ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
MAXP 2760/MAXP 2960/MAXP 4260
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents and introdction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1 Amplifier featuer descriptions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. Page 2 MAXP2760/MAXP2960 channel amplifier applications- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. Page 3 MAXP4260 channel amplifier applications- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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AMPLIFIER FEATUER DESCRIPTIONS ~Z760fNU'XPZ960 Z CHANNELAMPUFIERS The AMPLIFIER CH 3/CH 4 X-OVER slide switch selects the input signal for channel pair 3&4 • HP: Selects the built in HIGH PASS fiter. variable from 40 Hz to 2KHz. · FULL: Bypasses all crossovers for full frequency range operation. · LP: Selects the built in LOW PASS filter. variabe from 30 Hz to 150Hz. Note that the LOW PASS signal is MONO. -In the LP position. the HIGH PASS filter acts as a subsonic filter. - When the LP
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MAXP2760/MAXP2960 2 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS FULL RANGE STEREO This ;s the most basic application for the MAX PRO Series 2 channel amplifiers. FUll. RANGE Q SPEAKERS 1. Interconnect cable checklist: Connect the UNE INPUTS to the Radio/CD with good quality RCA cables. ro Z. Crossover Switch: ~ r I The X-OVER switch must be in the FlAT position. ~ t 3. Crossover frequency control checklist: N/ A for full range operation. f~: 11'11 ~ r~ 4.Line level: ;e: ro b£([J1flf1:Ecm
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MAXP4260 4 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS 4 CHANNEL FULL RANGE SYS TEM "~ ='- Here we show how to use the 4 channel amplifiers as FUll RANGE SPEMERS j straightforward discrete 4 channel full range units. ~ Interconnect c.ble checldlst: .. ~ I" tO - Connect the four inputs of the amplifier to a Radio/CD Ji " FUIl..RANGE co ~'~.~" with quality RCA cables, STERfOUNE '" ~ f! ~I~· .2 INPUTS L to SWItch .enlng checklist: D ~ P i -ljZCH X'()VER: FULL -3/4CH X'()VER: FULL ~.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
MAXP4260 4 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS Level control checklist: 2 way active, or b .... mpllfted system with mono bass Refer to the section "setting up systems after in stall ation for best performance" This application shows how easily a 2 way active system can be implemented using a MAX PRO series 4 channel amplifier. Channels Mlnmum ftnalloudspeaker Impedances: I and 2 will be used for highs, and channels 3 and 4 for mono bass. ·2 ohm per channel in stero mode Interconnect cable c
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MAXP42604 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS Front/ear high pass, using a Z channel amplifier for mono sub bass The combination of a 2 and a 4 channel amplifier, utilizing their built in crossovers. makes it a snap to put together a full system FRONT with front and rear highs. with mono sub bass. INPlm Interconnect cable checklist: REJlR INPlm - Using good quality RCA cables. feed the front and rear outputs FUll RIoNGE of a head unit to the inputs of the 4 channel amplifier as shown. SP
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SETTING UP SYSTEMS AFTER INSTALLATION FOR BEST PERFORMANCE General: At this point you are ready to get more specific on the settings for your amplifier. HIgh Pass: -When in Hi Pass operation, this setting acts as a low frequency cut off for your system reproduction. The point that you set it at cuts off any frequencies from reproduction beyond this point. The 12 o'clock position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the High Pass to 100Hz. the amplifier will not play trequencies
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Lanzar MAX PRO SERIES AMPLIFIER FEATURES MODEL MAXP2760 MAXP2960 MAXP4260 Out Power Rating RMSat40hms 500Wx2 750Wx2 250Wx4 MAX at 4 Ohms 1000Wx2 1500Wx2 500Wx4 MAX at 4 Ohms Bridced 1200Wxl 3000Wxl 1000Wx2 RMSat 2 Ohms BOOWx2 1200Wx2 400Wx4 Miscellaneous Spec Soft Start Sound Yes Yes Yes Frequency Response -3dB 10Hz-40KHz 10Hz-40KHz 10Hz-40KHz Dampinc Factor >200 >200 >200 > 95dB SIN Ratio(A-Weight) > 95dB > 95dB THD & Noise <0.05% <0.05% <0.05% Channel Separation at I KHz >70dB >7
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TROUBLESHOOTING Before removing your amplifier, refer to the list below and follow the suggested procedures. Always test the speakers and their wires first. AMPLIFIER WILL NOT POWER UP. Check for good ground connection. Check that remote DC terminal has at least 13.8v DC. Check that there is battery power on the +terminal. Check all fuses. Check that Protection LED is not lit If it is lit. shut off amplifier briefly and then repower it. HIGH HISS OR ENGINE NOISE (ALTERNATOR WHINEI IN SPE
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