ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instru
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IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS WARNING: This unit can be dangerous! Careless or improper use can cause serious injury. WARNING: Read the operator’s manual before use. Failure to follow instructions could result in serious injury to the operator and/or bystanders. Save operator’s manual. Trimmer line can throw objects violently. You can be blinded or injured. Always wear safety glasses marked Z87. Always wear hearing protection. We recommend the use of head protection, heavy, long pants, long slee
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IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS Hazard zone for thrown objects. Trimmer line throws objects violently. You and others can be blinded/injured. Keep children, bystanders, and animals 50 feet (15 meters) away. WARNING: Fire hazard. Never mix, pour, or store gasoline or use the unit near a flame or sparks (including smoking, open flames, or work that can cause sparks). To stop the engine, push and hold the STOP switch in the STOP position until the engine stops. Location of idle speed adjustment
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IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS Startingsymbols Press primer bulb 10 times firmly (first push will move the primer bulb slightly creating a “click” sound). While holding the unit in starting position, pull starter rope handle rapidly until engine starts. SAFETYRULES Alwayswearfootprotection. Donotgobare- WARNING: When using gardening foot or wear sandals. Stay clear of spinning appliances,basicsafetyprecautionsmustal- line. waysbefollowedtoreducetheriskoffireand Securehairaboveshoulderlength.
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Have all maintenance and service not ex- TRANSPORTINGANDSTORAGE plainedinthismanualperformedbyanautho- Allowenginetocool; secureunit beforestor- rized service dealer. ing or transporting in vehicle. Empty the fuel tank before storing or trans- FUELSAFETY portingtheunit.Useupfuelleftinthecarbure- Mix and pour fuel outdoors. torbystartingtheengineandlettingitrununtil Keep away from sparks or flames. it stops. Use a container approved for fuel. Store unit and fuel in areawhere fuelvap
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2. Rotatethehandleontheshafttoanupright position; retighten wing nut. Upper Shaft ADJUSTINGTHEHANDLE (ModelsW25CBK,W25CFK, Grooves W25SBK,W25SFK) Lower Shaft CAUTION: When adjusting the assist han- dle,besure itremains abovethe upperlock- ingsleeveandbelowthemarkorarrowonthe shaft. 1. Loosen wing nut on handle. 2. Rotatethehandleontheshafttoanupright position; retighten wing nut. ATTACHINGSHIELD 2. Pushthetwoshaftstogetheruntilthelower CAUTION: The shield must be properly shaft is fully seated i
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OPERATION KNOWYOURTRIMMER READTHISINSTRUCTIONMANUALANDSAFETYRULESBEFOREOPERATINGYOURUNIT. Comparetheillustrationswithyourunittofamiliarizeyourselfwiththelocationofthevariouscontrols and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. Models: Models: Muffler Shaft W25CB,W25CF, W25CBK,W25CFK, W25CBK,W25CFK W25SBK,W25SFK Assist Handle Locking Sleeve Trimmer Assembly Head Shield Throttle Trigger Line Limiter Blade Primer Bulb Spark Plug Models: STOP Switch W25SB,W25SF, W25SBK,W25SFK Shaft Trimme
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Always readandfollowthesafety rulesrelating tofuelbeforefuelingyourunit.Purchasefuelin quantities that can be used within 30 days to Primer assure fuel freshness. Bulb CAUTION: Never use straight gasoline in your unit. This will cause permanent engine damageandvoidthelimitedwarranty.Donot use alternatefuels such as ethanol blends above 10% by volume (E-15, E-85) or any methanolblendedfuel.Useofthesefuelscan cause major engine performance and dura- bility problems. Starter Handle HELPFULTIP Ifyou
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Alwaysreleasethethrottletriggerandallowthe OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS enginetoreturntoidle speedwhen notcutting. Itis recommendedthattheenginenotbeoper- To stop engine: ated for longer than 1 minute at full throttle. Release the throttle trigger. OPERATINGPOSITIONS Push and hold the STOP switch in the ModelsW25CB,W25CF,W25CBK, STOP position until the engine stops. W25CFK: TRIMMERLINEADVANCE ALWAYSWEAR: (ModelsW25CB,W25SB,W25CBK, W25SBK) Hearing protection Eye protection Thetrimmerlinewilladvancea
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The line will easily remove grass and Scalping weedsfromaroundwalls,fences,treesand flower beds, but it also can cut the tender barkoftrees orshrubs andscarfences.To help avoid damage especially to delicate vegetation or trees with tender bark, shorten line to 4--5 inches (10--13 cm) and use at less than full throttle. For trimming or scalping, useless thanfull throttle to increase line life and decrease head wear, especially: During light duty cutting. MOWING -- Yourtrimmer is ideal formo
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INSPECTANDCLEANUNITAND MUFFLERANDSPARKARREST- LABELS INGSCREEN After each use, inspect complete unit for Asyourunitisused,carbondepositsbuildup loose or damaged parts. Clean the unit and on the muffler and spark arresting screen. labels using a damp cloth with a mild deter- For normal homeowner use, however, the gent. mufflerandsparkarrestingscreenwillnotre- Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth. quire any service. After 50 hours of use, we recommend that CLEANAIRFILTER your muffler be servic
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5. Wind the line evenly and tightly onto the 5. Pullendsoflineuntillineistight.Correctly spool.Windinthedirectionofthearrows installed line will be the same length on found on the spool. both ends. 6. Pushthelinesintothenotches,leaving3 REPLACINGTHETRIMMERHEAD to 5 inches (7 -- 12 cm) unwound. (ModelsW25CB,W25SB,W25CBK, 7. Insert the lines into the the exit holes in the hub as shown in the illustration. W25SBK) 8. Alignthenotches withthelineexitholes. 1. Hold the dust cup with a wrench tokeep 9.
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Makeadjustments withtheunitsupportedso Idle Speed Screw the cutting attachment is off the ground and willnotmakecontactwithanyobject.Holdthe unitbyhandwhilerunningandmakingadjust- ments. Keepallpartsofyourbodyawayfrom the cutting attachment and muffler. Toadjustidlespeed: Start engine and allow to warm up 4--5 minutes while heavy cutting, or 10--15 minutes moderate cutting. Allow engine to idle. Adjust speed until engine runs without stalling (idle speed too slow). Turn idle speed screw clockw
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TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectsparkplugbeforeperformingallofthe recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not 1. Engine flooded. 1. See “Starting a Flooded Engine” in start. Operation Section. 2. Fuel tank empty. 2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture. 3. Spark plug not firing. 3. Install new spark plug. 4. Fuel not reaching 4. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace. carburetor. Check for kinked or spl
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In Canada, contact: SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW WEEDEATER LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED 850 Matheson Blvd. West WARRANTY LASTS OR THE EXCLUSION Mississauga, Ontario L5V 0B4 OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE Giving the model number, serial number and ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION MAY dateofpurchaseofyourproductandthename NOT APPLY TO YOU. and address of the authorized dealer from whom it was purchased. This is a limitedwarranty withinthe meaningof thattermasdefinedi
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fectof“repairorreplaceasnecessary”shallbe center, call Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor warranted for 2 years. Any warranted part Products N.A., Inc., USA: 1--800--487--5951, which is scheduled for replacement as re- Canada: 1--800--805--5523, emission.warranty quiredmaintenanceshallbewarrantedforthe @HCOP--emission.com. WHERE TO GET period of time up to the first scheduled re- WARRANTY SERVICE: Warranty services or placement point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: repairsshallbeprovidedatallHusqvarnaCon- The
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IDENTIFICACIÓNDELOSSÍMBOLOSDESEGURIDAD ADVERTENCIA: ¡Esteaparatopuedeserpeligrosa!Eluso descuidadooindebidodeestaherramientapuedecausargravesheridas. ADVERTENCIA: Leaelmanualdeinstruccionesantesdeusar. Noseguirlasinstruccionespodíacausargravesheridastantoaloperador comoaotraspersonas.Guardeelmanualdeinstrucciones. Lalíneadecortearrojaobjetosviolenta- mente.Losobjetosarrojadospuedence- garlooherirloaustedyaterceros.Use siempreanteojosdeseguridadmarcarcon Z87.Usesiempreproteccióndeoídos. Serecomie
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IDENTIFICACIÓNDELOSSÍMBOLOSDESEGURIDAD Zonadepeligroporobjetosarrojadosalaire. Lalíneadecortearrojaobjetosviolentamente. Los objetos arrojados pueden cegarlo o herirlo a ustedyaterceros. Mantengaapersonasyanimales15metros(50pies) alejadosdelazonadetrabajo. ADVERTENCIA:Riesgodeincendios.Nuncamezcle,vierta,o almaceneel combustibleoutiliceelaparatocercadellamasofuentes dechispas(inclusiveloscigarrillos,lasllamasabiertas,ycualquiertra- bajoquecausechispas). Paradetenerelmotor,empujeysostengael
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IDENTIFICACIÓNDELOSSÍMBOLOSDESEGURIDAD Symboles de arranque Presioneelbombeador10vecesconfirmeza(laprimerapresionemoverá elbombeadorlevemente,yseescucharaunsonidode“clic”). Mientrasmantieneelaparatoenposicióndearranquecomosemuestra, tiredelmangodelacuerdadearranquerápidamentehastaque arranqueelmotor,peronotiredelacuerdamásde10veces. REGLASDESEGURIDAD ponibles). Laprotecciónparalosojosdebe ADVERTENCIA: Al usar cualquier estarmarcadaZ87. herramientadefuerzadejardinería,deberánob- Siempreutilizep
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Haga el mantenimiento del aparato de Mantengatodaslaspartesdelcuerpoaleja- acuerdo a los procedimientos recomend- das de la línea girante y del silenciador. ados. Mantenga la línea de corte el largo Mantengaelmotorpordebajodelniveldela aprodiado. cintura.Elsilenciadorpuedecausargraves Usesolamentelíneadecortedelamarca quemadurascuandoestácaliente. WEEDEATERrecomendados.Nuncause Modelos W25CB, W25CF, W25CBK, alambre,soga,hilo,etc. W25CFK: Cortesiempredederechaa Instalelaprotectorrequeri