National Instruments 374318A-01 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز National Instruments 374318A-01

جهاز: National Instruments 374318A-01
فئة: بطاقة الشبكة
الصانع: National Instruments
مقاس: 1.51 MB
مضاف: 10/30/2014
عدد الصفحات: 109
اطبع الدليل


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هدفنا هو أن نوفر لك وصولاً سريعًا إلى محتوى دليل المستخدم الخاص بـ National Instruments 374318A-01. باستخدام المعاينة عبر الإنترنت ، يمكنك عرض المحتويات بسرعة والانتقال إلى الصفحة حيث ستجد الحل لمشكلتك مع National Instruments 374318A-01.


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  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم National Instruments 374318A-01 بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم National Instruments 374318A-01 على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
National Instruments 374318A-01 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

يفضل العديد من الأشخاص قراءة المستندات ليس على الشاشة ، ولكن في النسخة المطبوعة. تم أيضًا توفير خيار طباعة الدليل ، ويمكنك استخدامه بالنقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه - اطبع الدليل. لا يتعين عليك طباعة الدليل بالكامل National Instruments 374318A-01 ولكن الصفحات المحددة فقط. ورق.


ستجد أدناه معاينات لمحتوى أدلة المستخدم المقدمة في الصفحات التالية لـ National Instruments 374318A-01. إذا كنت ترغب في عرض محتوى الصفحات الموجودة في الصفحات التالية من الدليل بسرعة ، فيمكنك استخدامها.

ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Measurement Studio
Measurement Computing Edition
User Manual
Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual
March 2006

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Worldwide Technical Support and Product Information National Instruments Corporate Headquarters 11500 North Mopac Expressway Austin, Texas 78759-3504 USA Tel: 512 683 0100 Worldwide Offices Australia 1800 300 800, Austria 43 0 662 45 79 90 0, Belgium 32 0 2 757 00 20, Brazil 55 11 3262 3599, Canada 800 433 3488, China 86 21 6555 7838, Czech Republic 420 224 235 774, Denmark 45 45 76 26 00, Finland 385 0 9 725 725 11, France 33 0 1 48 14 24 24, Germany 49 0 89 741 31 30, India 91 80 4119

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Important Information Warranty The media on which you receive National Instruments software are warranted not to fail to execute programming instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace software media that do not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty per

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4


ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

Contents About This Manual How To Use this Manual ...............................................................................................ix Conventions ...................................................................................................................x Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition Installation Requirements ..............................................................................................1-1 Deployment Requirements

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Contents Numeric Edit Control...................................................................................... 2-17 Switch and LED Controls ............................................................................... 2-18 Property Editor Control................................................................................... 2-19 Measurement Studio Support for Visual Studio 2005 Class Library Overview ........... 2-20 Windows Forms Array Controls .......................................

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7

Contents Appendix A Contacting Measurement Computing Corp. Glossary Index © National Instruments Corporation vii Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8

About This Manual The Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition User Manual introduces the concepts associated with the Measurement Studio class libraries and development tools. This manual assumes that you have a general working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio, including .NET Windows and ASP.NET. How To Use this Manual Measurement Studio 8.0.1 includes one CD with support for both Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005. This manual documents the Measurement Studio for

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9

About This Manual Conventions The following conventions appear in this manual: <> Text enclosed in angle brackets represents directory names and parts of paths that may vary on different computers, such as . » The » symbol leads you through nested menu items and dialog box options to a final action. The sequence File»Page Setup»Options directs you to pull down the File menu, select the Page Setup item, and select Options from the last dialog box. This icon denotes a tip, whic

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10

1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition is an integrated suite of tools and class libraries that are designed for developers using .NET Windows and ASP.NET to develop measurement and automation applications. Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition dramatically reduces application development time through object-oriented measurement hardware interfaces, advanced analysis libraries, scientific user interfa

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition integrated tools) or Visual C#, Visual Basic, or Visual C++ Express Editions of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Measurement Studio integration tools are not supported in the Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions.  Intel Pentium II class processor, 733 MHz or higher  Video display—800 × 600, 256 colors (16-bit color recommended for user interface controls)  Minimum of 256 MB of RAM (512 MB or higher recommended)  Minimum

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12

Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition 2. Click Install NI Measurement Studio for Visual Studio .NET 2003 or click Install NI Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2005. 3. Click Next to install all NI software to the default installation directory, or click Browse to select a different installation directory. You must install Measurement Studio to a local drive. Click Next. Note The option to browse for an installation location is valid only if you have not

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition Measurement Studio Features The following list contains features included in Measurement Studio. Refer to for more information about the features and functionality included in Measurement Studio.  Windows Forms user interface controls  Web Forms user interface controls  Analysis class library  Universal Library class library  MccDaq Scan Components class library  GPIB class library Measurement S

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14

Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition The following resources also are available to provide you with information about Measurement Studio.  Examples—Measurement Studio installs examples to the following paths: – Visual Basic .NET or Visual C#—Program Files\National Instruments\\DotNET\Examples  Measurement Computing Technical Support—Refer to Appendix A, Contacting Measurement Computing Corp., for more information.  Measurement Studi

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15

2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries This chapter provides overview information about the .NET class libraries included with Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition support for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005. Refer to the Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries section of the NI Measurement Studio Help for detailed information about these libraries. Refer to Chapter 4, Getting Started with Measurement Studio, for step-

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16

Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries Analysis The Measurement Studio Analysis .NET class library is in the NationalInstruments.Analysis namespace. The Analysis class library includes a set of classes that provides various digital signal processing, signal filtering, signal generation, peak detection, and other general mathematical functionality. Use this library to analyze acquired data or to generate data. The Analysis class library includes the f

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17

Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries Sine Wave Square Wave  Triangle Wave  Uniform White Noise Windowing  Blackman Window  Blackman-Harris Window  Blackman-Nuttall Window  Cosine Tapered window  Dolph-Chebyshev Window  Exact Blackman Window  Exponential Window  Flat Top Window  Force Window  Gauss Window  General Cosine Window  Hamming Window  Hanning Window Kaiser Window  Scaled Time Domain Windows  Symmetric Time Domain Windows  T

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Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries  IIR Cascade  Inverse Chebyshev Kaiser Signal Processing  Autocorrelation  Convolution Cross Power  Cross Correlation  Decimate  Deconvolution  Derivative x(t)  Discrete Cosine Transform  Discrete Sine Transform  Fast Hartley Transform  Fast Hilbert Transform  Integral x(t)  Inverse Fast Hartley Transform  Inverse Fast Hilbert Transform  Peak Detection  Power Spectrum  Pulse Parameters  Real and

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19

Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries  Determinant  Dot Product  Inverse Matrix  Matrix Condition Number  Matrix Multiplication Matrix Norm  Matrix Rank  Outer Product  Pseudo Inverse Matrix  Special Matrix  Test Positive Definite Matrix  Trace  Transpose Array and Numeric Operations  1D and 2D Array Arithmetic  1D and 2D Linear Evaluation  Evaluation  1D Polar to Rectangular  1D Rectangular to Polar  Complex Number Arithmetic  Find P

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Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries Statistics  Histogram  Mean  Median and Mode  Moment about Mean Tip For more information about analyzing or generating data with the Analysis class library, refer to the Using the Measurement Studio Analysis .NET Library topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help. For more information about the functionality included in the Analysis class library, visit and select Analysis in Measurement Studio.

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
# دليل الاستخدام فئة تحميل
1 National Instruments 24-Bit Half/Full-Bridge Analog Input Module NI 9237 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 11
2 National Instruments 700 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 2
3 National Instruments 370620B-01 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
4 National Instruments 5411 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
5 National Instruments 6508 PCI-DIO-96 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 1
6 National Instruments 8-Channel Solid-State Relay (SSR) Digital Output NI 9485 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 6
7 National Instruments 8330 Series دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
8 National Instruments AT E Series دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 4
9 National Instruments BNC-2140 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
10 National Instruments Cabled PCI Express دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
11 National Instruments AutoCode NI MATRIX دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 1
12 National Instruments cFP-20xx دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
13 National Instruments DAQCard-1200 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 6
14 National Instruments Data Acquisition Device NI USB-621x دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 10
15 National Instruments DP8400 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
16 Sony BTA-NW1A دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 2
17 Sony BKMW-E3000 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 2
18 Sony AC-SQ950D دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 0
19 Sony BBV RX100 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 3
20 Sony CLIE A-AVZ-100-11 دليل الاستخدام بطاقة الشبكة 1