ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Op er a tor' s Man ual
22" Push Mower
070 Se ries
PRINTED IN U.S.A. MTD Prod ucts Lim ited, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J1 772C0760
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
TA BLE OF CON TENTS CALL ING CUS TOM ER SUP POR T ············ 2 LU BRI C A TION ························· 10 IM POR TANT SAFE OP ER A TI ON PRAC TICE S ···· 3 MAIN TE NANCE ························· 10 SLOPE GAUGE·························· 6 OFF SEA S ON STOR AG E IN STRUC TIONS ····· 11 SET-UP IN STRUC TIONS ··················· 7 TROU BLE SHOOT I NG ···················· 12 OP ER A TI ON ···························· 9 WAR RANTY ··························· 13 AD JUST ME NTS ····················
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IM POR TANT SAFE OP ER A TION PRAC TIC ES WARN ING: This sym bol points out im por tant safety in struc tions which, if not fol lowed, could en dan ger the per sonal safety and/or prop erty of your self and oth ers. Read and fol low all in struc tions in this man - ual be fore at tempt ing to op er ate this ma chine. Fail ure to com ply with these in struc tions may re sult in per sonal in jury. When you see this sym bol—heed its warn ing. DAN GER: This ma chine was built to be op er ated ac cor
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• Never op er ate mower with out proper trail shield, dis - ob scure your vi sion of a child who may run into the charge cover, grass catcher, blade con trol han dle or mower. other safety pro tec tive de vices in place and work ing. •Keep chil dren away from hot or run ning en gines. Never op er ate mower with dam aged safety de vices. They can suf fer burns from a hot muf fler. Fail ure to do so, can re sult in per sonal in jury. •Never al low chil dren un der 14 years old to op er ate a •Mu
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•Never at tempt to make a wheel or cut ting height ad - Gen era l Ser vice: just ment while the en gine is run ning. • Never run an en gine in doors or in a poorly ven ti lated •Grass catcher compo nents, dis charge cover, and area. En gine ex haust con tains car bon mon ox ide, an trail shield are sub ject to wear and dam age which odor less and deadly gas. could ex pose mov ing parts or al low ob jects to be • Be fore clea n ing, re pair ing, or in spec t ing, make cer - thrown. For safety p
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SLOPE GAUGE (Keep this sheet in a safe place for fu ture ref er ence.) Use this page as a guide to de ter mine slopes where you may not op er ate safely. Do not op er ate your lawn mower on such slopes. 6 o F O L D O N D O T T E D L I N E , R E P R E SENTING A 15 S L O P E SIGHT AND HOL D T H I S L E V E L W I T H A V E R T I CAL TREE A P O W E R P O L E A CORNER OF A BUILDING OR A FENCE POST 15º D A N GER D o n o t m o w o n i n c l i n e s w i t h a s l o p e i n
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This unit is shipped WITH OUT GAS O LINE or OIL. Af ter as sem bly, ser vice en gine with gas o line and oil as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your unit. NOTE: Ref er ence to right or left hand side of the mower is ob served from the op er at ing po si tion. This owner’s man ual cov ers var i ous mod els of lawnmowers. The units il lus trated may vary slightly from your unit. Fol low only those in struc tions which per tain to your model lawnmower. Tools Re quired
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Cable Ties •In sert posts on ca ble ties into holes pro vided on the Hex Nut han dle, holes may be in dif fer ent lo ca tions de pend - ing on the model. See Fig ure 5. •Po si tion the ca ble to avoid all mov ing parts and se - Small Cupped Washer cure with the ca ble ties. Trim ex cess ends of ca ble ties. Axle B olt Large Cupped W asher WARN ING: When attach ing the con trol ca ble, the ca ble must be routed to avoid con tact with all sharp edges and hot sur faces to pre - Cupped Crowned
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Metal Loop on Spark Plug Wire Rubber Boot Shipping Fig ure 11 Block Fig ure 9 Blade Con trol Han dle Starter Handle B B Fig ure 12 •If your unit is equipped with a primer, prime en gine as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed A with your unit. •Stand ing be hind the unit, de press the blade con trol han dle and hold it against the up per han dle as shown in Fig ure 12. Fig ure 10 (op tional) •Grasp the re coil starter han dle as shown and pull slowly un til re sis tance is f
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WARNING: Your mower is de signed to cut ADJUSTMENT nor mal res i den tial grass of a height no more than 10". Do not at tempt to mow through un - CAUTION: DO NOT AT ANY TIME MAKE ANY usu ally tall, dry grass (e.g., pas ture) or piles ADJUSTMENT TO LAWNMOWER WITHOUT of dry leaves. De bris may build up on the FIRST STOPPING THE ENGINE AND mower deck or contact the en gine ex haust DISCONNECTING THE SPARK PLUG WIRE. pre sent ing a po ten tial fire haz ard. CAUTION: Before changing mowing height F
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tual dam age to the en gine and mower. Be sure to Blade Adapter care fully bal ance blade af ter sharp en ing. The blade can be tested for bal ance by bal anc ing it on a round shaft screw driver. Re move metal from the heavy side un til it Blade bal a nces evenly. Blade Bell Be fore re as sem bling the blade and the blade adapter Sup port to the unit, lu bri cate the en gine crank shaft and the in - ner sur face of the blade adapter with light oil. In stall Hex Bolt the blade adapter on the
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TROU BLE SHOOTING PROB L EM POS SI BL E CAUSE (S) COR REC TIVE AC TION En gine fails to start 1. Blade con trol han dle dis en gaged. 1. En gage blade con trol han dle. 2. Spark plug wire dis con nected. 2. Con nect spark plug wire. 3. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel. 3. Fill tank with clean, fresh gas o line. 4. Blocked fuel line. 4. Clean the fuel line. 5. Faulty spark plug. 5. Clean, ad just gap or re place. 6. En gine flooded. 6. Wait a few min utes to re start, but do not prime. En gine runs
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TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY For TWO YEARS from the date of re tail pur chase within Can ada, MTD PROD UCTS LIM ITED will, at its op tion, re - pair or re place, for the orig i nal pur chaser, free of charge, any part or parts found to be de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship. This war ranty does not cover: 1. Any part which has be come in op er a tive due to mis use, com mer cial use, abuse, ne glect, ac ci dent, im - proper main te nance or al ter ation; or 2. The unit if it has not been op
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32 34 17 15 22 13 16 27 18 12 19 4 2 16 5 10 29 24 26 7 14 8 3 31 9 24 29 6 31 30 25 33 21 28 20 11 23 35 1 14
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REF PART NO. NO. N° DE N° DE RÉF PIÈCE DE SCRIP TION DE SCRIP TION 1 * 17032A Chute Hinge Charnière de déflecteur 2 17098 Hinge Clip Attache 3 687-02145 Han dle Bracket Ass’y RH Réglage de hau teur - droit 4 687-02144 Han dle Brack et As sem bly LH Réglage de hau teur - gauche 5 787-01084A Deck As sem bly 22" Tablier 22 po 6 712-3017 Hex Nut 3/8-16 Écro u hex ag o nal 3/8-16 7 731-0981A Hub Cap Grey Ra dial (optional) Moyeu de cha peau - gris (en option) 8 710-0216 Hex Cap Screw 3/8-16 x .75 Vis
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GARANTIE LIMITÉE DE DEUX ANS MTD PROD UCTS LIM ITED s’engage à réparer ou à remplacer gratuitement, à son choix, à l’acheteur ini - tial, toute pièce ou partie de pièce qui s’avère défectueuse en rai son d’un vice de matière ou de fab ri ca tion, dans un délai de DEUX ANS à partir de la date d’achat au détail au Can ada. Cette gara ntie ne couvre pas: 1. Les pièces rendues inutilisables par un emploi in cor rect, une uti li sa tion commerciale, un emploi abusif, une négligence, un entretien in
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GUIDE DE DÉPANNAGE PROBLÈME CAUSE(S) PROB A BLE(S) SO LU TION 1. La poignée de commande de la lame 1. Embrayez la poignée de commande de la Le moteur ne n'est pas embrayée. lame. démarre pas 2. Le fil de la bougie est débranché. 2. Branchez le fil de la bougie. 3. Le réservoir est vide ou l'essence est 3. Faites le plein avec une es sence propre et éventée. fraîche. 4. La canalisation de car bu rant est 4. Nettoyez la canalisation. bouchée. 5. La bougie est défectueuse. 5. Nettoyez, réglez l'éca