DKS Enterprises 6500 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز DKS Enterprises 6500

جهاز: DKS Enterprises 6500
فئة: بوابة السلامة
الصانع: DKS Enterprises
مقاس: 6.32 MB
مضاف: 1/4/2014
عدد الصفحات: 48
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Owner’s Manual
Series 6500
Series 6500
Vehicular Swing Gate Operator
Copyright 2008 DoorKing, Inc. All rights reserved.

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

SPECIFICATIONS Class of Operation Model 6500 - UL325 Class I, II, III, IV Type of Gate Vehicular Swing Gates Only Horsepower 1/2 or 1 HP Voltage / Phase 115 VAC Single-Phase, 230 VAC Single-Phase, 460 VAC Single-Phase Current ½ HP – 5.4 Amps @ 120V; 2.7 Amps @ 230V; 1.35 Amps @ 460V 1 HP – 9.7 Amps @ 120V; 4.9 Amps @ 230V; 2.5 Amps @ 460V Max Gate Weight 1/2 HP - 600 Lbs.; 1 HP - 800 Lbs. Max Gate Length 1/2 HP - 18 Ft.; 1 HP - 22 Ft. Cycles Per Hour 60 Per Hour Speed 90° in ap

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SPECIFICATIONS 1 Gate Construction 4 Important Safety Instructions 4 Instructions regarding intended installation: 4 Important Notices 5 UL325 Entrapment Protection 6 Glossary 7 Swing Gate Requirements 8 Swing Gate Protection 9 SECTION 1 - INSTALLATION 10 1.1 Underground Conduit Requirements 10 1.2 Concrete Pad 10 1.3 Type of Installations 11-12 1.4 Securing Operator to Pad 13 1.5 Attach Gate Bracket 13 1.6 Determining Arm Lengths 14 1.7 Installation of Warning Signs 14 SECTION 2 - WIRING 14 2.1

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2.8 Auxiliary Terminal Description 21 2.9 Secondary Operator Terminal Description 21 SECTION 3 - ADJUSTMENTS 22 3.1 Circuit Board Adjustments 22 3.2 DIP-Switch Settings 23 3.3 Limit Sensing System Adjustment 24 3.4 Inherent Entrapment Sensing Adjustment 24 3.5 Secondary Entrapment Protection System Connection 24 SECTION 4 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 25 4.1 Power and Reset Switches 25 4.2 Shutdown Conditions 26-27 Soft Shutdown Hard Shutdown 4.3 Manual Gate Operation 28 Emergency Vehicle Access Cond

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Gate Construction Vehicular gates should be constructed and installed in accordance with ASTM F2200; Standard Specification for Automated Vehicular Gate Construction. For a copy of this standard, contact ASTM directly at 610-832-9585;; or Important Safety Instructions WARNING - To reduce the risk of injury or death: 1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Never let children operate or play with gate controls. Keep the remote control away from children. 3. Always

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 For gate operators utilizing contact sensors: 1. One or more contact sensors shall be located where the risk of entrapment or obstruction exist, such as at the leading edge, trailing edge, and post mounted both inside and outside of a vehicular horizontal slide gate. 2. One or more contact sensors shall be located at the bottom edge of a vehicular vertical lift gate. 3. One or more contact sensors shall be located at the pinch point of a vehicular vertical pivot gate. 4. A hardwi

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STATE PRISON UL325 Entrapment Protection Class I Class II A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a home of one-to four single family dwelling, or a garage or commercial location or building such as a multi-family parking area associated therewith. housing unit (five or more single family units) hotel, garages, retail store or other building servicing the general public. Class III Class IV A vehicular gate operator

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Glossary GATE - A moving barrier such as a swinging, sliding, raising, lowering, or the like, barrier, that is a stand-alone passage barrier or is that portion of a wall or fence system that controls entrance and/or egress by persons or vehicles and completes the perimeter of a defined area. RESIDENTIAL VEHICULAR GATE OPERATOR – CLASS I - A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a home of one-to four single family dwelling, or garage or parking area associated therewith. COMM

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Swing Gate Requirements The operator is intended for installation only on gates used for vehicles. Pedestrians must be supplied with a separate access opening. The pedestrian access opening shall be designed to promote pedestrian usage. Locate the gate such that persons will not come in contact with the vehicular gate during the entire path of travel of the vehicular gate. (ref. UL325 56.8.4.b) Closed Gates Closed Gate Closed Gate A If space is greater than 4 inches, A With the hinge mounted

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Swing Gate Protection C Non-contact Sensor Minimizes the potential Reverse Loop of the gate closing on Minimizes the potential of the gate vehicular or other traffic closing when a vehicle is present. that loops cannot sense. Number and placement of loops is dependent on the application. D C D D Warning Signs Shadow Loop Permanently mounted and easily visible from Provides a hold open command to either side of the gate. the operator(s) only if the gate(s) are at the full open position.

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

SECTION 1 - INSTALLATION Prior to beginning the installation of the swing gate operator, we suggest that you become familiar with the instructions, illustrations, and wiring guide-lines in this manual. This will help insure that your installation is performed in an efficient and professional manner. The proper installation of the vehicular swing gate operator is an extremely important and integral part of the overall access control system. Check all local building ordinances and building cod

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

1.3 Type of Installations Standard Installation Recommended for all gate lengths opening 90°. 46” 14” 90° 23” 38.5” 35” 3” 29.5” 28” 22” Gate opens in approximately 15 seconds. Concrete Pad 90° 46” Concrete Pad Location Operator Installation Standard Compact Installation Recommended for gates up to 14 feet opening 90°. 42” 13” 90° 23” 32.5” 35” 2” 31.25” 28” 22” Concrete Pad Gate opens in approximately 12 seconds. Concrete Pad Location 36” Operator Installation 6500-065-K-7-08

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Compact Installation Recommended for smaller gates up to 10 feet opening 90°. 34” 13” 16.5” 90° 26.5” 29.5” 2” 26.5” 28” 22” Concrete Pad Gate opens in approximately ?? seconds. 23” Concrete Pad Location Operator Installation Gates Opening Wider than 90° Installation 90° Plus Installation requires the Standard Compact Installation’s concrete pad to be moved 2” away from the gate’s open position. This distance of the gate’s arm will vary depending on how far the gate will open. 42” Var

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1.4 Securing Operator to Pad Permanently attach the operator to the concrete pad using four (4) 3/8” x 3” sleeve anchors (not supplied). Sleeve Anchor 3/8 (Not supplied) 1.5 Attach Gate Bracket Release hub with release tool. DO NOT REMOVE HUB! A Bolt crank arm to operator. B Slide elbow assembly on crank arm. C Bolt control arm to gate bracket. D Slide control arm into elbow assembly. KEEP ARM ASSEMBLY LEVEL. E Bolt gate bracket to gate. F D Gate Bracket Arm assembly and gate bracket MUST Con

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1.6 Determining Arm Lengths Slide elbow assembly back and fourth, manually opening and closing gate until satisfied with the gate’s 90° open and fully closed positions. Mark and cut off excess arms. Secure arms to elbow assembly with 6 allen screws. Tighten hub and replace release tool. Install safety covers. excess excess 1.7 Installation of Warning Signs This DoorKing Swing Gate Operator is shipped with two warning signs. The purpose of the warning sign is to alert uninformed persons, and

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2.1 High Voltage Wire Runs The distance shown in the chart is measured in Feet from the operator to the power source. If power wiring is greater than the maximum distance shown, it is recommended that a service feeder be installed. When large gauge wire is used, a separate junction box must be installed for the operator connection. The wire table is based on stranded copper wire. Wire run calculations are based on a 110 VAC power source with a 3% voltage drop on the power line, plus an additi

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ON 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.3 Control Wiring  Diagram at right is for illustration purposes. The actual B placement of the secondary protection devices is dependent on the specific installation requirements.  Secondary entrapment protection devices must be installed with this gate operator. This protection may be provided by non-contact or contact sensors, or a A Open direction non-contact sensor. A A combination of both. Stops the gate in the open cycle only.

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ON 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.4 Loop Detector Wiring  If other detectors are used, use a separate power supply to power these detectors. Loops and loop detectors MUST be installed with this gate  Loop layout shown is for a typical swing gate operator to help prevent the gate from accidentally closing application with two-way traffic, or one-way exit on vehicular traffic. only traffic.  Loop detector wiring is shown for DoorKing plug-in loop  Refer to the Loop Information Manual (availa

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2.5 Auxiliary Device Wiring Terminal 5 required only if the tracker board will activate the gate operator. Refer to the Green manual 2351-065 for detailed information. 1 2 Red 3 4 5 6 Using a 2351-010 Tracker Expansion Board, operator data 7 can be sent to the access controller. Models 1833, 1835, 8 1837 or 1838 only. Refer to the manual 2351-065 for detailed information. 9 10 11 12 White 13 Red 14 Green 15 The Remote Alarm Reset Station (Model 1404-080) MUST be mounted in the 16 line-

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
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