Paradyne Hotwire 5446 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Paradyne Hotwire 5446

جهاز: Paradyne Hotwire 5446
فئة: مودم
الصانع: Paradyne
مقاس: 0.28 MB
مضاف: 8/3/2013
عدد الصفحات: 23
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  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Paradyne Hotwire 5446 على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Hotwire 5446 RTU Customer Premises
Installation Instructions
Document Number 5446-A2-GN10-60
May 1999
Before You Begin
The Hotwire 5446 RTU (Remote Termination Unit) interoperates with the Hotwire 8546
DSL Card in the DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) system.
An optional POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) splitter is available for the Hotwire
5446 RTU. When a POTS splitter is installed, the telephone and 5446 RADSL (Rate
Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line) RTU can function at

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Package Checklist Verify that your package contains the following:  Model 5446 Remote Termination Unit (RTU)  DSL interface cable with RJ11 connectors  Power cord with power transformer Refer to Cables & Connectors, page 17, for standard pin numbers. Be sure to register your warranty at Select Service & Support → Warranty Registration. What Does the Hotwire 5446 RTU Do? The Hotwire 5446 RTU is a component in the Hotwire RADSL Access System. This system provides high-speed In

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Customer Premises (CP) Demarcation Point CP POTS POTS Splitter End-user Central Systems Office (CO) DSL RTU Jack DSL Local Loop Network Ethernet Ethernet Service or Crossover Cable Provider Cable Punchdown (NSP) Block or NID Hub or Router 98-16105 DSL – Digital Subscriber Line POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service NID – Network Interface Device RTU – Remote Termination Unit New Wiring Connections Existing Wiring (POTS) DSL Access with a Hotwire 5038 Distributed POTS Splitter When a Hotwire 5038 Dis

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DSL Access without a POTS Splitter When the Hotwire 5446 RTU is installed without a POTS splitter, a second telephone wiring pair is needed for DSL access. Customer Premises (CP) Demarcation Point End-user POTS Systems Central Office (CO) DSL RTU Jack DSL Local Loop Ethernet Network Ethernet Crossover or Service Cable Cable Provider Punchdown (NSP) Block or NID Hub or Router 98-16104 DSL – Digital Subscriber Line POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service NID – Network Interface Device RTU – Remote Term

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Installing the DSL Access Wiring The local loop terminates at the punchdown block or NID. Wiring must be connected from the customer premises side of the punchdown block or the NID to an RJ11 jack. Typically, the punchdown block is installed in commercial locations and the NID is installed in residential locations.  Procedure 1. Access the punchdown block or NID. ! WARNING: Do not continue unless the DSL access line from the local loop has been disconnected at the NID or punchdown block. Refer

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3. Locate the DSL pair of T1/R1 connectors on the customer premises side of the NID or punchdown block. Attach the wiring that will be connected to the DSL jack. In the following example, a NID is used without a POTS splitter. It includes an existing POTS line and a second pair installed for DSL access. Telephone Network Interface Device (NID) Customer Premises Demarcation Point Tip T1 (Green) DSL Pair POTS Pair Ring R1 (Red) Wiring to DSL Jack DSL/POTS Access from Local Loop Existing POTS Groun

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The 5446 RTU connects to the local loop via wiring from the demarcation point to an RJ11 wall jack. The DSL twisted-pair wiring from the local loop terminates at a new or existing wall jack. It may be necessary to install a standard single RJ11 jack or replace a single jack with a double RJ11 jack. Customer Premises Demarcation Point DSL Twisted-pair Wiring DSL Central RJ11 Office Jack POTS/DSL Local Loop RTU Punchdown Block or NID 97-15343-02  Procedure 1. Wiring can be run from the RJ11 Wall

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PHONE LINE DSL LINE DSL POWER ETHERNET DSL Installing the Hotwire 5446 RTU Place the Hotwire 5446 RTU on a flat surface with clearance for the rear connectors.  Procedure 1. Use the supplied RJ11 6-pin interface cable for the DSL connection. Insert one end of the cable into the jack labeled DSL. Insert the other end into the wall jack labeled DSL. Hotwire RTU DSL Jack 97-15300-01 If the Hotwire 5446 RTU is installed on the same line as POTS, a Hotwire 5038 Distributed POTS Splitter can be used

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POWER DSL ETHERNET POWER ETHERNET DSL 2. Use an 8-pin Ethernet cable for the Ethernet connection. Insert one end of the cable into the jack labeled ETHERNET.  Use a straight-through cable and connect the other end to an Ethernet hub, or Hotwire RTU Ethernet Line Ethernet Ethernet Hub Cable 97-15303-01  Use an Ethernet crossover cable and connect the other end to a PC with an Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) or router. Hotwire RTU Ethernet Line PC with Ethernet Network Interface Card Ether

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POWER ETHERNET DSL 3. Insert the power cord’s round end into the jack labeled POWER. Plug the transformer into an AC outlet. Hotwire RTU Power Jack or Transformer or 98-15836 The RTU hardware installation is now complete. When the power cord is installed, the RTU goes through a power-on self-test. Power-On When power is applied, the RTU performs self-diagnostics and the PWR LED is on. The self-diagnostics includes a power-on self-test. During the power-on self-test, all of the LEDs turn on for o

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 11

Optional RTU Wall Placement The Hotwire 5446 RTU is designed for tabletop placement. The RTU can also be mounted on a wall. To mount an RTU, you will need:  Three slotted-head #6 self-threading screws with molly bolts  Drill and 3/16” drill bit for the molly bolts  Screwdriver A template with the dimensions for the three screws is provided. See RTU Hardware Template on page 12.  Procedure To mount the RTU: 1. Use a drill to install the plastic anchors (molly bolts). 2. Use a screwdriver to i

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RTU Hardware Template 5.43" Front (LEDs) 7.55" To Bottom Hole 98-16171 12

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Status LEDs All of the LEDs turn on and off during the power-on self-test. After a successful self-test, the LEDs should appear as indicated in BOLD in the Condition column below. LED Condition Status PWR ON RTU has power. ALM OFF No active alarms. ON An alarm condition exists. TST OFF No active tests. ON The TST LED is on during the power-on self-test and during a test initiated by the NSP. DSL Fast RTU is establishing the active DSL link. The LED blinks blinking on and off about five times per

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Troubleshooting LED Symptom Action All LEDs are on. If the LEDs remain on after ten minutes, the RTU is not functional. Contact the NSP. ALM LED remains The power-on self-test may have failed. Unplug the unit and on. reapply power. If the alarm light is still on, contact the NSP. ALM and TST Firmware download may be in progress. If firmware download LEDs are blinking. is not in progress or the LEDs remain on after ten minutes, contact the NSP. DSL LED is off. Verify that the DSL cable is securel

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 15

Hotwire 5446 RTU Next Hop Router Support The Hotwire 5446 RTU now includes support for next hop routers and a default gateway. The following illustration includes a router and a default gateway. The maximum of 32 end-user systems applies to end-user systems directly connected to the 5446 RTU (with or without a hub) and end-user systems connected to routers. Any connections to a default gateway are not included in the 32 systems. Customer Premises (CP) End-user Systems End-user Systems 5446 RTU D

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Hotwire 5446 RTU IP Setup The Hotwire 5446 RTU hardware installation is now complete. Additional steps are required by the NSP to utilize the DSL and Ethernet connections. Network Service Provider Example The ISP:  Assigns and sets up the RTU IP address and subnet mask.  Assigns the IP address and subnet mask for each end-user system connected to the 5446 RTU. To configure the end-user system, the following is used:  IP address  Subnet mask  Default gateway* *In most cases, the 5446 RTU is

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Increasing the Number of End-User Systems A single end-user system is attached to the Hotwire 5446 RTU by using an Ethernet crossover cable. To increase the number of end-user systems, connect all end-user systems to an Ethernet hub using straight-through Ethernet cable. Refer to Installing the Hotwire 5446 RTU, page 8. The initial IP address for the first end-user system remains in effect when the end-user system is reconnected. All new end-user systems must be configured by the NSP. Coordinate

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 The Ethernet interface connector uses an 8-pin, non-keyed modular plug. — To connect to an Ethernet hub, use the straight-through connection. 8-Pin Straight-Through Connection Ethernet Cable Pin # Function 1 10BaseT TX D+ 2 10BaseT TX D– 8-Pin 3 10BaseT RX D+ Plug 4 & 5 Not used 6 10BaseT RX D– 7 & 8 Not used Pin #8 Pin #1 98-16055a — To connect the RTU directly to a PC with an Ethernet NIC card, use an Ethernet crossover cable. 8-Pin Ethernet Crossover Cable Function Pin # Pin # Function 10Ba

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Hotwire 5446 RTU Technical Specifications * Item Specification Height x Width x Depth 1.43″ x 6.00″ x 8.75″ (3.64 cm x 15.24 cm x 22.23 cm) Weight 1 lb. 1 oz. (0.48 kg) Power Input: 100 Vac (+10%), 50 Hz; 120 Vac (+10%), 60 Hz; or Class 2 Transformer normal 230 Vac (+10%), 50/60 Hz service input voltage range Output: 18 Vdc nominal, minimum 0.8A Approvals FCC Part 15 Class B Subpart B digital device CISPR 22 Class B Safety Certifications Refer to equipment’s label for approvals on product Physi

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! Important Safety Instructions 1. Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in the manual. 2. Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. To ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, these slots and openings must not be blocked or covered. 3. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord and do not locate the product where persons will walk on the power cord. 4. Do not attempt to service this p

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