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Raven and PinPoint
Raven and PinPoint
User Guide
Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc.
March 24, 2004
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © Copyright AirLink Communications, Inc, 1993-2004. All rights reserved. Please send comments to: email: pubs@AirLink.com Fax: 510-264-5422 Phone: 510-264-5400 Post: AirLink Communications, Inc. Attention: Technical Publications Dept. 3159 Corporate Place Hayward, CA 94545
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Preface Important Notice Because of the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) or be totally lost. Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the AirLink Communications modem are used in a normal manner with a well-constructed network, the AirLink modem should not be used in situations where failure to transmit or receive data could result
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Table of Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 1.1 CDMA2000 1X ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Raven Product Overview................................................................................. 2 1.3 PinPoint Product Overview...........................................................................
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6.10 Configuring the Polling Host Application Raven....................................... 34 Configuring the Remote Ravens 35 7 PinPoint Notes .................................................................................... 36 7.1 Low-power Mode............................................................................................ 36 7.1.1 Effect on Modem State 36 7.2 Real-Time Clock Sync.................................................................................... 36 7.3
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13.2 Power Specifications:................................................................................... 66 13.3 Environmental: ............................................................................................ 66 13.4 Status LED Display:.................................................................................... 67 13.5 RF Features: ................................................................................................ 67 13.6 Application Interface Features
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide WARNING The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co- located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter and must not have a gain exceeding 2 dBi. 1 Introduction This manual covers information for first-time setup and configuration of your AirLink CDMA modems, as well as technical details on this modem. The modem may be remo
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 1.2 Raven Product Overview The AirLink Raven CDMA is a rugged, full duplex 1xRTT CDMA modem that provides wireless transport capabilities for fixed and mobile applications. CDMA is an efficient and secure wireless technology that works well for fixed or mobile applications. The Raven's rugged form factor is ideal for industrial and commercial applications that require real-time communications. The Raven provides wireless data communications
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 2 Network Connection The AirLink Raven and PinPoint CDMA modems are capable of providing network connections for 1xRTT, Circuit Switched and SMS data. 2.1 Internet (TCP/IP) Connections via 1xRTT When using the AirLink CDMA modems, remote access to is done via a PPP (TCP/IP) connection to the CDMA network. The CDMA carrier actually provides Internet connectivity, and, therefore, it becomes the ISP for that session. Applications such as
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 If the host establishes a PPP link to the AirLink modem, a second PPP link is created between the modem and the host. IP packets can then be sent to and received from the 1xRTT network. IP CDMA IP 1xRTT PPP PPP Network If the host device is to send and receive data via the Raven, then the Raven can be configured to used either one of the UDP or TCP packet assembly/disassembly modes. UDP or CDMA Data IP TCP 1xRTT PPP
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 3 Modem Configuration Modem configuration of the AirLink CDMA modems can be performed using the Wireless Ace application, or a terminal emulation program like HyperTerminal in Windows, or using a telnet application. 3.1 Local Configuration 1. Attach the antennas, DB-9 cable and power to the back of the modem. 2. Power on the modem, and ensure the On light is lit. 3. Attach the modem to the back of the PC with the provided DB-9 cable
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 6. For "Connect using" select the COM port that the modem is on (do not select a modem driver), then select OK. 7. Select 115200 for the "Bits per second." Ensure Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1 and Flow control: Hardware. Then select OK. (These are the factory default settings for a Raven CDMA modem. If you get garbled characters when typing AT commands, change these settings and reconnect to the modem. For example, change the
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 8. Type AT followed by [Enter]. You should receive an "OK" in response. 9. Type ATI1 followed by [Enter]. This displays the modem firmware version and you should also see "AirLink Communications, Inc." in it which ensures you are talking to the Raven CDMA modem. (If not, try changing COM ports.) Other AT commands may now be issued to the modem. See Section 5 for a list of AT commands 3.2 Modem Activation The Raven CDMA modem is
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 If however the Reg light is not lit, your modem may need to be configured with a phone number and other parameters. Or if you have service ordered and a phone number for your modem, you may add these parameters yourself for some carrier accounts by doing the following: • Connect up to configure the modem as in Section 3.1. • If you are unfamiliar with using AT commands, please review Section 5 first. • Use the following command to go into Pa
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 NAMVAL = “NAM Value” The NAMVAL command has (3) functions: Setting the Active Account index The modem supports two accounts. One is always the ‘active’ account. Using the parameter followed by a 0 or 1 will set the active account to be used. AT~NAMVAL=0 - Sets NAM 0 as the active account OK {Response} Reading the current account information The query form of the command will report the details of the active account:
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 2. Enter the name of the connection and select OK. 3. Select TCP/IP (Winsock) for "Connect using." (Note: Early versions of Windows do not have this option in HyperTerminal. The Command Prompt application telnet.exe can be used or any other telnet application.) 4. For the "Host address" enter the IP address of the modem. (AT*NETIP? will reveal the current device IP address.) 5. For the "Port Number" use 2332. This is the default telnet
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 7. If the correct parameters have been entered, and the modem is currently online, you will get a "Password" prompt as shown above. 8. Enter 12345 (default password) and press [Enter]. You will receive an OK. Now you may enter any AT commands to the modem as you would if you were doing a local connection to the modem. See Section 5 for AT commands and their options. You may want to set local echo in your terminal emulator to see what
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Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12 4 Windows Dial-Up Networking Setup This section describes the setup of Windows to enable communications over the CDMA 1xRTT network. Windows 2000 is used as the example because it the one Windows OS revision that carries the most similarity to both Windows 98 as well as Windows XP. 4.1 Add Windows Modem Driver 4.1.1 Setup Modem • Connect the modem to the computer with the DB-9 cable. • Plug in the AC adapter, connect the antenna(s) and p