ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
CoMpleTe ConTrols
Y button
X button
B button
left stick
A button
BACK button
START button
directional pad right stick
Xbox Guide
Move character
Lock target
Rotate camera
Center camera
Change target
Take default action (attack, talk, open, etc.)
Use battle menu shortcut //
Open radial menu/Pause
(pull and hold)
Switch to secondary battle menu shortcut
(pull and hold)
Previous party member
Next party member
Select full party
Open area map
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
CharaCTer ConTrol Main MenU and control character movement and camera movement, respectively. If you have multiple party The main menu is mostly self-explanatory. To begin playing, select NEW GAME; to resume your game in the members, switch among them by pressing or , or select your whole party at once by pressing and future, select LOAD GAME; or to load your most recent saved game, select RESUME. simultaneously. In the radial menu (pull ), order your party members to hold their
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CreaTinG haWke iMporTinG The eVenTs oF Varric, our narrator, has told this story once or twice before. He has a certain way of remembering Hawke DraGon aGe: oriGins that, er, might not be wholly consistent with the facts. After all, who would you find to contradict him? A few minutes into Varric’s retelling, his interrogator demands more specifics. Did Hawke truly look as Varric But there are a few basics for which even Varric can’t get away with lies. You can’t say that a woman was actually
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Indicates that Hawke will flirt or pursue deeper romance. FrienDship anD riValry Hawke’s companions have their own agendas and will react to major decisions. When they support Indicates that Hawke will permanently end a romance or turn down a proposition. Hawke’s decisions, they move toward friendship; when they disagree, they move toward rivalry. Rivalry is not necessarily bad; it still indicates that Hawke’s relationship with the companion is deepening, albeit in a confrontational direction
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Dexterity a ctivated a bilities Dexterity increases damage and attack values for rogues. For all classes, it increases the likelihood of The most common talents or spells are those marked “activated,” indicated by a diamond icon. These landing a critical hit. abilities vary widely—some are offensive strikes against one or more enemies, whereas others provide positive effects to the character or other companions. Some activated abilities last for only a second, while others remain active for a
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injuries CoMbaT So long as at least one party member survives a fight, those who fell in combat revive themselves once all The core combat mechanic in Dragon Age II is simple: a combatant’s attack percentage is the chance that enemies are dead—but they sustain injuries that reduce their health pool. At most difficulty settings, it is a basic attack will hit an opponent, whereas the combatant’s defense percentage is the chance to evade a possible for each character to sustain multiple cumulat
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Dodging elemental resistances A few abilities and effects provide a percentage chance to dodge attacks. Dodging is similar to defense, Each type of elemental damage is counteracted by a specific resistance in the same way that armor except that it is absolute. Whereas defense can be overcome with a high attack score, a chance to dodge counteracts physical damage. For example, characters with 10% fire resistance suffer 10% less fire applies regardless of the aggressor’s attack score. damage. As
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label eXplanaTion label eXplanaTion 1 Information notification 11 Ground ring to identify characters (if enabled in Gameplay Options screen) 2 Character taking damage (red fog) 12 Current target’s name/health Mini-map of area 3 Currently controlled character 13 4 Fallen character (p. 11) 14 Sustained modes affecting character 5 Level-up notification (p. 7) 15 Battle menu with secondary shortcuts behind primary shortcuts 6 Character’s current action 16 Usable item and quantity in inventory (p. 21
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For Ce an D For TiTUDe Two-h anded Weapon Basic attacks and many spells or talents produce physical or elemental force. Every combatant has a Warriors who heft two-handed weapons attack relatively slowly, but hit every enemy in the front third of the specific level of force they can withstand, based on fortitude, which is determined by a character’s strength warrior’s personal space with a single swing. The two-handed school of weapon talents includes several attribute, and maximum health, whi
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Cross-Class Co Mbos Dispel Each class has a special status effect that can set up a cross-class combo, in which a character of one class Dispel effects cancel persistent hostile magic, which usually means forcibly deactivating sustained uses a talent or spell to hinder an enemy with the effect before a character of another class exploits it using modes. This affects both magic that improves enemies’ combat capabilities and magic that hampers another talent or spell. This produces a tremendou
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behavior iTeMs The Behavior menu at the top of the Tactics screen controls the character’s general approach to combat, like There are hundreds of unique items in Dragon Age II, corresponding to five major groups—equippable items when to attack, what distance to try to keep from enemies, when to give chase, and when to switch between like weapons, armor, or accessories, usable items like health potions, runes that can enchant weapons or ranged and melee weapons. Essentially, behaviors are gen
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ConTainers/looT CraFTinG Whenever an object in the world or an enemy corpse is shimmering, it contains items that you can pick up, Skilled craftsmen are constantly looking for new varieties of the resources they use in their trades. If Hawke presuming you’re able to open the container and have space in your inventory. Many doors and chests are discovers resources in the wild, along with a recipe for how to use those resources, craftsmen will happily locked when you find them. To open a lock, y
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programming Marketing CreDiTs Audio Programmers: Andrew Butcher, Carson Fee, Worldwide Director of Marketing: David S. Silverman David Streat Senior Director of Marketing, Europe: Maria Sayans Graphics Programmers: Andreas Papathanasis (Lead), Advertising: Dana Marineau, Dustin Shekell, Leslie Shinn audio, localization, bioWare Chris Michael Smith, Cody Watts, Keith Yerex Online: Derek Larke (Manager), Jeff Marvin, Jesse Reid, and external resources Localization Programmers: Chris Christou, Jef
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Additional Voices: Jocelyn Ahlf, Robin Atkin Downes, Mastering: Rubén Del Pozo Moreno, Tomas Pedreño information s ystems Corporate l eadership Rachel Atkins, April Banigan, Mark Bazeley, Riley Beach, Recording: Bruno Dos Santos Pereira, Daniel Harty Oliver Bee, Tim Bentinck, Kate Binchy, Shannon Blanchet, Chief Executive Officer: John Riccitiello and Facilities Localization Testing: Hugo Rivalland (Project Manager), Kellie Bright, Lora Brovold, Charlie Cameron, Clinton Carew, Chief Operating
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Voice-Over Direction: Phil Evans, Damien Goodwin, eXTernal Ginny McSwain liMiTeD 90-Day WarranTy Voice-Over Post-Production: Wave Generation (Montreal), parTners Wolf Willow Sound (Edmonton) electronic arts limited Warranty Voice-Over Recording: Anakan GmbH (Germany), Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the recording medium on which the software program(s) are recorded (the “Recording Medium”) and the documentation that is included with this product (the “M