ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
50LJQ008,012 (50 Hz)
Single-Package Rooftop Heat Pump Units
Installation, Start-Up and Service
CONTENTS Step 1 — Provide Unit Support
ROOF CURB —Assemble and install accessory roof curb
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS.................. 1
in accordance with instructions shipped with curb. See
INSTALLATION ............................ 1-16
Step 1 — Provide Unit Support .............. 1
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ROOF CURB CONNECTOR ‘‘A’’ UNIT SIZE UNIT SIZE ‘‘F’’POWER ‘‘G’’CONTROL ACCESSORY PKG. ACC. 18-29 19 [25] NPT or 3 50DJ901371 50LJQ008,012 ⁄49 [19] NPT 50DJ901311 [356] 29 [51] NPT 50LJQ008,012 28-09 50DJ901381 [610] NOTES: 1. Roof curb accessory is shipped unassembled. 2. Insulated panels: 25 mm (one in.) thick polyure- 3 thane foam, .8 Kg (1 ⁄4 lb) density. 3. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. 4. Roof curb: 16-gage steel. 5. Attachductworktocurb(flangesofductrestoncurb). 6. Service clearance
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All panels must be in place when rigging. POSITIONING—Maintainclearancearoundandaboveunit to provide proper air flow and service access. See Fig. 5. Positionunitonroofcurbsothatthefollowingclearances 1 are maintained; 6 mm ( ⁄4 in.) clearance between roof curb 5 and base rails on each side and front of unit: 29 mm (1 ⁄32 in.)clearancebetweenroofcurbandrearofunit(seeFig.1, section C-C). MAXIMUMALLOWABLE DIFFERENCE Do not install unit in an indoor location. Do not locate A-B B-C A-C unitairinletnea
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Table 1A — Physical Data (SI) BASE UNIT 50LJQ 008 012 NOMINAL CAPACITY (kW) 23.2 28.8 OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) Unit 381 426 With Economizer 401 446 Roof Curb 101 101 COMPRESSOR Hermetic Quantity 22 Oil (ml) (each compressor) 1627 2071 REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22 Operating Charge (kg) Circuit 1 3.7 4.0 Circuit 2 3.2 3.9 OUTDOOR FAN Propeller Quantity...Diameter (mm) 1...660 1...660 Nominal L/s 2900 3260 Motor BkW...r/s .25...16.0 .25...16.0 OUTDOOR COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes,Aluminum Fins,Acutrol™ Feed De
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Table 1B — Physical Data (English) BASE UNIT 50QJ 008 012 NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 6.6 8.2 OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) Unit 840 940 With Economizer 884 984 Roof Curb 223 223 COMPRESSOR Hermetic Quantity 22 Oil (fluid oz) (each compressor) 55 70 REFRIGERANT TYPE R-22 Operating Charge (lb-oz) Circuit 1 8-2 8-14 Circuit 2 7-0 8-10 OUTDOOR FAN Propeller Quantity...Diameter (in.) 1...26 1...26 Nominal Cfm 6100 6900 1 1 Motor Hp...Rpm ⁄3...960 ⁄3...960 OUTDOOR COIL Enhanced Copper Tubes,Aluminum Fins,Acutrol™
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STD. UNIT ECONOMIZER CORNER CORNER CORNER CORNER ‘‘H’’ ‘‘J’’ ‘‘K’’ UNIT WEIGHT WEIGHT WEIGHT ‘‘A’’ WEIGHT ‘‘B’’ WEIGHT ‘‘C’’ WEIGHT ‘‘D’’ 50LJQ Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Ft-in. mm Ft-in. mm Ft-in. mm 7 5 11 008 840 381 44 20 182 83 156 71 231 105 271 123 2-0 ⁄8 632 3-5 ⁄16 1050 2-9 ⁄16 856 7 5 3 012 940 426 44 20 204 93 174 79 259 117 303 137 1-2 ⁄8 378 4-1 ⁄16 1253 3-0 ⁄8 924 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Center of gravity. 3. Direction of airflow. 4. Ductwork to b
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Step 5 — Make Electrical Connections Unit cabinet must have uninterrupted, unbroken elec- trical ground to minimize the possibility of personal injury if an electrical fault should occur. This ground mayconsistofelectricalwireconnectedtounitground lugincontrolcompartment,orconduitapprovedforelec- tricalgroundwheninstalledinaccordancewithU.S.A. National Electrical Code (Ref: ANSI/NFPA 70-1987) orequivalentlocalelectricalcodes.Failuretofollowthis warningcouldresultintheinstallerbeingliableforper-
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Fig. 8 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 400-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902041 and 50DJ902101 Fig. 9 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 400-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902061 and 50DJ902121 8
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Fig. 10 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902031 and 50DJ902081 Fig. 11 — Electric Heater Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902051 and 50DJ902111 LEGEND FOR FIG. 7-13 EQUIP — Equipment FU — Fuse GND — Ground HTR — Heater TB — Terminal Block 9
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Fig. 12 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902091 Fig. 13 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50; Single Point Kit 50DJ902131 LEGEND FOR FIG. 7-13 EQUIP — Equipment FU — Fuse GND — Ground HTR — Heater TB — Terminal Block 10
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Table 2 — Electrical Data VOLTAGE COMPR OFM IFM ELECTRIC HEAT POWER SUPPLY ELECTRIC HEAT ELECTRIC HEAT RANGE (each) UNIT NOMINAL POWER WIRING PART NO. 50LJQ V-PH-HZ Nominal FIG. NO. 50DJ901— Min Max RLA LRA FLA Hp FLA FLA MCA MOCP† kW* — — 41.7 50 — — 9.5 24.7 70.3 80 10 711 14.6 38.0 85.7 90 10 601 220-3-50 198 242 15.3 82.0 1.5 1.5 5.8 22.7 59.0 130.0 150 11 611 29.3 76.2 158.5 175 11 621 38.8 100.9 179.5 200 12 711, 621** 008 10.5 15.2 21.4 25 7 681 12.5 18.0 44.0 45 7 631 400-3-50 360 440 7.
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15 to 23 m (51 to 75 ft), use no. 16 AWG insulated wire (35 C minimum). For over 23 m (75 ft), use no. 14 AWGinsulatedwire(35Cminimum).SeeTable3forwire conversions. 1. If unit is mounted on roof curb and accessory thru-the- curbserviceplateconnectionisused,routewirethrough connection plate. 2. Passcontrolwiresthroughtheholeprovidedonunit(see connection D, Connection Sizes table, Fig. 5). 3. Feedwirethroughtheracewaybuiltintothecornerpost to the 24-v barrier located on the left side of the contro
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LEGEND BAT — Battery OFC — Outdoor-Fan Contactor C— Contactor P— Plug CB — Circuit Breaker TB — Terminal Board DAT — Discharge-Air Thermistor TRAN — Transformer EMC/EMFC — Energy Management Closed Field Wiring EMO/EMFO — Energy Management Open Factory Wiring EQUIP — Equipment GND — Ground Splice Connection (Factory Supplied) HR — Heater Relay IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor Fig. 16 — Field Wiring Connections Tables 5Aand 5B show fan rps and rpm at motor pulley settings. Refer to Tables 6-13 to determ
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MOTOR MOUNTING NUTS AND BOLTS Fig. 19 — Indoor-Fan Pulley Adjustment Fig. 18 — Belt-Drive Motor Mounting Table 5A — Fan R/s at Motor Pulley Settings (SI) MOTOR PULLEY TURNS OPEN 50LJQ 1 1 1 1 1 0 ⁄2 11⁄2 22⁄2 33⁄2 44⁄2 5 008 14.70 14.26 13.82 13.38 12.94 12.50 12.06 11.62 11.18 10.74 10.30 012 15.00 14.65 14.30 13.95 13.60 13.25 12.90 12.55 12.20 11.85 11.50 Table 5B — Fan Rpm at Motor Pulley Settings (English) MOTOR PULLEY TURNS OPEN 50LJQ 1 1 1 1 1 0 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 22⁄2 33⁄2 44⁄2 5 008 882 856 830 80
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Table 6 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge Units EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa) AIRFLOW 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 (L/s) r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW 1100 7.9 0.35 9.4 0.50 10.6 0.68 11.7 0.85 12.7 1.03 13.6 1.25 14.4 1.46 14.9 1.69 15.1 1.92 15.0 2.15 1200 8.3 0.42 9.8 0.59 11.0 0.78 12.0 0.95 13.0 1.15 13.9 1.36 14.8 1.58 15.5 1.82 16.0 2.06 16.4 2.31 1300 8.8 0.51 10.2 0.69 11.3 0.88 12.4 1.08 13.3 1.28
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Table 10 — Fan Performance (English), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge Units EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg) AIRFLOW 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 (Cfm) Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp 2200 459 0.42 549 0.62 625 0.83 691 1.06 753 1.31 805 1.58 842 1.87 857 2.16 851 2.45 823 2.70 2400 482 0.50 569 0.71 645 0.95 708 1.18 768 1.40 824 1.72 872 2.01 909 2.32 931 2.64 935 2.96 2600 507 0.59 592 0.82 663 1.08 727 1.32 784 1.58 839 1.87
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START-UP economizer damper blade will open to minimum position. IMPORTANT:Energizecrankcaseheaters24hoursprior Note that if the indoor fan is on when the space thermostat to base unit start-up to remove entrapped refrigerant calls for cooling, terminal G is already energized and the from the oil. Heaters are energized as long as there is economizer damper blade is at minimum position. power to the unit. Iftheoutdoor-airtemperatureisbelowtheoutdoor-airther- mostat(OAT)setting,thenthepositionofthe
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NOTES: 1. Inheatingmode,economizerdamperbladewillmovetothemini- mumposition,andunitwilloperateasdescribedforunitswithout economizer, regardless of outdoor air temperature. 2. The temperatures given in the graph are for demonstration pur- posesonlyandmayvarydependingonwhichthermostatisused. LEGEND C— Contactor HC — Heater Contactor IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor OAT — Outdoor-Air Thermostat OFC — Outdoor-Fan Contactor RVS — Reversing Valve Solenoid W— Heating Stage X— Contact Energized Y— Cooling Sta
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position of the reversing valves and shuts off the outdoor fan.The electric heaters (if installed) will be energized. On unitswitheconomizer,theeconomizerdamperbladewillmove to the fully closed position. Theunitcontinuestodefrostuntilthecoiltemperatureas measured by DFT2 reaches 65 F or the duration of defrost cycle completes a 10-minute period. During the defrost mode, if circuit 1 defrosts first, RVS1 will oscillate between heating and cooling modes until the defrost mode is complete. Attheendo
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CONDENSATE DRAIN — Check and clean each year at Refrigerant Charge — Amount of refrigerant charge start of cooling season. In winter, keep drain dry or protect is listed on the unit nameplate (also refer to Tables 1Aand against freeze-up. 1B). Refer to Carrier Standard ServiceTechniques Manual, Chapter 1, Refrigerants section. FILTERS — Clean or replace at start of each heating and coolingseason,ormoreoftenifoperatingconditionsrequire Unit panels must be in place when unit is operating dur- it.