ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
FormsMaster 8000 Series
Programmer’s Manual
Copyright © 1997
Printek, Inc.
1517 Townline Road
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Printek Part Number 4509
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IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, DEC is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation, Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson, Code V is a trademark of QMS, Inc., QMS is a registered trademark of QMS, Inc.Printek is a registered trademark of Printek, Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice. ii
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments ii INTRODUCTION 1 How to Use This Manual 1 Printer Model Descriptions and Key Features 2 Selecting Emulations 2 Changing Forms/Tractor Paths 3 ANSI X3.64 EMULATION 5 Introduction 5 Control Codes and Escape Sequences 7 Communications 7 Character Size and Line Spacing 8 Character Attributes 8 Horizontal Position 9 Vertical Position 10 Horizontal and Vertical Position 12 Form Length and Form Feed 12 Horizontal Tabs 13 Vertical Tabs 14 Printer Controls 14 Emulations
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Table of Contents IBM PROPRINTER EMULATION 45 Introduction 45 Control Codes and Escape Sequences 46 Communications 46 Character Size 47 Character Attributes 49 Character Sets 50 Line Pitch 51 Horizontal Position 52 Vertical Position 53 Form Length and Form Feed 53 Horizontal Tabs 54 Vertical Tabs 56 Horizontal and Vertical Tabs 56 Horizontal Margins 56 Vertical Margins 57 Graphics 58 Printer Controls 60 Emulations 61 Control Codes and Escape Sequences (Alphabetical) 62 DEC LA120 EMULATION 65 Int
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Table of Contents Communications 93 Character Size 94 Character Attributes 95 Character Sets 96 Line Pitch 97 Horizontal Position 97 Vertical Position 97 Form Length and Form Feed 98 Horizontal Tabs 98 Vertical Tabs 100 Horizontal and Vertical Tabs 100 Horizontal Margins 101 Vertical Margins 102 Graphics 102 Printer Controls 104 Forms and Tractors 106 Emulations 107 Control Codes and Escape Sequences (Alphabetical) 108 PORT SWITCHING - PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS 109 CONFIGURATION DOWNLOAD 111 HE
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INTRODUCTION This manual describes the software interfaces supported by the FormsMaster 8000 series printer. It is written for a programmer who will be developing software for the printer, and contains information not normally needed by a printer operator/user. Basic information on printer operation (setting the printer up, loading paper, replacing ribbons, etc.) can be found in the FormsMaster 8000 Series Operator's Manual that accompanied your printer. How to Use This Manual Below is a brief
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Introduction Printer Model Descriptions and Key Features The Printek FormsMaster 8000 series printers are high speed, heavy duty serial dot matrix printers designed especially for printing upon hard to print forms. Such forms are often not printed adequately by other printers. The printer is also designed to be factory floor rugged while still quiet enough for the office. Both models provide straight paper paths for jam free paper motion and a zero waste tear bar for demand document applicati
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Introduction Changing Forms/Tractor Paths As mentioned above, the FormsMaster 8000 series printers have ten complete sets of forms parameters. These different parameters, or forms, may be selected either from the front panel or with escape sequences. In the FormsMaster 8003, selecting a different form may also select a different tractor path. The tractor path is one of the parameters which may be set for each of the ten forms in the forms menu using Setup as described in the FormsMaster 8000
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ANSI X3.64 EMULATION Introduction This section describes the control codes and escape sequences comprising ANSI X3.64 emulation. This emulation may be selected by setting “Emulation” to “ANSI X3.64” in the appropriate interface setup menu, or via software with the ESC ESC 1 sequence. While this emulation is selected, control codes and escape sequences from other emulations are not available. Control codes and escape sequences are used to control printer operation. An ASCII control code is a si
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Some escape sequences refer to the active column or active line. The active column is the column where the next character will be printed. Printing a character or a space will increment the active column. The active line is the line where the next character will be printed. A line feed will increment the active line. Column and line numbers begin at one, not at zero. 6
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Control Codes and Escape Sequences Grouped by Function Communications End of Text ETX If “ETX/ACK” is set to “On” in the serial interface setup menu, then receipt of an ETX causes the printer to transmit an ACK to the host computer. Since the ETX may be a legal value within an escape sequence, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that an ETX used for data handshake is not sent within an escape sequence. The user must also ensure that the maximum block size or the numb
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Character Size and Line Spacing Set Character and Line Spacing ESC [ n1 ; n2 SP G Sets the character and line spacing in decipoints (1/720 of an inch). The first parameter, n1, sets the line spacing. The second parameter, n2, sets the character spacing. Typical values for n1 and supported values for n2 are shown below. Other values for n2 will be ignored. To change only the horizontal or only the vertical spacing, omit the other value from the sequence or set it to zero
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation For italic mode to work correctly, an Epson FX font must be selected (check the “Font” value in the forms setup menu). The other available fonts do not include italic characters. Example: The following escape sequence will select emphasized mode. Escape Sequence: ESC [ 1 m Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 31 6D Horizontal Position Carriage Return CR Causes the current line to be printed, and then sets the current print position to the left margin. If “Auto LF” is set to “On” in the int
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Absolute Horizontal Tab ESC [ n ` Sets the current print position to column n. The actual position will depend on the current character spacing. If n is less than the left margin, the active column will be set to the left margin. If n is greater than the right margin, then a line feed will be performed and the active column will be set to the left margin. Example: The following escape sequence will set the active column to column 65. Escape Sequence: ESC [ 6 5 ` Hexadeci
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Partial Line Down PLD (or) ESC K Performs a half line feed. Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper one half line at the current line spacing. If “Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed. Control code: PLD Hexadecimal: 8B Escape Sequence: ESC K Hexadecimal: 1B 4B Partial Line Up PLU (or) ESC L Performs a reverse half line feed. Causes the current line to be printed, and then retracts the pape
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Horizontal and Vertical Position New Line NEL (or) ESC E Causes the current line to be printed, and then sets the current print position to the left margin and performs a line feed. Equivalent to a carriage return (CR) line feed (LF) combination. Control code: NEL Hexadecimal: 85 Escape Sequence: ESC E Hexadecimal: 1B 45 Form Length and Form Feed Form length is the distance from the top of the form to the bottom of the form. A form feed will advance the paper to the top of
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Horizontal Tabs Horizontal tab stops are associated with columns, not absolute physical positions. Changing character spacing will change the physical position of the tab stops. Default tab stops are set at every eighth column, i.e. column 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, etc. If different tab stops are to be set, the default tab stops should first be cleared. Horizontal Tab HT Advances to the next horizontal tab stop. If no tab stop exists between the active column and the right marg
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ANSI X3.64 Emulation Vertical Tabs Vertical tab stops are associated with lines, not absolute physical positions. Changing line spacing will change the physical position of the tab stops. Vertical Tab VT Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper to the next vertical tab stop. If no vertical tab stops are set, then a line feed is done instead. If “Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed. Control code: VT Hexadecimal