Network Technologies RACKMUX-V15-8UNV دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Network Technologies RACKMUX-V15-8UNV

جهاز: Network Technologies RACKMUX-V15-8UNV
فئة: يُحوّل
الصانع: Network Technologies
مقاس: 0.93 MB
مضاف: 11/17/2014
عدد الصفحات: 35
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  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Network Technologies RACKMUX-V15-8UNV على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

NETWORK 1275 Danner Dr Tel:330-562-7070
TECHNOLOGIES Aurora, OH 44202 Fax:330-562-1999



KVM Drawer with Universal KVM Switch
Installation and Operation Manual

MAN089 Rev Date 10/23/2007

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

TRADEMARK RACKMUX is a registered trademark of Network Technologies Inc in the U.S. and other countries. COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2007 by Network Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Network Technologies Inc, 1275 Danner Drive, Aurora, Ohio 44202. CHANGES Th

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................1 Models Available.......................................................................................................................................................1 Types of CPUs Supported ...........................................................................................................

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Translation Capabilities ..........................................................................................................................................28 Translation Tables ..................................................................................................................................................28 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................................29

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch INTRODUCTION The RACKMUX-V15-8UNV (RACKMUX) is a KVM Drawer with Universal KVM Switch that combines a rackmount 15" TFT/ LCD monitor, keyboard, touchpad mouse, an 8-port Universal KVM switch (NODEMUX) in a space-saving 1RU industrial strength drawer with wrist pads. The RACKMUX is equipped with a built-in switch function, which allows control of up to eight (8) Windows or SUN-enabled CPUs with a single keyboard, touchpad and monitor. When acc

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch MATERIALS Materials supplied with this kit: • NTI RACKMUX-V15/17-4/8UNV KVM Drawer with Universal KVM Switch • Line cord, country specific • set of keys for keylock • 2 Rear Mounting Brackets w/nuts • 8 #10-32x3/4” screws and cage nuts for mounting to a rack • CD with a pdf of this manual Materials Not supplied but REQUIRED: • A set of 2 cables for each CPU being connected to the switch: • PS/2 CPU to Switch - VEXT-xx-MM for

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 Fn A 1 12 13 7 8 9 10 15 Front View 14 RACKMUX-V15-8UNV 16 17 18 19 20 21 Rear View RACKMUX-V15-8UNV FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS 1. Power Button- press to turn the LCD monitor ON and OFF 2. Power LED- Indicates operation status Green = Power-ON, Video Input Signal OK Red = Suspend / Stand-by, or no Video Inp

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch INSTALLATION Rack Mounting Instructions The RACKMUX was designed to be mounted to a rack and includes mounting flanges to make attachment easy. 1. Determine the mounting height in the rack for the drawer. It should be a height comfortable to use the keyboard and see the LCD display. Mark holes in each of the 4 corner cabinet rails at points all level with each other. 2. Secure the rear brackets to the rear rack cabinet rails.

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch • PS/2 CPU- Connect a PS/2 CPU video port using a VEXT-xx-MM cable between a VIDEOx port on the NODEMUX and the CPU. Connect the PS/2 CPU keyboard and mouse ports using a VKTINT-xx-MM cable between a CPUx port on the NODEMUX and the CPU. (See Fig.2.) Rear View of NODEMUX in RACKMUX-V15-8UNV CPU 8 CPU 6 CPU 5 CPU 7 VIDEO VIDEO 8 4 7 3 6 2 5 1 CPU 4 CPU 3 CPU 2 CPU 1 NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES INC 1275 Danner Dr

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch 4. Connect the remaining input device and monitor interface cables from each CPU, making sure that cables from the each CPU are connected to the NODEMUX switch at connectors with the same port numbers ("CPU 1" and "VIDEO 1 connectors, "CPU 2" and "VIDEO 2" connectors...etc. ) 5. Connect the power cord to the IEC connector. IEC Connectxor Rear View of NODEMUX in RACKMUX-V15-8UNV CPU 8 CPU 6 CPU 5 CPU 7

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch USING THE RACKMUX Once the RACKMUX is properly connected, the NODEMUX will enable a connection to be made between the attached CPUs and the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The NODEMUX can be controlled by three methods: • keyboard control through Command Mode • mouse clicks from within some menus of Command Mode • RS232 control from a remote terminal Keyboard Control Keyboard control of the NODEMUX is achieved using Command Mode - op

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch When a standard user powers up the system a security screen will appear if security has been enabled by the administrator. The user will need to login to the switch by following the instructions below for the USER LOGIN. If the user does not know the appropriate user name and password (setup by the administrator), contact the switch administrator for this information. Once logged-in a user can follow the Command Mode functions describ

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Administration Mode (Cont'd) Function: Keystroke: (xxx from 000 to 255. i.e. T002 (0-2) (0-9) (0-9) Selects the idle time in minutes would set the time-out period T - - - x x x for 2 minutes. 000 will disable it) Exit Administration Mode and return to previous mode Esc Switch Configuration Switch Configuration enables the administrator to configure the NODEMUX to be used as a stand alone switch or as one of the swit

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Administrator Password To change the administrator password press from the Administration Mode menu. The administrator is able to change the administrator password as needed (see Fig. 9). Two edit fields are available, one for password, the other for verify password. The password can be up to 13 characters in length. Note: The default password for the administrator is ADMINISTRATOR.

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch System Access List The System Access List (accessible from the User Name List- page 10) displays a list of numbers representing the ports. From this screen the administrator can change access rights to the ports for the selected user. The user’s name is displayed at the top of the access list for reference. The mouse is used to change access rights by clicking on a given number to toggle a port’s status. A user that has access to a port c

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Figure 11- Command Mode menus Command Mode (Cont'd) Function: Keystroke: (xxx from 002 to 255. ie. t002 Sets scan time-out on (0-2) (0-9) (0-9) would set the time-out period Ctrl - each port + T - - x x x for 2 seconds) (0-9) (0-9) (Pxx would be P01, P02, etc.) Ctrl - Selects a specific port + P - x x

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Broadcast Mode To activate Broadcast Mode press + from the Command Mode menu. (use with extreme caution or commands intended for one CPU will be sent to all CPUs) Broadcast Mode allows the operator to send keystrokes to all active CPUs simultaneously (even those CPUs the user cannot connect to due to lack of security access). However, Broadcast Mode has some critical requirements: • BROADCAST mode must be OFF when booting any a

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Edit Mode (Con'td) Function: Keystroke: Selects the last port on End the switch Toggles between insert (The character either gets inserted and the remainder of the name Insert and overstrike gets shifted to the right, OR the current character gets overwritten.) Erase current character Delete Backspace Er

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Maintenance Mode To enter Maintenance Mode press + from the Command Mode menu. Maintenance Mode enables a user to customize the On Screen Display to their requirements. Function: Keystroke: Reset all of the port names R Toggle between numeric and L alphabetic listing of ports Move On Screen Display (OSD) menu up on monitor Move OSD menu down on monitor Move OSD menu to the right

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NTI RACKMUX KVM Drawer with NODEMUX Switch Help Mode To enter Help Mode press the key from the Command Mode menu (page 11). Help Mode displays a list of commands with a short explanation of their function. These lists are organized in pages for each mode (i.e. COMMAND, EDIT, and SEARCH). The following options enable the user to quickly obtain information on any command. Function: Keystroke: Page View the previous page of help Up if available Page View the

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