ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
C CO ONT NTE ENT NTS S COaChi Ng Tip: Shi Eldi Ng To protect the ball from your marker, release the left stick and hold the R button. Your 1 COplm ETE CONTr Ol S 20 SEaSONS player moves between his marker and the ball and tries to hold him off. 14 g am Elp ay: Tip S aNd Tr iCk S 20 Car EEr 15 SETTiNg Up Th E g am E 23 Ski ll g am ES Sh OOTiNg 16 p la yiNg Th E g am E 23 ONl iNE A Shoot/Volley/Header ® 17 Ea Sp Or TS FOOTBal l Cl UB 24 p lay STaTiON O m vE Finesse/Placed shot E + A m aTC h d ay
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
Cr OSSiNg SET p iECES F Cross (hold to determine distance) d ir ECT Fr EE k iCk Low cross (within cross zone) F (double tap) Aim left stick Z/X Ground cross (within cross zone) F (triple tap) A Curled shot (hold for increased power) Early cross (outside cross zone) Q + F Driven shot (hold for increased power) Q + A Early low cross (outside cross zone) Q + F (double tap) High pass/Cross (hold for increased power) F Early ground cross (outside cross zone) Q + F (triple tap) Add spin to ball (while
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
iNdir ECT Fr EE k iCk/ gO al k iCk COaChi Ng Tip: pEN al TiES Aim left stick Aiming: By default, you start aiming at the middle of the goal. From the moment you start High pass/Cross (hold for increased power) F powering up for a shot, you can move the left stick to aim anywhere inside the goal. The S Ground pass longer you hold the left stick in any particular direction, the farther your shot goes in that direction. Be careful with how long you hold the left stick, as letting go too soon res
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
TaCTiCS The following moves can be executed when holding W and while a player is standing or jogging. CB joins attack C button, X button Swap wings C button, Z button Body feint right right stick X (flick) 2 Star Offside trap C button, C button Body feint left right stick Z (flick) 2 Star Team Press C button, V button Body feint exits left stick (hold in any direction after 2 Star Decrease attacking mentality Z button a body feint) Increase attacking mentality X button right stick C, I, X Ste
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
STaNdi Ng Or J Ogg iNg m OvES (CONT.) JUggli Ng ( STaNdi Ng ONly ) Heel chop right (jogging right stick U (flick), right stick U (flick) 4 and 5 Star Advanced flick up E (tap) 5 Star only) Laces flick up E (hold) 5 Star Scoop turn left (standing right stick O (flick), right stick O (flick) 4 and 5 Star only) Juggling E (tap repeatedly) 1 Star Scoop turn right right stick U (flick), right stick U (flick) 4 and 5 Star left stick V (hold) + E Sombrero flick back 5 Star (standing only) Sombrero fli
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
FiNiShi Ng m OvES (CONT.) USEr C ONTr Oll Ed C El EBra TiONS Bow Q (hold) + right stick C (flick), V (flick) To perform a signature celebration press the S button, or hold the W button + the R Head shake Q (hold) + right stick Z (flick), X (flick) button + the S button to perform a pay respect celebration. You can skip UCC by pressing the Q button + the E button. Standing arm sweep Q (hold) + right stick X (flick), Z (flick) Arms to crowd Q (hold) + right stick C (flick), C (flick) rUNN iN g m
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
Car EEr a Nd O Nli NE p r O UNl OCka Bl E FiNiShi Ng m OvES Ea Sp Or TS™ FOOTBal l Cl UB UNl OCka Bl E FiNiShi Ng m OvES Slide on back E (hold) + F (double tap) If I catch you R (hold) + N Flying dive E (hold) + right stick C (hold) Why always me E (hold) + D (double tap) Karate kicks E (hold) + right stick X (hold) Surfer E (hold) + right stick Z (hold) Jump kick Muscle flex E (hold) + right stick V (hold) E (hold) + right stick C (flick), V (flick) Ice skating E (hold) + right stick V (flick),
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
lpp aly aiyi N Ngg T Thh E E gg a amm E E NEW TaCTiCal Fr EE k iCk S You can now call a second and third kick taker during a free kick. Each kick taker can pass, shoot, or run over the ball. Utilize dummy runs and lay off passes to create dangerous and g am E SCr EEN unpredictable free kicks. Opponents can counter by adding or subtracting players to the wall, Score creeping the wall forward, or sending a bullet man to intercept the pass or block the shot. For Match free kicks that are fa
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
NE NEW W E Ea a S Spp O Or r T TS F S FO OO OT TB Ba al l l C l Cl l U UB B F Fi iF Fa a U Ul l T Ti ia a mm TE TE T TE Ea amm mm a aT TC C hh dd a ay y Join the millions of fans who have built their club in FIFA Ultimate Team. FIFA Ultimate Team is a massive online community of football fans from around the globe, building their own dream EA SPORTS Football Club Match Day introduces regular updates with real world data, stats, and squads and competing in Tournaments, Seasons, and in our g
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NE NEW W S SE Ea aS SO ON NS S m aNagi N y g OUr S qUad S The most popular mode in FIFA is back for FIFA 13! Play with any club you want in 10-game The Squad screen is where you manage your players, give players contracts, improve their online seasons, with the goal of reaching promotion and climbing up the divisions. Can you fitness and morale, and optimize your teams’ chemistry. reach Division 1? There are now all-new Division Titles, which exist in each division. Not only is promotion
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Cr EaTE a p r O Cap TaiN/FiTNESS/FOr m/ mO r al E Create a player and grow over the seasons with over 500 accomplishments. Each player you The decisions you make in Career Mode can have a direct effect on the morale of your players, create has his own individual journey, enabling you to play multiple player careers in different leading to a change in their performance on the pitch. Form and energy also play a big part in positions and play for different clubs. your team’s performance, so vie
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
® ® NE NEW W NE NEW W S Skikil ll l gg am am E ES S pp llay ay S ST Ta aT TiiO ON N mm O Ov vE E ® Skill games are all about learning football skills of from beginner to expert level. There are eight Become the conductor with the PlayStation Move motion controller and use this unique control skills to master, each with Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Skill Challenge levels. Can you become method to take control of teammates and trace run paths for them. legendary in all the skills? Compare your h
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
dEFEN di Ng E h l S p Cr EEN Conservative tackle/Contain Move button (hold to contain) ® You can view the PlayStation Move button commands in the pre-match settings screens Mark a man T button and point the motion controller at under Button Help. You can also view them in the pause menu within SETTINGS > MOTION an opponent CONTROLLER HELP. Here you can view Button Help, Skill Moves, and Celebrations. S Switch player Slide tackle A p aUSE m ENU CEl EBr aTiON Press the START button on a motion
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
O OT Thh E Er r gg a amm E E mm O Odd E ES S qUiCk Ta CTiCS To use your tactics on-the-fly in games you must assign them to the directional buttons. To do TOUr Nam ENTS this, select QUICK TACTICS on the Team Management screen, choose a directional button, and press the S button. Then select your new tactic and press S again to assign it to your chosen The crowning glory of reaching the top of a tournament reigns in the anticipation and direction. excitement of both players and football fans
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my m y F FiiF Fa a 1 13 3 rE lp ay Th EaTr E Both online and offline saved replays and highlights are stored here. Press the D button to upload favorites to www.easportsfootball.com. vid EO Ulp Oad Share your moments of glory—or shame—with the rest of the world by uploading your videos to EA SPORTS Football World. To capture footage of your skills, pause the game and select INSTANT REPLAY. To set a keyframe, press the C button, and press the Z button/X button to move it to your desired posi