ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway
Systems Analysis INterface Tool (SAINT)
Users Guide
Document Number TBD
Version A , Draft 6
January 20, 2004
Copyright © Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation, 2004
Maintained by: Scott Herren
Delphi Delco Electronics Systems
1800 East Lincoln Road
Mail Station R329
Kokomo, IN 46904-9005
Phone: (765) 451-7168
FAX: (765) 451-7085
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 1 of 20 Table of Contents 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Precedence ............................................................
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 2 of 20 Revision Log Revision A Draft 1 – March 12, 2003 Initial release of the document. Draft 2 – April 25, 2003 Updated Section 4.4.1 (added message 2C 06 XX message) Draft 3 – May 8, 2003 Changed all references of ACP to Keyword 2000. Draft 4 – December 15, 2003 Updated Section 4.4.1 (added new commands – 07 thru 0A) Updated Section 4.4.2 (added new KW2K transmit structure) Draft 5 – Jan
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 3 of 20 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope This document describes the use and operation of SAINT Gateway with Keyword 2000 firmware. This document is proprietary to Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation and cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written consent of Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation. 1.2 Precedence This document shall have precedence over any information in any other document. Betwe
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 4 of 20 2 Overview This document describes the operation of the Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway. The gateway is often referred to as the “SAINT gateway” or simply “SAINT”. The following is synopsis of gateway features: • Allows host system to communicate on Keyword 2000 bus. • Performs timing, access, arbitration, serialization, and error control. • Configuration via host to gateway messages. • LED status in
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 5 of 20 3 RS-232 Setup The gateway uses the following RS-232 parameters: - 8 Data Bits - 1 Stop Bit - No Parity The gateway supported baud rate: 57600. Baud Rate 57600 The supported baud rate is sufficient for communicating with the Class2, Keyword, ACP, BEAN, and slower CAN bus’s. However, USB connection is recommended for high speed CAN communications. 3.1 Buffering and Flow Control Whenever th
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 6 of 20 4 Message Format To minimize latency with the RS-232 link, all data is sent in binary form. The same data format is used to send and receive messages. The gateway supports bi-directional asynchronous communications. 4.1 Data Stream The host data stream is broken into messages. A message consists of a Message ID and one or more data bytes. The character FFh is used as an ESCAPE character to indicate the
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 7 of 20 4.2 Messages IDs Message IDs are one byte long and have the following general format: Type (CAN, BEAN, Command (Cmd=1) Tx (1) / Rx (0) Time Stamp (TS) ACP,Class 2, IIC, etc) Bits 3 - 7 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 The upper nibble indicates the type of message. The following types are defined: • Gateway (08) • Keyword 82 (10h) • Keyword 71 (18h) • IIC (20h) • Keyword 2000 (28h) • IDB (30) • ACP (38h) • E&C (
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 8 of 20 4.3 Gateway Messages 4.3.1 Gateway Commands The SAINT Gateway supports the following commands: Header ID Data Description 08h 80h None Perform Reset 08h 86h None Turn Time Stamp Information OFF 08h 87h None Turn Time Stamp Information ON 08h 88h None Turn Transmit Echo ON 08h 89h None Turn Transmit Echo OFF 08h 92 None Request Software Version 08h F0h D1-D12 Enable Gateway Trigger 08h F1h None D
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 9 of 20 4.3.2 Gateway Reports The gateway will report a Reset whenever one occurs. Most likely causes of reset are power on reset, host commanded reset, or gateway micro watchdog error. The gateway does a cold start on all resets (all information is lost). The gateway will also report error conditions with the Report Error message below. See section for error code definitions. The gateway will also ech
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 10 of 20 4.4 Keyword 2000 Messages 4.4.1 Keyword 2000 Commands The following commands may transmitted to the SAINT. Header ID Description Data Bytes 2Ch 02h Set Tester Address 1 byte Tester Address (Default – F1h) 2Ch 03h Set ECU Address 1 byte ECU Address (Default – 11h) 2Ch 04h Disable/Enable P1 and P2 Error Reporting 1 byte (00 = Disable and 01 = Enable) 2Ch 05h Disable Force Checksum (Default) 1 byte (00h)
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 11 of 20 2Ch 0Eh Enable/Disable Forced Format Byte 00 = Disable forced format byte (default) (Error Testing) 01 XX = enable forced format byte (where XX = format byte) The following commands are reported by the SAINT (without time stamp information). Header ID Description Data Bytes 2Ch 00h Fast Wakeup Pattern Detected None 2Ch 01h Keyword 2000 Timeout/Error 1 byte (explained below) Keyword 2000 Timeout/Errors:
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 12 of 20 4.4.2 Transmitted Keyword 2000 Messages The following is the format for sending a Keyword 2000 message: Header SID (Service Identification Byte) N Data Bytes 28h Byte 2 Bytes 3 ¾ (2+N) The above information is used to form the following message which is sent onto the Keyword 2000 bus (with Length Byte not included in the Format Byte): Format Target Source Length SID N Data Bytes Checksum Byte 1 Byte2 By
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 13 of 20 4.4.3 Received Keyword 2000 Messages The following are the 4 possible formats of a received Keyword 2000 message with time stamp information: Header Format SID N Data Bytes Checksum Time MSB Time LSB 29h Byte2 Byte 3 Bytes 4 - (3+N) Byte 4+N Byte 5+N Byte 6+N Header Format Length SID N Data Bytes Checksum Time MSB Time LSB 29h Byte2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Bytes 5 - (4+N) Byte 5+N Byte 6+N Byte 7+N Header Form
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 14 of 20 4.4.5 Target address byte This is the target address for the message and is always used together with the source address byte. Refer to the “Keyword Protocol 2000 Data Link Layer Recommended Practice” section 4.1.2 for more information. 4.4.6 Source address byte This is the address of the transmitting device which is a physical address. Refer to the “Keyword Protocol 2000 Data Link Layer Recommended Pra
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 15 of 20 5 Connectors The gateway uses two connectors. One connector is for the RS-232 link and is DB9F. The second connector is a DB9M for the CAN bus (low speed, medium speed, and high speed), Class 2 bus, Keyword, power, and ground. The following pin outs are used: 5.1 RS-232 Connector (J3-DB9F) A straight pass cable should be used to connect the gateway to the host computer. DE-9s Pin # Use 2 TX to Host
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 16 of 20 5.3 Flash programming connector Note: the long term goal is to Flash using the USB connector. Connector J2 is used with an external connector – the intended application of this port is the flash programming of a product. The pin out of the connector J2 – flash programming connectior - is as follows: Pin # Mnemonic Use / description Line up the connector label with the Osc1 External (to SAINT) oscilla
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 17 of 20 6 LEDs Four LEDs are used by the gateway. These LEDs are: LED # Purpose 4 NC (No Connection) 3 Trig (Toggled on specified message) 2 Pow (SAINT powered up) 1 Bus (Toggles on receiving a Keyword 2000 message byte)
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 18 of 20 7 Switches 7.1 SW1 Transceiver Switches: The following is a summary of the dip switches . SWITCH # Mnemonic Purpose 1 NA NA 2 NA NA 3 NA NA 4 NA NA 5 NA NA 6 NA NA 7 NU Not currently being used 8 NU Not currently being used 7.2 SW2 Manual Reset: SW2 is the manual reset switch. Pressing this switch will change an input to the SAINT microprocessor, causing it to start executing the embedded
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SAINT Keyword 2000 to RS-232 Gateway 01/20/04 Page 19 of 20 8 Software Packages The following table lists the latest firmware releases for the SAINT board. Name Hardware Date Description Version KW2K_10.HEX 1.2 + 03/12/03 Keyword 2000 initial release.