Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400

جهاز: Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400
فئة: بطاقة الشبكة
الصانع: Multi-Tech Systems
مقاس: 7.79 MB
مضاف: 6/15/2013
عدد الصفحات: 64
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إذا لم يكن البحث في دليل المستخدم Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400 مباشرة على موقع الويب هذا مناسبًا لك ، فهناك حلان محتملان:

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  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400 على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech MultiVOIP MVP400 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Standalone Voice/IP Gateway
Model MVP400 and MVP800
H.323 Mode
Quick Start Guide

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Quick Start Guide 82088202 Revision C MultiVOIP400 (Model MVP400) and MultiVOIP800 (Model MVP800) This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2001, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular pu

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Contents Introduction ................................................................................... 4 Related Documentation ................................................................. 5 Installing Your MultiVOIP ............................................................... 6 Installing and Configuring Your MultiVOIP .............................. 6 Deploying the VOIP Network .................................................. 7 Unpacking Your MultiVOIP ..............................

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide Introduction Welcome to Multi-Tech's new stand-alone Voice/IP Gateways which allow analog voice and fax communication over an IP network. The MultiVOIP model numbers are MVP400 for the four-channel unit and MVP800 for the eight-channel unit. Multi- Tech’s voice/fax gateway technology allows voice/fax communication to be transmitted with no additional expense over your existing IP network, which has traditionally been data-only. To access this free voice and fax commun

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Introduction Ethernet LAN interface, and a command port configuration. The MVP800 is designed with eight voice/fax channels, 10 Mbps Ethernet LAN interface, and command port. System management is provided through the Command port ® using bundled Windows software which provides easy-to-use configuration menus and comprehensive online Help. Note: Refer to the MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide for a detailed description of a typical VOIP application. Related Documentation The MultiVOIP 400/800 Quick Sta

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide Installing Your MultiVOIP The basic steps of installing your MultiVOIP network involve unpacking the units, connecting the cables, and configuring the units using the included management software (MultiVOIP Configuration). This process results in a fully functional Voice Over IP network. A brief description is provided below with detailed instructions provided later. Installing and Configuring Your MultiVOIP The VOIP administrator must first install the MultiVOIP sof

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Introduction this is done, the Phone Directory Database option is set to Slave, and the IP address of the Master MultiVOIP 400/800 is entered. Once all Slave units are configured, the process moves on to the “Deploying the VOIP Network” section. Deploying the VOIP Network The final phase of the installation is deployment of the network. When the remote MultiVOIP 400/800s are sent to their remote sites, the remote site administrators need only connect the units to their LAN and telephone equipmen

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide Unpacking Your MultiVOIP Remove all items from the box. Voice/Fax over IP Networks Figure 2. Unpacking Safety Warnings Caution Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. A lithium battery on the voice/fax channel board provides backup power for the time keeping capability. The battery has an estimated life expectancy of ten years. When the battery starts to weaken, the date and time may be incorrect. If the battery fails, the board must be sent back to

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Cabling Cabling Procedure Cabling involves connecting the master MultiVOIP to your LAN and telephone equipment. 1. If you are connecting any Voice/Fax Channel to an E&M trunk other than type 2, perform the E&M Jumper Block Positioning procedure in the following section before connecting power to the unit. 2. Connect one end of the power supply to a live AC outlet and connect the other end to the MultiVOIP as shown in Figure 3. The power connector is a 7-pin circular DIN connector.   

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide 5. If you are connecting a station device (analog telephone, fax machine, or Key Telephone System (KTS)) to your MultiVOIP, connect one end of an RJ11 phone cord to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 FXS connector on the back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the station device. If you are connecting a PBX extension to your MultiVOIP, connect one end of an RJ11 phone cord to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 FXO connector on the back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the PBX exten

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Cabling E&M Jumper Block Positioning Procedure A jumper block exists for each voice/fax channel. The jumper block is to the right of each set of channel jacks. The jumper block contains 8 pairs of pins. The jumper plug fits over three pairs of pins on the jumper block. The E&M type number is labeled on the pc board. The jumper plug must be centered on the E&M type number. To change E&M jumper position: 1. Verify that power is disconnected from the MultiVOIP. 2. Remove the front panel by removin

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide Installing Your MultiVOIP 400/800 The following installation procedures do not provide every screen or option in the process of installing the MultiVOIP 400/ 800 software. It is assumed that a technical person with a thorough knowledge of Windows and the software loading process is doing the installation. Once you have installed the software, you will be instructed on how to configure your MultiVOIP 400/800, and finally, on how to deploy your MultiVOIP 400/800. Addit

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Installing the Software If the Multi-Tech Installation CD window does not display automatically, click My Computer, then right click the CD ROM drive icon, click Open, and then click the Autorun icon. 3. When the Multi-Tech Installation CD dialog box displays, click the Install Software icon. 4. The MultiVOIP 800 Setup welcome dialog box displays. Press Enter or click Next to continue. 13

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide 5. The Choose Destination Location dialog box displays. Follow the on-screen instructions. You can either choose the Destination Location of your MultiVOIP 400/800 software or select the default destination by clicking Next. Click Browse if you want to select a different destination folder for the MultiVOIP 400/ 800 software. 6. The Select Program Folder dialog box enables you to choose where you want the program file to be located. Verify the path and click Next to c

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Installing the Software 7. The MultiVOIP 800 Setup dialog box displays. This dialog box enables you to select the COM port of your PC that is connected to the Command port of the MultiVOIP 400/800. From the Select Port list, select the COM port of your PC. Click OK to continue. 8. The Setup Complete dialog displays. Click Finish to continue. 15

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide 9. The following message displays: Click Yes to continue. 10. The following message displays: Click Yes to continue. 16

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Configuring the MultiVOIP Configuring Your MultiVOIP 400/800 The following steps provide instructions for configuring your MultiVOIP 400/800. The configuration sequence includes IP Protocol default setup, Channel setup, and Phone Directory Database setup. The Phone Directory Database setup is configured differently depending on whether or not the Gatekeeper function is available and enabled on the Phone Directory Database dialog box (see Step 26). 11. The IP Protocol Default Setup dialog box di

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide 13. The Channel Setup dialog box displays. The four tabs in this dialog box define the channel interface, voice/fax parameters, billing, miscellaneous, and regional telephone parameters for each channel. Configure each channel for the type of interface you are using. Channel 1 is selected by default in the Select Channel list. To change the channel number, select the channel you want to configure from the list. Note: Feature options are enabled or unavailable dependi

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Configuring the MultiVOIP 14. The Interface group defaults to FXS (Loop Start). Select the interface option that corresponds to the interface type being connected to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 jack on the back panel of the MultiVOIP 400/800. FXS (Loop Start): If a station device such as an analog telephone, fax machine, or KTS (Key Telephone System) is connected to the Voice/Fax connector on the back of the unit, FXS (Loop Start) will likely be the correct Interface. FXS (Ground Start): If the st

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MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide For FXO-to-FXO communications, you can enable a specific type of FXO Disconnect; Current Loss, Tone Detection, or Silence Detection. Check with your in- house phone personnel to verify the preferred type of disconnect to use. Enabling Tone Detection activates the Disconnect Tone Sequence options. For Disconnect Tone Sequence, you can select from lists either one or two tones that will cause the line to be disconnected. The person hanging up a call must then hit the k

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
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