ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
® ®
Peerless Pinnacle
Stainless Steel Gas Boilers
If the information in this manual is not
followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result causing property damage, personal
injury or loss of life.
– Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
Immediately call your gas suppl
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS G. CONDENSATE DRAIN INSTALLATION . . . .25 USING THIS MANUAL 1 H. BOILER REMOVAL FROM COMMON A. INSTALLATION SEQUENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 VENTING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 B. SPECIAL ATTENTION BOXES . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6. ELECTRICAL 26 1. PREINSTALLATION 2 A. WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 A. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 B. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION . . . . . .
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USING THIS MANUAL USING THIS MANUAL A. INSTALLATION SEQUENCE DANGER Follow the installation instructions provided in this Indicates a condition or hazard which will cause manual in the order shown. The order of these severe personal injury, death or major property instructions has been set in order to provide the installer damage. with a logical sequence of steps that will minimize potential interferences and maximize safety during boiler installation. WARNING B. SPECIAL ATTENTION BOXES Indicate
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PREINSTALLATION 1. PREINSTALLATION A. GENERAL C. ACCESSIBILITY CLEARANCES 1. Pinnacle boilers are supplied completely assembled 1. The Pinnacle boiler is certified for closet installations as packaged boilers. The package should be with zero clearance to combustible construction. In inspected for damage upon receipt and any damage addition, it is design certified for use on combustible to the unit should be reported to the shipping floors. company and wholesaler. This boiler should be 2. Refer t
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PREINSTALLATION WARNING WARNING This boiler is certified as an indoor appliance. Do not Do not install this boiler where gasoline or other install this boiler outdoors or locate where it will be flammable liquids or vapors are stored or are in use. exposed to freezing temperatures. Figure 1.1: Accessibility Clearances – Floor Standing Units Figure 1.2: Accessibility Clearances – Wall Hung Units 3
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BOILER SET-UP 2. BOILER SET-UP 3. Use a minimum of 1/4" threaded fasteners for A. GENERAL supporting the boiler. Do not mount the boiler to wall board only. 1. Pinnacle boilers are to be installed in an area with a floor drain or in a suitable drain pan. Do not install any boiler where leaks or relief valve discharge will WARNING cause property damage. Make sure the boiler is adequately supported. Do not 2. This boiler is not intended to support external piping. install this boiler on drywall un
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 3. WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 4. Expansion Tank: An expansion tank (such as a Bell & A. GENERAL Gossett Series HFT) is required to provide room for expansion of the heating medium (water or glycol 1. The water supply and return piping of this appliance solution). Consult the expansion tank manufacturer's are to be sized according to system requirements. Do instructions for specific information regarding not use piping smaller than the boiler connections. installation. Th
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS Figure 3.1: Piping Symbol Key 9. Pressure Relief Valve: The boiler pressure relief valve b. The circulator should be sized based on the net is factory installed into the right side boiler manifold output of the boiler. The Table 3.2 shows the (inside the jacket). Pipe the discharge of the relief Boiler Output as reported to the Hydronics valve to within 12" of the floor and close to a floor Institute division of GAMA. These values are drain. Provide piping that is the
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS c. The required flow rate can be calculated based g. Special consideration must be given if anti-freeze is on the design temperature difference from the to be used as a heating medium. Propylene glycol return to the supply of the boiler. For a PI-T80 has a higher viscosity than water therefore the with a design temperature difference of 20°F the system pressure drop will be higher. calculation is as follows: Output 64,000 10. Indirect Water Heater: An indirect water hea
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS Figure 3.2: Pinnacle Circulator Sizing Graph 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 PI-T50 9 8 7 PI-T80/80 6 5 PI-140 4 3 PI-199 2 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Flow Rate (GPM) D. SYSTEM PIPING E. FREEZE PROTECTION 1. Figure 3.3 shows a single boiler with two zones. In 1. Glycol for hydronic applications is specially this application, the Peerless Partner indirect water formulated for this purpose. It includes inhibitors heater and the single hea
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 9 Figure 3.3: One Boiler, Primary/Secondary with Two Zones (Zone Circulator)
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 10 Figure 3.4: One Boiler, Primary/Secondary with Three Zones (Zone Circulator)
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 11 Figure 3.5: Two Boilers, Primary/Secondary with Four Zones (Zone Circulator)
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 12 Figure 3.6: Three Boilers, Primary/Secondary with Five Zones (Zone Circulator)
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS 13 Figure 3.7: Three Boilers, Primary/Secondary with Four Zones (Zone Valves)
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS Antifreeze solutions expand more than water. For example, a 9. Do not use galvanized pipe in glycol systems. 50% by volume solution expands 4.8% for a 148°F 10. Use water that is low in mineral content and make temperature rise while water expands about 3% for the same sure there are no petroleum products in the solution. temperature increase. Allowance for this expansion must be considered in sizing expansion tanks and related components. 11. Mix solution at room tempe
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WATER PIPING AND CONTROLS Figure 3.8: Boiler in conjunction with a Chilled Water System Figure 3.9: Boiler Connected to a Heating Coil in a Forced Air System 15
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GAS PIPING 4. GAS PIPING Table 4.2: Maximum Capacity of Pipe (CFH) for a A . GENERAL Pressure Drop of 0.3" of Water 1. All fuel piping to the boiler is to be in accordance Pipe 1-1/4" 1-1/2" with local codes. In the absence of local regulations Length 3/4" NPT 1" NPT NPT NPT refer to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI (Feet) Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Z223.1/NFPA 54. 10 278 520 1,050 1,600 2. Size and install piping to provide a supply of gas 20 190 350 730 1,100 sufficient to meet the maximum demand of
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GAS PIPING 2. Install a sediment trap as shown in Figure 4.1. Be 5. Maintain a minimum distance of 10 feet between the sure to allow clearance from the floor for removal of gas pressure regulator and the boiler. the pipe cap. 6. Check all gas piping for leaks prior to placing the boiler in operation. Use an approved gas detector, WARNING non-corrosive leak detection fluid, or other leak detection method. If leaks are found, turn off all gas Use a pipe joint sealing compound that is resistant to
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GAS PIPING Table 4.4: Maximum and Minimum Fuel Pressure WARNING Pressure (inches of water) Gas Do not adjust the throttle screw without monitoring Type Minimum Maximum the carbon dioxide (CO ) and carbon monoxide (CO) ² Natural 3.7 13.5 in the vent pipe. Vent CO emissions above 400 ppm are in excess of most safety standards. LP 3.7 13.5 3. To check the gas supply pressure on the gas valve: b. For both gas valve arrangements, turning the a. Turn off the power at the service switch. throttle scre