ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Model No. 831.287820
Serial No.
Write the serialnumberinthe space
abovefor futurereference.
/_. Sedal Number
EC) U l P Ivl E N T
1[o_ln =l_.lBi I Ee]lm _. _F.1
Read _1 precautions ari!_'i_'this man'iJai before using
thls equ pment. Keep'thisi_a_q -
al for future reference.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS FULL 90 DAY WARRANTY ............................................................... 2 IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ..................................................... ' ........ 3 BEFORE YOU BEGIN .................................................. ................. 4 ASSEMBLY ................ ........................................................... 5 HOW TO USE THE CARDIO PRO .......................................................... 8 MAINTENANCE ...............................
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ?/.ARNING:_To reduce the riskof serious'lnjury;,read the following important precautions_f_)_; PRO:i ........... 1; ItlSihe!_esponslbllity:ofthe,bwnerto.ensure 7. Never allow hi0re:than one Derson on the th=i_a [ _e_:of_e_C6F.p._O PRO_are_aa_ = CARDiO: PRO =:at_itlm_e_ :quate y_Infb_e._l_.f._l p_a._.!_ _apprgpriata Flotliing_!_en_exe_Islng P;_ =:2, Readall_Jns_ctlona:_In.:th s manual:;before! do not wear:!oose:cloth]ng_that:coulcl_'_-;_ 3. iP a_e the!CARDIO PRO 0na level su
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
BEFORE YOU BEGIN tions, please call our toll-free HELPLINE at 1-800-736- Thank you Ior selecting the PROFORIVP CARDIC) 6879, Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. until 7 P.m. PRO. The CARDIO PRO offers a gnique form of low- Central _me (excluding holidays). To help us assist impact ex,_rcise that uses both th._upper body and the you, please note the product model number and serial lower body for increased cardiovascular benefits and number when calling. The model number is greater tolling results. Fo
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
ASSEMBLY THE FOLLOWING TOOLS ARE REQUIRED FOR Before beginning assembly, carefully read the ASSEMBLY: following Information and instructions: • Place all parts in a cleared area and remove the • The included pedal tool packing materials; do not dispose of the packing materials until assembly is completed. • Your own phillips screwdriver • Read each assembly step before you begin. • Your own rubber mallet • Be sure that all pads are oriented as shown in • A small amount of lubricant, such as grea
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
. Press the two H_ndlebar Endcaps (13) onto the 3 Pedal Frame (7). Insert the Handlebar (2) into the Pedal Frame (7). Be sure that the Handlebar is tumed as shown. Attach the Handlebar to the Pedal Frame with four #8 x 1/2" Screws (16). 2 , 7 J ,3 4. Lubricate the indicated axles on the Pedal Frame (7). Slide a Pedal (12) onto each axle. Be sure that the Pedals are tamed so the rounded ends face away from the Pedal Frame. Using the included pedal tool, tap a 112" Push Nut (30) onto each of the a
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
6. Plug the Wire Hamess (28) into the jack on the 6 "" back of the Console (1) (see the inset drawing). Attach the Console (1) to the Frame (6) with four #8 x 112"Screws (16). = Plug the Power Cord (42) into the Power Plug (40) as shown. 42 7
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
HOW TO USE THE CARDIO PRO EXERCISING ON THE CARDIO PRO PLUGGING IN THE POWER CORD Be sure that the Power Cord (42) is plugged into the Sit on the seat, place your feet on the lower pedals, jack near the back of the CARDIO PRO (see assem- and hold the handlebar. Your hands can be positioned bly step 7 on page 7). Plug the transformer into a on the top, sides, or bottom of the handlebar, close together or far apart, or in an overhand or underhand 120-volt outleL Keep the power cord away from walk-
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
DIAGRAM OF THE CONSOLE Follow the steps below to operate the console: _ program ress SELECT or the PROGRAM MANUAL mode. to select a preset When the console is turned on, the MANUAL mode will be selected automatically, as shown by the green MANUAL mode indicator. (The MANUAL mode can also be selected by repeat- edly pressing the SELECT PROGRAM button.) select one of the SELECT four preset pro- PROGRAM grams, press the SELECT PRO- GRAM button. The red FAT BURN 1 program indicatorwill light. To sel
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
If you selected the MANUAL mode, you can • Calories--When this mode indicator appears, the number of adjust the pu._h and pull resistance levels at any time by sliding the PUSH and PULL resis- Calodes you tance controls. have burned dur- ing your workout If you selected a preset program, the positions will be displayed. of the PUSH and PULL resistance controls will Note: If the resis- determine the maximum resistance levels for tance levels are the program. Once the program is started, the near
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11
MAINTENANCE Inspect and tighten all parts of the CARDIO PRO regulady. The CARDIO PRO.can be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth. Keep liquids away from the console. Do not expose the console to direct sunlight or the display may be damaged. HOW TO LUBRICATE THE CARDIO PRO Every three months, a small amount of light multi-purpose oli should be applied to the CARDIO PRO. Apply a few drops of oil between the dome cape and the link arms In the locations shown at the dght. 11
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CONDITIONING GUIDELINES The following guidelines will help you to plan your Burning Fat exercise program. Remember that proper nutrition and adequate rest are essential for successful results. To bum fat effectively, you must exercise at a relative- ly low intensity level for a sustained period of time. WARNING: Before beginning this or any exercise During the first few minutes of exercise, your body uses easily accessible carbohydrate calories for ener- program, consult your physician. This is
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
To maintain or improve your cond!::on, complete three A csrdio';ascu_ar phase, including 20 to 30 minutes workouts each week, with at least one day of rest of exercise with your heart rate in your training zone. between workouts. After a few months of regular exer- cise, you may complete u.pto five workouts .each A cool-down phase consisting of 5 to 10 min.uteso7 stretching. Thorough stretching offsets muscle contr_.c- week, if desired. Find the best time of day for your workouts, and then stick
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
PART LIST--Model No. 831.287820 R0496A Key No. Qty. PartN<_. Description Key.No. Qty. Part No. Description 1 1 124885 Console 27 1 113349 Magnet/Retainer 2 1 128564 Handlebar 28 1 127594 Wire Hamess 3 1 127437 Seat 29 "12 128355 1/2" Dome Cap 4 2 129678 UnkArm, 30 *4 012155 112"Push Nut 5 1 129677 Seat Frame 31 2 129917 Motor Mount Plate 6 • 1 NSP Frame 32 5 127804 Slide Bushing 7 1 129676 Pedal Frame 33 6 013322 #8 x 3/4" Screw 6 4 127105 Round Endcap 34 4 013244 1/4" Tap Screw 9 1 129680 Compr
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
EXPLODED DRAWING--Model No. 831.287820 Ro496A 2 3 4 12 11 21 22 29 29 32 34 35 38., 16 3c 8 24 o 29...._. °o"° 20 4O 15
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16
6E AR8 The model number and sedal number of your PROFORM" GARDIO PRO are listed on a decal attached to the frame. See the front cover Model No. 831.287820 of this manual to find the location of the decal. All replacement pads are available for immediate purchase or special order when you visit your nearest SEARS Service Center. To request service or to order parts by telephone, call the toll-free num- bers listed at the left. When requesting help or service, or ordering pads, please be pre- QUES