ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
How@get thebest from
Appliance Registration
2 RepairService
IS-20 Safety Instructions
gas model
ClockandMinute Timer
10 Surface Cooking
Control Panel
15 AirAdjustment
Flooring UnderRange
5 BurnerGrates
5 Control Settings
Lift-Up/Off Cooktop
16 Cookware Tips 8
ModelandSerialNumbers 2 DripPans
9 FlameSize
Baking, Baking Guide
11,12 Lighting Instructions
Broiler PanandRack 16
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Red!thisbookCareftily, Ifvoureceived FORYOUR SAETY a&xlagedrange. * ● Itisintended tohelpyouoperate and maintain yournewrangeproperly. Immediately contactthedealer(or buikhx)thatsoldyoutherange. Keepithandyforanswers toyour questions. save time and money. Before you request Ifyoudon’tunderstandsomething orneedmorehelp,write(include Servkx?.•• yourphonenumber): ChecktheProblemSolveron ConsumerAffairs page21.Itiistscausesofminor GeneralElectricCompany operatingproblemsthatyoucan AppliancePark corr
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
. A@%. whimMME G&limp&Ege . Usb Yourmge @Donotstoreflmlmabie —.- ----- materialsinamovenm’near a ~~~y ~gi~v~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~Q~+ (-)~ ‘-w*lFLRw the imtaller showyou f,he Cookfop. the iaestion Mthe FaRge!gas unattended wherea rangeishot lx.it-d’f %&%? and !hDw to shut it w h operation. They cow be e DonotM cookhggrwe en-if necessary. seriouslyburned. m’other’ flanamable mateFials atewmulate inQrim-ar themgee * Haveyfxwrangeinstalledand s Don’tallowmyonetoClimb$ Stind or hangonthe dooror propriy ~ou~ld
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
e uw pFoper pansin—-Avoid @Fk5%5r blosiitheWmts (air pansthatareunstable oreasily opstings) ofthemngtiThey tipped.Select utensils having flat provide theairinletandoutlet @mlnotw% ovenfor’aStmage bottoms largeeno~gh toproperly whichis necessaryfortherange 2NW3. contain foodavoiding boilovers tooperateproperlywithcorrect andspillovers, andlargeenough @Shnd awayfromthe Irmge Conlbustion. .- tocover burnergrate.Thiswill Whmo~ning thedoord ahot e~@~Q~ ~~~Qw~~Q~~~~ bothsavecleaning andprevent oven.Th
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
Flooriw under theRawe YourHinge, me somarry other householditems,is heavyand ca~~ settleintosdt floormwerings suchas cushionedvinyl.When movingtherangeonthistypeof flooring,usecare. Donothstdl therangeover kitchencarpetingunlessyou placeaninsulating padorsheetof l/4-inch-thick plywood between therange andcarpeting. * Removethebroilerpm and When thefloorcoveringendsatthe othercookwarebefore self- frontoftherange,theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouldbebuiltup cieaning tie oven. withplywoodor simila
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
FeaturesofYourRange , , 0 . : 42) . . \ IVkddJG13P24GEF Explained Explained FeatureIndex on page FeatureIndex I on Dafze 1 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 I 10OvenVent 9 I [ (inbmnerbox undercocdaop) I 11 OvenInteriorLight 9 I I 2 SurfaceBurnerControls 7 I 12 OvenLightSwitch I 3 SurfaceBurners t 7>8 i (letsyouturninteriorlight 9 onandoff) ~ 4 BurnerGratesandDripPans 15 I I 13OvenShelves 9, 16 I I I 5 SELECTOR Knob 9 I I 14OvenShelfSupports 9 I 6 OVEN TEMPKnob 9 I 15BroilerPanandRack 16 7 Automatic OvenT
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
.- lb Lighta SurfaceBurner HowtoSelect FlameSize The flamesizeona gasburner Surfaceburnersonthis rangeare —= lightedbyelectricignition,ending shouldmatchthecookwareyou —.. - Iheneedfor standingpilotlights are using. — — withconstantlyburningflames. - - ——— k3wm?- —. In case of a poweroutage,youcan mf- Iighithe pilotlessignitionsurface burnerswitha match.Holda lightedmatchto theburner,then turntheknobtotheLITEposition. i Toavoidgettbg burned,use Pushthecontrolknobinandturn extremecautionwhenlight
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
Tbp-dx’kmge ckdm’are AirAdj@ment Ah.uninm: Medium-weight Anair adjustmentshutterforeach cookwareis recommended because surfaceburnerregulatestheflowof it heatsquicklyandevenly.Most air tothe flame. foodsbrownevenlyinan aluminum When the rightammmtofair skillet.Mineralsin fd andwater flowsintotheburner,theflame willstainbutwillnotharm willbe steady,relativelyquietand aluminum.A quickscourwitha haveapproximately1/2”sharpblue soap-filkdsteelwoolpadafter cones.Thisis usuallythe casewith eachusekeeps
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
using Youroven Automatic Ignition OvenControls oven shelves Tlm ovenburnerandbroii Therearetwocontrolsforyour oven,markedSELECIORand burneronyourrangearelighted byelectricignition. OVENTEMP. Tolightthe burners,turn the BAKE OVENTEMPknobto thedesired OR8R0/L temperature.Theburnershould ignitewithin60seconds. CLEANOR , TIMEEAKE THEOVENANDBROILER @ CANFKYI’ BEIOPERATED IN THEEVENTOFA POWER Theshelvesaredesignedwith FAILURE. stop-locksso whenplacedcorrectly TheSELEC’IOR knobhas onthe shelfsupports,t
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
B4KE cmBROIL CLEAN(M TMI?E BAKE 4. SettheSELECZOR knobto Automatic OvenT’imer C1OCIK CLEANORTIMEBAKEandthe OVENTEMPknobtothedesired Tosettheclock,pushtheknob ThisTimerwillautomatically start oventemperature. in andturntheclockhandstothe andstopyourovenforyou. Here’s Theovenwillturnitselfon righttothecorrecttime.Thenlet whatyoudo: immediately, or at a laterSTART theknoboutandcontinueturning L Makesurebothyourrangeclock timethatyousetif youhaveset to OFF. andt.heSTART dialshowthecorrect the STARTc
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11
A#E#2h -........ @Ifmoistureisnoticeableonthe 04K.Es HowtoSetYour Range -“ Cakeriseshigherononeside frontoftheovenorontheblackglass fix Baking @Batter spreadunevenlyinpan. doorwhenfirstturningontheoven, L Posi~ion theshelfor shelvesin @ Rangenotlevel. leavetheovendoorajarfora few theoven. @ Usingwarpedpans. minutesor untiltheoveniswarm. ~Incorrectpansize. ~Donotopentheovendoorduring 2. Closeovendoor.Turnthe abakingoperation-heatwillbelost SELECIQRknobtO BAKEOR Cakescrackingontop andthebakingtime
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12
BatingGuide L Preheating is very important 2. Aluminum pansconduct heat 3, Darkornon-shiny finishes, also whenusingtemperatures below glassandPyroceram” cookware, quickly. Formostconventional baking, 225*E. and when baking fimdssuch light,shinyfinishes givebestresults generally absorbheatwhichmayresult asbiscuits, cookies, cakes and indry,crispcrusts.Reduce ovenheat becausetheyhelpprevent over- other pastries. Preheat theovenfor browning inthetimeittakesforheatto 25”F. iflighter crustsare desire
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
Roasting —- Roastingis cooking bydryheat. Step2: Checkweightofroast. Step4: Mostmeatscontinueto ; .- = -- ._ Tendermeator poultrycanbe Placemeatfat-side-upor poultry cookslightlywhilestandingafter roasteduncoveredinyouroven. breast-side-up onroastingrackina beingremovedfromtheoven.For Roastingtemperatures,which shallowpan. Themeltingfatwill rareor mediuminternaldoneness, shouldbe lowandsteady,keep bastethemeat.Selecta panas youmaywishtoremovemeatfrom spatteringto a minimum.When closetothesizeofm
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
@ Usetongsto turnmeatover— Broilingis cookingfoodbydirect Broi@ Tips heatfromabovethe food.Your piercedmeatlosesjuices. e~rom iSUSUWydonewithoven rangeis designedforwaist-high ~Steaksandchopsshouldbeat doorclosed.However,ifyoulike broiling.A speciallydesigned least1 inchthickforbestbroiling yoursteaksveryrareinsideand broilerpan andrackallows results.Panbroilthinnerones. charredontheoutside,leavethe drippingfatto drainawayfromthe ovendoor slightlyajar. fbodsandbe keptawayfromthe highheatofthe ga
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15
care andcleating Proper care and cleaning are BrushedChromeFinish BurnerGrates important so yourrangewillgive Cleanthebrushedchrometop Gmtesshouldbew~shed regularly youefficientandsatisfactory withwarm,soapywateror an all- and,ofcourse,afterspillcwers. Wmh service.Followthesedirections purposehouseholdcleanerand theminhot,soapywaterandrinse carefullyin caringfor it to help immediately dry it witha clean, withcleanwater.Drythegrateswith assuresafeandpropermaintenance. a cloth-don’tputthembackonth
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16
Lift-up/oflcook@p DripPans Wge TopBurnem Cleantheareaunderthecooktop Removethegratesandliftoutthe The holesintheburnersmustbe often.Built-upsoil,especially chromedrip pans.Washthemin keptcleanat alltimesforproper grease,maycatchfire. hot, soapywater.Rinsethemwith ignitionandaneven,unhampered clean,hotwaterandpolishthem flame. dry witha cloth. Neveruse Cleantheburnersroutinelyand abrasivecleaneror steelwool— especiallyafterbadspillovers they’llscratchthe surface.Instead, whichcouldclogtheseholes.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17
Removable OvenDOQr ‘- oven shelves Removable OvenBottom Youcan removetheovenbottom Theovendooris removable to Oven shelvesmaybe cleaned with a mild abrasive cleanser following tocleananyexcessivespillovers makethe interiormoreaccessible manufacturer’sdirections. After beforestartingtheself-cleaning duringreplacementof thelamp cleaning, rinse the shelveswith cycle. bulb. clean water and dry with a clean Toremovetheovenbottom: cloth. Toremoveheavy,burned-on L Removethe ovenshelves. soil, soapymeta
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18
Ca~~ ad Cl~tiW (continued) Opemting the SeIf=CIeaniNOven Step3: Step4: ReemmmmdedCleaningTime: PushtheSelf-CleanLatchLever Closetheovendoorandmakesure ModerateSoil—2hmm to therightto lockthe ovendoor. theovenlightis off. (thinspillsandlightspatter) HeavySoil—3hours Caution:Chromedrippansfrom (heavygreasespillsandspatter) thetopofyourrangeshoukl neverbecleanedin theself- ckxmingoven. PreparetheOvenBefore SettingtheControls Howto Setthe Step1: OvenforCleaning Remove thebroilerpan, broiler rack,oth
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EkNv toset a QueSiomandAnswers cIeaEhgcycletostart Q. Whywon’tmyovenclean Q.1sthe “crackling” soundI ataL@&Time immediately eventhoughI set hearduringcleaningnormal? thetimeknobcorrectly? Ifyouwish tO Start andstopcka.ning A.Y=. Thisisthe soundofthe metal atalatertimethanshownonclock, A. Checktobe sureyourSTART heatingandcoolingduringboththe dialissetto thesametimeas the pushinandturnSTART dialtotime cookingandckxmingfimctions. youwishtostart.Addthehours rangeclock.Alsochecktobe sure Q.Shouldthe
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 20
cleaning Guide PART MATERIALSTO USE GENERALDIRECTIONS BroilerI%rI andRack * SoapandWater Drainfat,coolpan and rack slightly. (DonotM soiledpanandmckstandin ~ Soap-FilledScouringPad oventocool.) Sprinkledetergenton rackandpan.Fillpanwithwamlwaterand * PlasticScouringPad spreadclothor papertoweloverrack.Letpanandrackstandfora fewminutes. Wash;scourif necessary.Rinseanddry.OFTION:Cleanpanandrackin dishwasher. DO N@i” CLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN. o MildSoapandWater Pulloffknobs.Washgentlybutdo notsoa