ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
WithPuron (R--410A)Refrigerant
Sizes 024--060
Installation Instructions
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
NOTE: Installer: Make sure the Owner’s Manual and Service
SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS ........................ 2
INTRODUCTION .................................. 2
CheckEquipment ..................
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS RECEIVINGANDINSTALLATION Installationandservicingofthisequipmentcanbehazardousdueto Step1—CheckEquipment mechanicaland electricalcomponents.Only trained and qualified IDENTIFYUNIT personnelshouldinstall,repair,orservicethisequipment. The unit modelnumber and serial numberare printed on theunit Untrainedpersonnelcanperformbasicmaintenancefunctionssuch informativeplate.Checkthisinformationagainstshippingpapers. as cleaning and replacing air filters. All other operations must b
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HVAC unit HVAC unit base base Gask eting inner flange* Scre w Gask eting Scre w (NO TE A) (NOTE A) inner flange* *Gask eting *Gask eting outer flange outer flange Wood nailer* Wood nailer* Flashing field Flashing field supplied supplied Roof curb* Roof curb* Insulation (field Insulation (field supplied) supplied) Roofing material Roofing mater ial field supplied field supplied Ductwork Ductwork field supplied Cant str ip Cant str ip field supplied field supplied field supplied Roof Roof *Pr
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A C MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DIFFERENCE (in.) B A-B B-C A-C 1/4 1/4 1/4 C99065 Fig.3 -- UnitLevelingTolerances OPTIONAL OPTIONAL RETURN SUPPLY AIR AIR OPENING OPENING 2" EVAP. COIL COND. COIL C99096 Fig.4-- SlabMountingDetail A06114 Fig.5-- CornerWeights(Lbs.) CORNERWEIGHTS(SMALLCABINET) CORNERWEIGHTS(LARGECABINET) Unit 024 030 036 Unit 042 048 060 TotalWeight 349 349 373 TotalWeight 438 463 499 Corner Weight1 70 70 75 Corner Weight1 88 98 107 Corner Weight2 54 54 58 Corner Weight2 68 61 70 Corner Weig
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5 A05299 Fig.6-- 50CR024--036UnitDimensions 50CR
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6 50CR A05300 Fig.7-- 50CR042--060UnitDimensions
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Step4—RigandPlaceUnit USEOFRIGGINGBRACKET Riggingandhandlingofthisequipmentcanbehazardousformany FieldInstallationofRiggingBracket reasons due to the installation location (roofs, elevated structures, 1. Ifapplicable,removeunitfrom shippingcarton.Leavetop etc.). shippingskidontheunitforuseasaspreaderbartoprevent Only trained, qualified crane operators and ground support staff theriggingstrapsfromdamagingtheunit.Iftheskidisnot shouldhandleandinstallthisequipment. available,useaspreaderbarofsuffic
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DETAIL A C03017 Fig.8-- RiggingBracketUnderUnitRainLip A06113 MAXIMUM SHIPPING WEIGHT UNIT SIZE Lb Kg 50CR024 372 169 50CR030 372 169 50CR036 395 179 50CR042 462 210 50CR048 485 220 50CR060 521 236 Fig.9-- SuggestedRigging 8 50C 50CR R
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Step5—SelectandInstallDuctwork CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TO DOWNFLOW(VERTICAL)DISCHARGEUNITS Thedesignandinstallationoftheductsystemmustbeinaccordance with the standards of the NFPA for installation of non--residence ! type air conditioning and ventilating systems, NFPA 90A or WARNING residencetype,NFPA90Band/orlocalcodesandordinances. ELECTRICALSHOCKHAZARD Selectandsizeductwork,supply--airregisters,andreturnairgrilles according to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Failuretofollow
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Table1—PhysicalData-- Unit50CR UNIT SIZE 024 030 036 042 048 060 NOMINAL CAPACITY(ton) 2 2--1/2 3 3--1/2 4 5 OPERATING WEIGHT (lb.) 350 350 373 440 463 499 Compressor Scroll Refrigerant (R--410A) Quantity(lb.) 7.5 8 9.5 10.8 11.5 14.0 REFRIGERANT METERING DEVICE TXV 0.038(Left OD Coil) 0.042(Left OD Coil) ORIFICEOD(in.) 0.035(2) 0.035(2) 0.038(2) 0.038(2) 0.046(Right OD Coil) 0.052(Right OD Coil) OUTDOORCOIL Rows …Fins/in. 2 …21 2 …21 2 …21 2 …21 2 …21 2 …21 FaceArea(sq.ft.) 12.3 12.3 13.6 15.4
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! CAUTION UNITCOMPONENTDAMAGEHAZARD Failuretofollowthiscautionmayresultindamagetotheunit beinginstalled. 1. Make all electrical connections in accordance with NEC ANSI/NFPA (latest edition) and local electrical codes governing such wiring. In Canada, all electrical connections must be in accordance with CSA standard C22.1CanadianElectricalCodePart1andapplicablelocal codes.Refertounitwiringdiagram. 2. Use only copper conductor for connections between field--supplied electrical disconnect switch a
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Table2—ElectricalData—50CR SINGLEPOINT POWER VOLTAGE ELECTRICHEAT V--PH--HZ SUPPLY COMPRESSOR OFM IFM RANGE UNIT SIZE FLA FLA NOMINAL FLA MCA MOCP MIN MAX RLA LRA kW* --/-- --/-- 22.1/22.1 30/30 3.8/5 18.1/20.8 44.6/48.1 50/50 024 208/230--1--60 187 253 13.5 61.0 0.9 4.3 5.4/7.2 26.0/30.0 54.6/59.6 60/60 7.5/10.0 36.1/41.7 67.2/74.2 70/80 --/-- --/-- 25.1/25.1 30/30 3.8/5 18.1/20.8 47.6/51.1 50/60 030 208/230--1--60 187 253 15.9 73.0 0.9 4.3 5.4/7.2 26.0/30.0 57.6/62.6 60/70 7.5/10.0 36.1/41.7 7
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EXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 230-3-60. AB = 228 v LEGEND BC = 231 v AC = 227 v FLA — Full Load Amps LRA — Locked Rotor Amps 228 + 231 + 227 ® Average Voltage = MCA -- MinimumCircuitAmps 3 MOCP — MaximumOvercurrentProtection 686 RLA — Rated Load Amps = 3 = 229 NO TES: Determine maximum deviation from average voltage. 1. In compliance with NEC (National Electrical Code) requirements (AB) 229 - 228 =1v for multimotor and combination load equipment (refer to NE C (BC) 231 - 229 =2v Articles
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7.0 A05304 Fig.15-- WiringSchematics--50CRSinglePhase 14 50CR
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5.0 A05259 Fig.16-- WiringSchematics--50CRThreePhase 15 50CR
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ACCESSORYINSTALLATION GROUND SCREW (IN SPLICE BOX) A. AccessoryElectricHeaters GROUND Electricheatersmaybeinstalledin50CR perinstructionssupplied LEAD with electric heater package. See unit rating plate for factory--approvedelectricheaterkits. BLK SINGLE-PHASE L1 NOTE: Units installed without electric heat should have a CONNECTIONS factory--supplied sheet metal block--off plate installed over heater TO DISCONNECT YEL L2 PER NEC opening. This reduces air leakage and formation of exterior condensa
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HEATER HK38EA002 3. Makethefollowinginspections: a. Inspect for shipping and handling damages, such as brokenlines,looseparts,disconnectedwires,etc. SEC-2 SEC-1 b. Inspectforoilatallrefrigeranttubingconnectionsandon unit base. Detecting oil generally indicates arefrigerant leak. Leak test all refrigerant tubing connections using electronic leak detector, or liquid--soap solution. If a refrigerant leak is detected, see following Check for RefrigerantLeakssection. c. Inspect all field-- and factor
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10 seconds). Once communications with User Interface are 2. Recheck airflow and system static pressure using User successful,COMMLEDwillbelitandheldon.Atthesametime, Interfaceservicescreenswithaccesspanelinplace. amber STATUS LED will be lit and held continuously on untila NOTE: Blower motor faults will not cause a lockout of blower requestforoperatingmodeisreceived.TheSTATUSLEDwillbe operation.Theunitcontrolwillattempttoruntheblowermotoras onanytimeunitisinidlemode. long as User Interface maint
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Whenthemotoriscommandedto stop,theMOTORLED willbe 2. If symptoms persist, disconnect wiring harness at unit turned off. The MOTOR LED will not flash to indicate control board and check for a resistance value greater than communicationswhenitisturnedoff. 5000ohms. 3. Checkforproperwiringofresistorassembly. Unit control is constantly communicating with the motor, even when the motor and MOTOR LED are off. If motor does not 4. Makesureheatersizeinstalled isan approved size forunit acknowledge recei
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Check system wiring to be sure theUser Interfaceis poweredand NOTE: Once the compressor has started and then has stopped,it connectionsaremadeAtoA,BtoB,etc.,andwiringisnotshorted. should not be started again until 4 minutes have elapsed. The Mis--wiringorshortingoftheABCDcommunicationswiringwill cooling cycle remains “on” until the room temperature drops to notallowsuccessfulcommunications.Correctingwiringfaultswill point that is slightly below the cooling control setting of the user clearthecod