ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
HP Prime Graphing Calculator
User Guide
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Edition1 Part Number NW280-2001 Legal Notices This manual and any examples contained herein are provided "as is" and are subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, non- infringement and fitness for a particular purpose. Portions of this software are copyright 2013 The FreeType Project (www.freetype.org). All rights reserved. • HP is distributing
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Copyright © 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written per- mission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Printing History Edition 1 July 2013
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Contents Preface Manual conventions ................................................................ 9 Notice ................................................................................. 10 1 Getting started Before starting ...................................................................... 11 On/off, cancel operations...................................................... 12 The display .......................................................................... 13 Sections of the display
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3 Computer algebra system (CAS) CAS view .............................................................................53 CAS calculations ...................................................................54 Settings ................................................................................55 4 Exam Mode Modifying the default configuration.....................................62 Creating a new configuration.............................................63 Activating Exam Mode.................
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6 Function app Getting started with the Function app .................................... 111 Analyzing functions............................................................. 118 The Function Variables......................................................... 122 Summary of FCN operations ................................................ 124 7 Advanced Graphing app Getting started with the Advanced Graphing app ................... 126 Plot Gallery ..................................................
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Plot types .......................................................................217 Setting up the plot (Plot Setup view)...................................219 Exploring the graph ........................................................219 11 Statistics 2Var app Getting started with the Statistics 2Var app.............................221 Entering and editing statistical data .......................................226 Numeric view menu items ................................................227 D
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15 Parametric app Getting started with the Parametric app ................................. 269 16 Polar app Getting started with the Polar app......................................... 275 17 Sequence app Getting started with the Sequence app .................................. 279 Another example: Explicitly-defined sequences ....................... 283 18 Finance app Getting Started with the Finance app..................................... 285 Cash flow diagrams ................................
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Plot ...............................................................................342 App menu ..........................................................................343 Function app functions.....................................................343 Solve app functions.........................................................344 Spreadsheet functions......................................................345 Statistics 1Var app functions.............................................363 Statistic
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24 Lists Create a list in the List Catalog ............................................. 453 The List Editor................................................................. 455 Deleting lists....................................................................... 457 Lists in Home view............................................................... 457 List functions ....................................................................... 459 Finding statistical values for lists...................
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28 Basic Integer arithmetic The default base..................................................................576 Changing the default base...............................................577 Examples of integer arithmetic...............................................578 Integer manipulation ............................................................579 Base functions.....................................................................580 A Glossary B Troubleshooting Calculator not responding ..
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Preface Manual conventions The following conventions are used in this manual to represent the keys that you press and the menu options that you choose to perform operations. • A key that initiates an unshifted function is represented by an image of that key: e,B,H, etc. • A key combination that initiates a shifted unction (or inserts a character) is represented by the appropriate shift key (S or A) followed by the key for that function or character: Sh initiates the natural exponential fu
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• Items you can select from a list, and characters on the entry line, are set in a non-proportional font, as follows: Function, Polar, Parametric, Ans, etc. • Cursor keys are represented by =, \, >, and <. You use these keys to move from field to field on a screen, or from one option to another in a list of options. • Error messages are enclosed in quotation marks: “Syntax Error” Notice This manual and any examples contained herein are provided as-is and are subject to change without notic
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1 Getting started The HP Prime Graphing Calculator is an easy-to-use yet powerful graphing calculator designed for secondary mathematics education and beyond. It offers hundreds of functions and commands, and includes a computer algebra system (CAS) for symbolic calculations. In addition to an extensive library of functions and commands, the calculator comes with a set of HP apps. An HP app is a special application designed to help you explore a particular branch of mathematics or to sol
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When the calculator is on, a battery symbol appears in the title bar of the screen. Its appearance will indicate how much power the battery has. A flat battery will take approximately 4 hours to become fully charged. Battery Warning • To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not disassemble, crush or puncture the battery; do not short the external contacts; and do not dispose of the battery in fire or water. • To reduce potential safety risks, only use the battery provided with the calcula
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The Home View Home view is the starting point for many calculations. Most mathematical functions are available in the Home view. Some additional functions are available in the computer algebra system (CAS). A history of your previous calculations is retained and you can re-use a previous calculation or its result. To display Home view, press . H The CAS View CAS view enables you to perform symbolic calculations. It is largely identical to Home view—it even has its own history of past ca
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Sections of the display Title bar History Entry line Menu buttons Home view has four sections (shown above). The title bar shows either the screen name or the name of the app you are currently using—Function in the example above. It also shows the time, a battery power indicator, and a number of symbols that indicate various calculator settings. These are explained below. The history displays a record of your past calculations. The entry line displays the object you are currently entering
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Annunciator Meaning (Continued) CAS [White] You are working in CAS view, not Home view. A...Z [orange] In Home view The Alpha key is active. The charac- ter shown in orange on a key will be entered in uppercase when a key is pressed. See “Adding text” on page 23 for more information. In CAS view The Alpha–Shift key combination is active. The character shown in orange on a key will be entered in uppercase when a key is pressed. See “Adding text” on page 23 for more information. a...z [or
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Annunciator Meaning (Continued) 1U 1U [Yellow] The user keyboard is active. The next key press will enter the custom- ized object associated with the key. See “The User Keyboard: Customiz- ing key presses” on page 515 for more information. [Time] Current time. The default is 24-hour format, but you can choose AM–PM format. See “Home settings” on page 30 for more information. [Green with Battery-charge indicator. gray border] Navigation The HP Prime offers two modes of navigation: touch a