmore 153.326663 50 GAL. دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 1
13 Kenmore 153.326763 40 GAL دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
14 Kenmore 153.327565 50 GAL دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
15 Kenmore 153.327366 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 0
16 A.O. Smith 000 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 8
17 A.O. Smith 101 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 3
18 A.O. Smith 12 40GPC T 100 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 4
19 A.O. Smith 104 Series دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 3
20 A.O. Smith 104 - 110 دليل الاستخدام سخان الماء 6