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Release 5.1.2
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Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and
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Contents Contents Chapter 1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay 7 About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 7 JDBC Drivers 7 Type I: JDBC-ODBC Bridge 8 Type One Driver 8 Type II: Partial Java driver 9 Type Two Driver 9 Pure Java driver for database middleware 10 Type Three Driver 10 Type Four Driver: Direct-to-database pure Java driver 11 About the JDBC/ODBC eWay 13 What’s New in This Release 13 About This Document 14 JDBC eWay Javadoc 14 Scope 14 Intended Audience 15 Text Conventions 15 Related Docu
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Contents Chapter 3 Setting Properties of the JDBC/ODBC eWay 25 Creating and Configuring a JDBC eWay 25 Configuring the eWay Connectivity Map Properties 25 Transaction Support Levels Between Different Versions 27 Configuring the eWay Environment Properties 29 eWay Connectivity Map Properties 30 Connectivity Map Outbound eWay Properties 31 Connectivity Map Outbound non-Transactional eWay Properties 31 Connectivity Map Outbound XA eWay Properties 31 eWay Environment Properties 31 Inbound JDBC eWay
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Contents The Table 60 The Query (Select) Operation 60 The Insert Operation 61 The Update Operation 62 The Delete Operation 63 The Stored Procedure 63 Executing Stored Procedures 64 Manipulating the ResultSet and Update Count Returned by Stored Procedure 65 Prepared Statement 67 Batch Operations 67 Chapter 6 Implementing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Sample Projects 69 About the JDBC eWay Sample Projects 69 Sample Project Data 71 Operations Used in the JDBC Sample Projects 71 Assigning Operations in JCD 71
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Contents Building and Deploying the Project 94 Running the Sample 94 Building and Deploying the prjJDBC_BPEL Sample Project 95 Creating a Project 95 Creating the OTDs 96 Creating the Business Process 97 Creating the Business Process Flow 97 Configuring the bpelPsInsert Modeling Elements 98 Configuring the bpelUpdate Modeling Elements 100 Configuring the bpelDelete Modeling Elements 102 Configuring the bpelTableSelect Modeling Elements 104 Creating the Connectivity Map 107 Populating the Connect
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Chapter 1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Welcome to the Sun SeeBeyond eWay™ JDBC/ODBC Adapter User’s Guide. This document includes information about installing, configuring, and using the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite JDBC/ODBC eWay™ Adapter, referred to as the JDBC eWay throughout this guide. This chapter provides an overview of database connectivity (JDBC) and open database connectivity (ODBC) APIs. This chapter also introduces the JDBC/ODBC eWay. What’s In This Chapter
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Chapter 1 Section 1.1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) database and middleware vendors. The various driver types are described in the following sections: “Type I: JDBC-ODBC Bridge” on page 8 “Type II: Partial Java driver” on page 9 “Pure Java driver for database middleware” on page 10 “Type Four Driver: Direct-to-database pure Java driver” on page 11 Type I: JDBC-ODBC Bridge This combination provides JDBC access via ODBC drivers. ODBC binary code--and i
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Chapter 1 Section 1.1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) The pros and cons for using this type of driver are as follows: Pros Allows access to almost any database since the database ODBC drivers are readily available Cons Performance is degraded since the JDBC call goes through the bridge to the ODBC driver then to the native database connectivity interface. The results are then sent back through the reverse process Limited Java feature set May not be s
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Chapter 1 Section 1.1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Figure 2 Typical Type 2 Driver Configuration The pros and cons for using this type of driver are as follows: Pros Allows access to almost any database since the databases ODBC drivers are readily available Offers significantly better performance than the JDBC/ODBC Bridge Limited Java feature set Cons Applicable Client library must be installed Type 2 driver shows lower performance than type 3 or
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Chapter 1 Section 1.1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) different databases. Many mainframe legacy non-relational databases use this kind of driver. Figure 3 Typical Type 3 Middleware Driver Configuration The pros and cons for using this type of driver are as follows: Pros Allows access to almost any database since the databases ODBC drivers are readily available Offers significantly better performance than the JDBC/ODBC Bridge and Type 2 Drivers Adva
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Chapter 1 Section 1.1 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Cons: Not optimized for server operating system, so the driver can't take advantage of operating system features. (The driver is optimized for the database and can take advantage of the database vendor's functionality.) User needs a different driver for each different database. A native-protocol fully Java technology-enabled driver converts JDBC technology calls into the network protocol used by DBMS
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Chapter 1 Section 1.2 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About the JDBC/ODBC eWay 1.2 About the JDBC/ODBC eWay This document describes how to install and configure the JDBC/ODBC eWay. The JDBC/ODBC eWay enables the eGate system to exchange data with external databases. The Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java CAPS) contains many database eWays. You should use those eWays to interface with the databases they support. The JDBC/ODBC eWay should only be used when you have a driver or
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Chapter 1 Section 1.4 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay About This Document Connectivity Map Generator: Generates and links your Project’s Connectivity Map components using a Collaboration or Business Process. Many of these features are documented further in the Sun SeeBeyond eGate™ Integrator User’s Guide or the Sun SeeBeyond eGate™ Integrator System Administration Guide. 1.4 About This Document This document includes the following chapters: Chapter 1 “Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay”: Provides
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Chapter 1 Section 1.5 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Related Documents 1.4.2 Intended Audience This guide is intended for experienced computer users who have the responsibility of helping to set up and maintain a fully functioning Java Composite Application Platform Suite system. This person must also understand any operating systems on which the Java Composite Application Platform Suite will be installed (Windows and UNIX), and must be thoroughly familiar with Windows-style GUI operations.
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Chapter 1 Section 1.7 Introducing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Documentation Feedback 1.7 Documentation Feedback We appreciate your feedback. Please send any comments or suggestions regarding this document to: CAPS_docsfeedback@sun.com JDBC/ODBC eWay Adapter User’s Guide 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Chapter 2 Installing the JDBC/ODBC eWay This chapter describes how to install the JDBC/ODBC eWay. What’s in this Chapter Installing the JDBC eWay on page 17 ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures on page 19 Installing Enterprise Manager eWay Plug-Ins on page 21 2.1 Installing the JDBC eWay The Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installer, referred to throughout this guide as the Suite Installer, is a web-based application that is used to select and upload core products, composite ap
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Chapter 2 Section 2.1 Installing the JDBC/ODBC eWay Installing the JDBC eWay 2.1.1 Installing the JDBC eWay on an eGate supported system Follow the directions for installing the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite in the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installation Guide. After you have installed Core Products, do the following: 1 From the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installer’s Select Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite Products Installed t
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Chapter 2 Section 2.2 Installing the JDBC/ODBC eWay ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures 7 When prompted, restart the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to complete the installation. After Installation Once you install the eWay, it must then be incorporated into a Project before it can perform its intended functions. See the eGate Integrator User’s Guide for more information on incorporating the eWay into an eGate Project. 2.1.2 Extracting the Sample Projects and Javadocs The JDBC eWay
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Chapter 2 Section 2.2 Installing the JDBC/ODBC eWay ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures 2 From the Project Explorer, right-click your Project and select Export from the shortcut menu. The Export Manager appears. 3 Select the Project that you want to export in the left pane of the Export Manager and move it to the Selected Projects field by clicking the Add to Select Items (arrow) button, or click All to include all of your Projects. 4 In the same manner, select the Environment that you want