ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
1073 & 1084
Channel Amplifier
User Guide
Issue 3
© 2004 AMS Neve plc own the copyright of all
information and drawings contained in this manual which
are not to be copied or reproduced by any means or
disclosed in part or whole to any third party without
written permission.
As part of our policy of continual product improvement,
we reserve the right to alter specifications without notice
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Con t ents In tro duc tion 1 High Pass Fil ter (re sis tor mod i fi ca ti on) 1 Im por tant Note 1 In stal la tion 2 Di men sions 3 Power Re quire men ts 3 Mains Sup ply (rack units) 4 DC Power Sup ply In di ca tors (rack units) 4 Phan tom Power 4 Out put Level Con trol 4 Con n ec tor De tails 5 Am pli fier Con trols 6 1073 Mod ule 6 1084 Mod ule 7 Spec i fi ca tio ns 8 1073 and 1084 Mod ules 8 Re call Sheets 9 1073 - Ver ti cal Module 9 1073 - Hor i zon ta l Mo
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers In tro duc tion In tro d uc tion These 45 series modules are the same as the original designs, and contain all of the original components. 1073 Chan nel Am pl i fier s These very popular sounding mic pre's are considered by many to capture the very essence of the Neve sound. In manufacture since the early 1970s, the Class A design offers 3 bands of EQ with one fixed high frequency and a high pass filter. 1084 Chan nel Am pl i fier s Based on the same technology
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers In stal la ti on In sta l la tion The 1073s and 1084s are available as stand-alone modules, or in a choice of two housings. The 3U rack houses two modules mounted horizontally in a 19” rack-mounting unit. The 5U rack houses eight modules mounted vertically in a 19” rack-mounting unit. Both have rear panels with XLRs for transformer balanced I/O. The 3U rack rear panel has a fused, voltage selector IEC mains input connector. The 5U rack has a free standing AC sup
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Di men sions Di men si ons Stand-alone Mod ules Width Height Depth Ap prox. mm (inches) mm (inches) mm (inches) Weight kg (lbs) 1073 Module 45 (1.8) 222 (8.75) 254 (10) 2.5 (5.5) 1084 Module 45 (1.8) 222 (8.75) 254 (10) 2.5 (5.5) 19" Rack Mount ing U Depth Height Ap prox. Weight mm (inches) mm (inches) kg (lbs) 2 Mod ule Ver sion 3 405 (16) 133 (5.25) 11 (24.2) * 8 Mod ule Ver sion 5 405 (16) 222 (8.75) 30 (66) * * Fully populated rack Power Re quire men ts Rack
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Phan tom Power Mains Sup ply (rack units) The 3U rack has a fused, voltage selector IEC mains input connector. The 5U rack has a free standing AC supply with a fused, voltage selector IEC mains input connector and connects to the rack via a connector and a 1.5 meter cable. The mains switch on the rear panel of the 3U rack unit is non-illuminating. The CH (chassis) and 0V are linked internally. DC Power Sup ply In di ca tors (rack units) The red LED on the fron
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Con nec tor De tails Con nec tor De tails Standalone 1073 & 1084 Module Wiring to 18 way Free Plug To Pin V Hi A Mic I/P -20dBu B Lo C D E 0V F Hi Line I/P 0dBu H Lo J To Pin V K Link L M Technical Earth Link N 0V -3dBu P Unbalanced O/P R Hi 0dBu BAL O/P Lo S T To Pin V U +24V at 106mA V User Guide Is sue 3 Page 5
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Am pli fier Con tr ols Am pli fier Con trols 1073 Mod ule dB -80 L I N E 70 - 2 0 60 High Frequency: Smooth +/-16dB fixed frequency shelving at 12kHz. 10 OFF 50 0 +10 40 Low Frequency: Smooth +/-16dB shelving with selectable frequencies of 35Hz, OFF MIC 30 -20 60Hz, 110Hz & 220Hz. - + Mid Frequency: Smooth +/-18dB peaking, fixed 'Q' with, selectable centre 0 frequencies of 0.36kHz, 0.7kHz, 1.6kHz, 3.2kHz, 4.8kHz & - + 7.2kHz. 7.2 OFF 4.8 0.36 High Pass Filter: 1
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Am pli fier Con tr ols 1084 Mod ule dB -80 L I N E 70 - 2 0 60 High Frequency: Smooth +/-16dB shelving wit selectable frequencies of 10kHz, 10 OFF 12kHz and 16kHz. 50 0 40 +10 OFF MIC 30 -20 - Low Frequency: Smooth +/-16dB shelving with selectable frequencies of 35Hz, + 60Hz, 110Hz & 220Hz. OFF 16 KHz 12 10 Mid Frequency: Smooth +/-12dB or +/-18dB peaking with switchable 'High Q', Hi-Q selectable centre frequencies of 0.36kHz, 0.7kHz, 1.6kHz, - +
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Spec i fi ca ti ons Spec i fi ca tions 1073 and 1084 Mod ules Microphone Input: Input Impedance 300W or 1200W, gain +80db to +20dB in 5dB steps. Line Input: Input Impedance 10,000W bridging, gain +20dB to -10dB in 5dB steps. Both inputs are transformer balanced and earth free. Output: Maximum output is >+26dBu into 600W. Output impedance is 75W @1kHz. Output is transfomer balanced and earth free. Distortion: Not more than 0.07% from 50Hz to 10kHz at +20dBu o
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11
1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Re call Sheets Re call Sheets 1073 - Vertical Mod ule dB L I N E -80 70 -20 60 10 OFF 50 0 40 +10 OFF 30 -20 MIC - + 0 - + 7.2 OFF 4.8 0.36 0 KHz 3.2 0.7 1.6 - + OFF 35 0 Hz 220 60 110 OFF 50 Hz 300 80 160 EQL PHASE User Guide Is sue 3 Page 9
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Re call Sheets 1073 - Hor i zon tal Mod ule User Guide Is sue 3 Page 10 -80 L I N E 70 -20 P - - - + + + H 60 A 10 S OFF E 7.2 OFF OFF OFF 50 0 E 4.8 0.36 35 50 Q +10 40 L 3.2 0.7 60 80 220 300 OFF 0 0 0 160 30 -20 MIC 1.6 110 dB KHz Hz Hz
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Re call Sheets 1084 - Ver ti cal Mod ule dB -80 L I N E 70 -20 60 10 OFF 50 0 +10 40 OFF 30 -20 MIC - + OFF 16 KHz 12 10 Hi-Q - + 7.2 OFF 4.8 0.35 KHz 3.2 0.7 1.6 - + OFF 35 Hz 220 60 110 6 360 8 160 10 70 14 Hz KHz 45 18 OFF EQLPHASE User Guide Is sue 3 Page 11
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Re call Sheets 1084 - Hor i zon tal Mod ule User Guide Is sue 3 Page 12 Hz KHz -80 L I N E 70 6 -20 P - - -360 + + + 8 H 60 A 10 S 1 Hi 10 E OFF 7.2 OFF OFF 6 OFF Q 0 50 0 E 14 16 4.8 0.35 3570 Q 40 +10 L 45 18 OFF 12 3.2 0.7 220 60 OFF 30 -20 MIC 10 1.6 110 dB KHz KHz Hz
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Ser vice In for ma tion Ser vice In for ma tion Sche matic Draw ing In dex - 1073/1084 Racks 3U Horizontal Rack (AM5028) AM5028 Assembly Drawing AM5028 Wiring Diagram 5U Vertical Rack (AM5033) UNDER DEVELOPMENT Sche matic Draw ing In dex - 1073 Mod ule 1073 Channel Amplifier (PL31073-C) E10006 Block Diagram EH10023 Circuit Diagram High Pass Filter (PL10182/C) PL10182/C Assembly Drawing D/10019C Circuit Diagram HF/LF EQ Frequency (PL10205) PL10205 Assembly D
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1073 & 1084 Chan nel Am pli fiers Ser vice In for ma tion Sche matic Draw ing In dex - 1084 Mod ule 1084 Channel Amplifier (PL31084-C) EB20039 Block Diagram EH10036 Circuit Diagram High Pass Filter (PL10182/A) PL10182/A Assembly Drawing D/10019A Circuit Diagram Low Pass Filter (PL10194/A) PL10194/A Assembly Drawing D10031/A Circuit Diagram HF/LF EQ Frequency (PL10205) See 1073 drawing section Presence Frequency (PL10211/A) PL10211/A Assembly Drawing D/10048/A Circuit Diagram Mic Line Outp
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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18
Title: 1073/1084 Horizontal Rack Schedule Nr: AM5028 Issue: 1 CABLE FROM:- ROUTING TO:- Code Type Colour Pin Connector Location Signal Length Comment Pin Connector Location 310-183 24/0.2 Green/Yellow E 330-071 IEC Stud 330-454 Safety Earth 310-183 24/0.2 Green/Yellow 330-069 Chassis Stud 330-454 Safety Earth 310-047 16/0.2 Brown L 330-071 IEC Sleeve with 1A 330-071 Switch 310-052 16/0.2 Blue N 330-071 IEC WA12005 2A 330-071 Switch Yellow TF14021 1 CN20013
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