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INDEX Page Operating Instructions...................................................................... 1-6 Setting the Clock .............................................................................. 7 Frequency Step Switch .................................................................... 7 CD Changer Controls .......................................................................8-9 CD Changer Error Codes ................................................................. 10 Specification
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OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS u b n d n c q c 1 3 cl br bt bs8obm c blcr P-3 P-1 P-2 2 qbpc oc 99 m d 9 ctcs n b od mbu cdl pb 1 ON/OFF POWER BUTTON 3 SELECT BUTTON (SEL) Pressthisbuttontoturntheunitonoroff. This button is used to select the audio function (volume, bass, treble, balance, or fade) to be adjusted using the Level Control 2 VOLUME / LEVEL CONTROL 2 . Pressing the Select button once will set the unit for bass To increase the volume level, press the VOL + button. The adjustment (BAS. will
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press the + or - button of the Level Control 2 to adjust the 7 FRONT/REAR FADER CONTROL bassresponseasdesired. Thebasslevelwillbeshownonthe To adjust the front-rear speaker balance, first select the Fader displaypanelfromaminimumof-9toamaximumof+9(0isflat mode by pressing the Select button3 so that the FAD. indi- response). The display will automatically return to the normal cationappearsonthedisplaypanel. Within5secondsofchoos- indication 5 seconds after the last adjustment or when another in
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pressthepre-setbutton(1through3)tobesetandcontinue bnAUTOMATICSCANTUNING (SCN) to hold it in. After approximately 2 seconds, the volume will During radio operation, press this button to scan stations, stop- bemomentarilymutedandthepre-setnumberwillappearon ping at each station for 5 seconds before continuing to the next thedisplaypanelindicatingthattheaudiolevelsarenowset station (the frequency will flash during this time). When a de- into that memory position. The settings can be recalled at si
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bpSTATIONPRE-SETMEMORIES thesideofthetapebeingplayed,theunitwillautomaticallychange Tosetanyofthe6pre-setmemoriesineachband,usethefollow- directionofplayasshownbythearrowindicationsonthedisplay ingprocedure: panel. 1.Turntheradioonandselectthedesiredband. 2.Selectthefirststationtobepre-setusingtheManualUp/Down NOTE: Observe cassette operation cautions in the Care and orAutomaticSeekTuningControlsbm . Maintenancesectionofthismanual. 3. Press the pre-set button to be set and continue to hold it in
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coTHEFT-DETERRENTL.E.D. Located on the chassis behind the front panel, a light-emitting wasinoperationpriortocassetteplay. diode(L.E.D.)willflashwhenthepanelisremoved. Theflashing NOTE: Neverleaveacassetteengagedintheplayerwhennot lightservesasavisualwarningtothewould-bethiefthattheunit in use. Doing so can cause damage to the cassette hasbeendisabledbyremovalofthefrontpanel. and/or mechanism of the unit. Always press the eject button and remove the cassette before removing the cpRE-SETBUTTON de
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cq FRONTPANELRELEASEBUTTON DETACHINGTHEFRONTPANEL Thisknobisusedtoreleasethemechanismthatholdsthefront paneltothechassis. Todetachthefrontpanel,pressthebutton sothattheleftsideofthepanelisreleased. Graspthereleased sideandpullitoffofthechassis. Tore-attachthepanel,position the right side of the panel in place first and then press the left sideofthepaneluntilthemechanismlocksitintoplace. Release Button NOTESONUSEOFFRONTPANEL 1.Makesurethefrontpanelisright-side-upwhenattaching it to the chassis as
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SETTINGTHECLOCK 1.Turnthevehicleignitionandradioon. 2. Press and hold the Time/Frequency Selector buttoncn approximately 2 seconds until the time displaybeginsflashingonthedisplaypanel. 3. Within5secondsafterthetimedisplaybeginsflashing,presstheManualDownTuningbutton ( )toadjustthehoursandtheManualUpTuningbutton( )toadjusttheminutestothecorrect time. 4. Five seconds after the last hour or minute adjustment is made, the time will be set in the unit and normaloperationcanresume. FREQUENCYSTEPSWI
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CDCHANGERCONTROLS cs&ctDISCSELECT(+-) BuiltintothisradioarecontrolstooperateanoptionalCDchanger. These buttons are used to select the desired disc for play. To Please check with your Prestige car stereo specialist for recom- advance to a higher number disc, press the + buttoncs.To mendationsofthemodelsthatwillworkwiththisradio. returntoalowernumberdisc,pressthe-buttonct. Thenum- berofthediscinplaywillbeshownonthedisplaypanel. Adjustment of the audio functions (volume, tone, balance, and fader)fo
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dmTRACK/DISCSHUFFLE(SHF) doTRACK/DISCSCAN(SCN) When the Shuffle button is pressed, the SHF indication will ap- When the Scan button is pressed, the SCAN indication will ap- pearonthedisplaypanelandthetracksonthediscwillbeplayed pear on the display panel, and the first 10 seconds of each track in a random, shuffled order. TheTrack Select buttons cu will onthediscwillbeplayedinorder(thetracknumberonthedisplay alsoselecttracksintheshuffledorderinsteadofthenormalpro- panel will flash during Scan mod
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CDCHANGERERRORCODES If a problem should develop while operating the CD changer, the following error codes may be appear on the displaypanel. EJET: Indicates that there is no magazine loaded in the CD changer. ER-1: Indicatesabnormaldiscchangerfunction. PresstheRe- Setbuttoncptotrytoclearthemicroprocessorandre- turntonormaloperation. ER-3: Indicates excessive temperature conditions at the CD changer. The error sign will go off and play will resume whenthetemperatureatthechangerreturnstoanormal ra
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SPECIFICATIONS Size: 7"W x 2"H x 6"D 178mm x 50mm x 154mm OperatingVoltage: 12voltsDC,negativeground OutputPower: 100 watts maximum (25wattsx4channels) Output Wiring: Floating-groundtypedesignedfor4speakeruse. CANNOTbeusedwith2speakers. RCAlow-leveloutputs Compatiblewith4-8ohmspeakers OutputImpedance: 500mv. Low-LevelOutput: AM: 530-1,720KHz.(10KHz.step) TuningRange: 522 - 1,602 KHz. ( 9 KHz. step) FM: 87.5-107.9MHz.(200KHz.step) 87.5 - 108.0 MHz. ( 100 KHz. step) Sensitivity: AM: 20 uv FM: 1.5
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CAREANDMAINTENANCE Theradioportionofyournewsoundsystemdoesnotrequireanymaintenance. Werecommendyoukeepthismanualfor future reference of the many features found in this unit. As with any cassette player, the cassette section of this sound system does require a minimum of maintenance to keep it in good working condition. The following simple care and maintenance suggestions should be followed to prevent malfunctions of the cassette system. CASSETTE CARE: 1. Purchaseacassettecleaningkitfromyourloca
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12 / 24 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY Applies to automotive radios, radio/tape players, radio/CD players, CD changers, power amplifiers, equalizers and accessories. AUDIOVOXCORPORATION(theCompany)warrantstotheoriginalretailpurchaserofthisproductthatshouldthisproductoranypartthereof, under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship within 12 months from the date of original purchase, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced with new or reconditioned product (at the Comp
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©1999 Audiovox Corporation, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 PrintedinChina FormNo.128-4805B