ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
electro lux we lco m e 3 Welcome to the world of Electrolux You’ve ch osen a fir s t class product fro m E lectro lux, which hope f u lly w ill provid e y o u w ith lots o f pl ea sure in the future. El ectro lux amb ition is to of fer a wide va riety o f qualit y produ cts that would ma ke your li fe e v en m o re com fortabl e. You c an lo ok a t some exampl es on the co ve r in thi s manual. But now it’s time to study this manua l and start
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4 electro lux contents Contents Saf e ty in for m ation 5 Product descr iption 10 Access o ri es 11 Operati o n 12 Prog ram m e cha rts 14 Hints and tips 15 Care and cl eaning 16 Technica l data 17 Installati on 18 Envir o nmental inf o rmat ion 20 Guarantee / customer care 21 The fo ll ow ing s y mbo ls ar e u s ed in this user manual : Important in for m ation c o nce rning your per s onal saf e ty and infor m ation o
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electro lux s a f e ty in for m atio n 5 Safety information u , The built-in sa fety interlo c k s w itches n prevent the mi cro w a v e oven fro m cause ex posure to extremely high voltage. operating when the doo r is open. n Do not tamper w ith them, or attempt h a to operate the o v en with the door op en n as open doo r oper a tion c an result in d exposure to mic r o w av e ener gy. n h Do not al lo w f ood spi lls or cl eaner residue to a ccumul ate on d oor se al ing
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6 electro lux s a fet y in for m ation howe ver, can dam a ge the u n it. Stop h a the progra mme and chec k the utensil. d Care should be ta ken not to obstruct any ai r v ents loc a ted on the top, rear, side and bottom of the o v en . Warn ing: If smoke is observed, switch off or u n pl ug the a ppliance and keep the door closed in o r der Warn ing: Do not use th is oven for to stifle a n y fla m es. Neve r use commercia l pu rposes. This oven is water. made for domestic u
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electro lux s a f e ty in for m atio n 7 Oven ute n sils a o ries guide n d access A v a riet y o f Utensi ls and M a teria ls m a y be used f o r c o o k i n g in y o ur m icro w a v e oven. Fo r y o ur sa fety and to prevent dam a gin g utensils and your o v en ch oose appropriate utensi ls and m a teria ls f o r e ach co ok ing method. The l ist bel o w is a genera l guide. Mode of opera tio n Mater ia l Ute n si ls Microwave Cera mi c & Cornin g w a re YES Gla s s Heat r e sis
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8 electro lux s a fet y in for m ation Testing su itabi lit y of cookware Foil contai ners Utensils should be chec ked to ensure Shall o w f o il container s ma y safe ly be they are su itable for use in Micr ow av e used to reheat f oods in your mic r o w av e Ov ens. oven pr ov iding the f o l lo w ing rules ar e Plac e the co ok wa re in the m icro w a v e observ e d: along with a gla ss hal f full of water. Heat on full po wer for one m inute. If the 1. Foil c o ntainers shou ld
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electro lux s a f e ty in for m atio n 9 Food safety Do not heat f ood in a can in the Warn ing: W hen heat ing li quids, e.g. micr ow av e o v en. A l way s re mov e the soups, sauces and beverages in food to a suitabl e containe r. your microwave o v en, ov erheati n g Deep fat fr ying sh ould not be done in the l iqu id beyond boi li ng point can the micr ow ave ov en, becau se the fat occur witho u t evidence o f bubbling. temperature c annot be controll ed, This could resu
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10 electrol u x product des c ription Product description 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 35 3 30 4 5 25 5 20 6 15 7 10 8 9 6 Vi ew ing windo w O v en do or C o ntrol pane l Powe r setting knob Ti mer s e tting knob Doo r open button
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electro lux acces sor ies 11 Accessories Turntable support Gla ss turntable Turntable instal lation 1. Plac e the turntable support on the cav ity Bottom. 2. Plac e the turntable on top o f the turntable support as shown i n the diagra m. Mak e sure that tur n table hub is securel y loc k ed in the turntable shaft. N e ve r pla ce the turntable upside down. • Both turntable and turntable support must alw a ys b
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12 electrol u x operat ion Operation Microwave cooki n g To stop the oven 1. Open the door ; plac e the f o od on There a r e tw o way s to stop the oven the turntable. whilst it is in use. 2. Clo s e the doo r. 3. Set the required p o w e r by turning 1. Open the door . 2. Turn the time c o ntrol knob t o ze ro the power setting kn ob . . 4. Set the required coo k ti me b y turning the time contro l kno b . 5. The o v en automat ical ly begi ns coo k ing. You may res
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electro lux operati o n 13 Defrost Defrosti ng Tips For manual defr osting s e lect the It is better to underest imate defrostin g defrost po we r setting . time i f you ar e unsure. Food wi ll continue to defr ost during th e standing To de frost time. 1. Open the door ; plac e the f o od on Separate fo od as s o on as p o ssible . the turntable. Turn lar g e ite m s, e . g. joints, half w a y 2. Clo s e the doo r. through the defrosting time. 3. Set the required p o w e r by Rem o
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14 electrol u x prog ram m e charts Programme charts Recommendat ions for de frosting Defrost Standi n g Food Preparat ion time time Sma ll loa f Plac e on micr o w av e-proo f r ack 8–1 0 m in. 10– 1 5 min. or k itchen paper. Turn ove r hal f w ay through defrostin g time . Sli ced l a rge Plac e on micr o w av e-proo f r ack 10– 13 min. 10 m in loa f or k itchen paper. Turn ove r hal f w ay through defrostin g time . 2 sli ces Plac e on kitchen paper . 45– 60 s ec. 5 min.
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x u ol r t ec el hints and tips 15 Hints and tips Al wa ys k eep the o v en c lean – a v oid over co ok ing. The lar g er the amount of spill ove r s and do not for g et to cle an food the longer it tak e s. under the glass tra y and the inside o f Use little or no w a ter for veg e tables. the door. Use less salt and sp ices tha n for Pre f erab ly use round or ov al ‘norma l’ c o o k ing. casser o les w ith a lid when c ook ing in Season after w a r ds. your micr o w av e o v en. A
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16 electrol u x car e and c le aning Care and cleaning The ov en must al wa ys be cl ean. Residue of fo od f r om spil lo v e rs or spatters wi ll attract mi cro w a v e ene rgy Never use abrasive clea n e rs, causing it to burn on. This c o uld commercia l oven cleaner s or steel reduce the ef fi cienc y o f the oven and wool pads on any par t of the may cause bad odours. microwave ove n . Do not attempt to tamper w i th or mak e any adjustments or re pairs to an y To l oos
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electro lux te chnical data 17 Clean ing the exter i or Open the o v en door when cl eaning the control pane l. Th is wil l pre v e n t the oven fro m being turned on acc ide n tally. Y o u should cle an outside sur f ace s of the oven with m ild liquid deter g e n t and water fo llo wed b y a w iping with cl ear water to rem o v e any exces s detergent. Dry with a s o ft c loth. Spray- on w indow cle aners or al l- purpose spra y-on k itchen cl eaners c an also be use
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18 electrol u x instal lation Installation 1. Rem o ve any pr om otion l a be l fr om the door. 2. The ov en should be installed on a The ov en can be p laced alm o st flat, le vel sur f a ce. The surf ac e must anywhe r e in the kitchen. Ma ke sure the be strong enough to s a f e l y bear oven is pla ced on a fl at, le ve l surf ace the wei g ht (12 kg) of the ove n , and and that vents as w e ll as the surfac e the contents. To a v oid the underneath the oven are not bloc ke
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electro lux install a tion 19 This app lia nce m u st be earthed . If th is appl iance is fi tted w it h a no n- rewireab le p lug fo r wh ich you r socket is u n su itab le, the plug should be cu t off and the appropr iate p l ug f i t t ed. If it is necessary to change t he fuse in a non- rewireab le p lug, t he fuse cover must be ref i tted . If t he fu se cover is lost o r damaged, t he pl ug mus t no t be used u n t il a rep lacem ent is obtained .
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20 electrol u x env ironm ental in for m ation Environmental information The sy mbol on the product or on its pack aging indic a tes that this product may not be treated as household w a ste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applic abl e coll ection po int fo r the rec y c ling o f electr ical and el ectronic equi pment. By ensuring this product is disp osed o f corre ctly, y o u w ill help pre v e n t potential negativ e consequence s f o r t he envir