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L - I T E 5 . 1 S P EA K E R S Y S T E M
.. .t h e c l o s es t a p pr o a c h t o t h e o r i g i n a l s o u nd
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L- i t e Q u a d Quad, makers of high quality audio for over 70 years, introduce the Quad L-ite a new Home Theatre experience that has bridged the gap between high-end and affordable quality audio. “The L-ite is superbly built, and the quality of the performance reaches far beyond its d i m e n s i o n s” While ‘sub/satellite’ systems are nothing new, most models have been developed using a sci-fi aesthetic - futuristic shapes created from mass produced moulded casings - which is all well and go
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L- i t e I n t r o d u c t i o n The Quad L-ite is the first compact cinema system from Quad - a classic 5.1 channel configuration, which can be expanded to 7.1 with the addition of extra satellite speak e r s . Using the same unique technology and styling that has made the Quad L-series one of the most popular audiophile l o u d s p e a kers in the market today; the L-ite offers a sparkling performance exceeding that of most full-size systems. Combined with a subwoofer that offers microprocesso
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L- i t e T e c h n o l o g y Satellite speak e r s interference, but because of the close coupling of the drivers in the Quad system, and the nature of the KEVLAR® weave, The Quad L-ite satellite and centre channel all use drive units this is virtually eliminated. The centre speaker has a superbly derived directly from the L-series models. The bass cones are smooth dispersion characteristic, complete tonal continuity made from woven KEVLAR® for strength and speed, and sufficient dynamic bass ‘at
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L- i t e S a t e l l i t e s Despite its size, the L-ite Satellite boasts the finest top to bottom cohesion you will find in a loudspeaker of this scale. Performing well beyond its dimensions, the L-ite is articulate and musical - providing the listener with a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Each of the L-ite Satellites is able to be mounted on standard 1/4” threaded wall brackets; the system gives you incredible flexibility enabling you to create the perfect configuration for your living space
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L- i t e S u b w o o f e r The satellite speakers and the centre channel are capable of astonishing bass performance, rolling off slowly below 7 0 H z . U n l i ke other sub-sat systems, this means the L-ite Subwoofer can operate as a proper subwoofer in a home cinema system rather than having to cover higher frequencies or leaving a big hole in the all-important mid-range. “Amazingly tuneful and responsive, the L- i t e Subwoofer compliments the satellite speakers superbly” The L-ite sub uses a
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L- i t e D i m e n s i o n s 288mm 135mm 340mm L- i t e S p e c i f i c a t i o n s M o d e l L-ite Satellite L-ite Centre L-ite Subwoofer Bass unit 100mm 2x 100mm Bass Drive Unit 250mm Tri-lam Tweeter unit 25mm Soft dome 25mm Soft dome Amplifier Power output 300 W RMS Rec. Amplifier power 30 – 120 W 30 – 150 W Line Input sensitivity 250mV for 100W Nominal Impedance 6 Ohms * 6 Ohms * Frequency Range(boundary position) 25Hz – 95Hz Sensitivity (2.83V@1m) 86dB 87dB Max Power Output 108dB Freq Respo
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Quad Electroacoustics Ltd, IAG House, Sovereign Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, PE29 6XU Tel :- 0845 4580011, Fax :- 01480 431767 w w w. q u a d - h i f i . c o . u k The information in this brochure is subject to change without notice. All rights reserved © 2005 Quad Quad is a member of the International Audio Group