ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
SMART Notebook™
3D Tools
U s e r ’ s g u i d e
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Product registration If you register your SMART product, we’ll notify you of new features and software upgrades. Register online at smarttech.com/registration. Keep the following information available in case you need to contact SMART Support. Serial number: Date of purchase: Trademark notice SMART Notebook, smarttech, SMART Exchange, the SMART logo and all SMART taglines are trademarks or registered trademarks of SMART Technologies ULC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Google and SketchUp are
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Contents Using SMART Notebook 3D Tools 1 Activating SMART Notebook 3D Tools 1 Incorporating 3D content into your lessons 2 Getting started 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models 5 Inserting 3D models 5 Manipulating 3D models 6 Navigating 3D scenes 9 Disguising 3D models before presenting them 12 Using Google SketchUp and 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools 15 Using SketchUp with SMART Notebook 3D Tools 15 Using Google 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools 16 Index 17 i
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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
Chapter 1 Using SMART Notebook 3D Tools Activating SMART Notebook 3D Tools 1 Incorporating 3D content into your lessons 2 Getting started 2 Windows operating systems 2 Mac OS X operating system software 2 SMART Notebook™ 3D Tools software plug-in for SMART Notebook™ collaborative learning software provides in-depth visual representations that can be manipulated across three dimensions to increase student engagement, leading to deeper understanding and appreciation of complex concepts. This user’
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C H A P T E R 1 Using SMART Notebook 3D Tools 5. Click license agreement, review the license agreement, and then click Close. 6. If you accept the license agreement, select the I accept the terms in the license agreement check box. 7. Click Next. SMART Notebook 3D Tools activates. 8. Click Finish, and then close the S M A R T P r o d u c t U p d a t e window. Incorporating 3D content into your lessons You can incorporate 3D content into your SMART Notebook software lessons. The following are exa
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C H A P T E R 1 Using SMART Notebook 3D Tools l 1 GB of free hard disk space for minimum installation (2 GB for full installation with Gallery collections) l Mac OS X 10.6 operating system software or later 3
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Chapter 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models Inserting 3D models 5 Manipulating 3D models 6 Rotating a 3D model 7 Pausing, playing and restarting animation 7 Adding labels 8 Navigating 3D scenes 9 Disguising 3D models before presenting them 12 To use SMART Notebook 3D Tools software, you need to insert a 3D model in your .notebook file. After you insert a 3D model, you can manipulate it in the same way you manipulate other objects in SMART Notebook software. N N OT E You can insert 2D images
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models N N OT E Textures and other information for some 3D models are stored in separate files and folders. When you insert these 3D models, ensure the 3D model file is located in the correct folder structure with the supporting files and folders. g To insert a 3D model 1. Select Insert > 3D File. The I n s e r t 3 D F i l e dialog box appears. 2. Browse to and select the 3D model you want to insert. 3. Press Open. The 3D model appears on the page.
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models l Add labels Rotating a 3D model You can rotate a 3D model along multiple axes. After rotating a 3D model, you can reset it to its original orientation. g To rotate a 3D model along a single axis 1. Select the 3D model. 2. Press and hold one of the side rotation handles. 3. Drag your finger in the direction you want to rotate the 3D model, and then release your finger when done. g To rotate a 3D model along multiple axes 1. Select the 3D model
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models g To pause animation 1. Select the 3D model. 2. Press the 3D model’s menu arrow, and then select Animation > Play/Pause Animation. g To resume playing animation 1. Select the 3D model. 2. Press the 3D model’s menu arrow, and then select Animation > Play/Pause Animation. g To restart animation 1. Select the 3D model. 2. Press the 3D model’s menu arrow, and then select Animation > Restart Animation. Adding labels You can use labels to highlight
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models The label is hidden. 2. Press the label's connection point to display the label. g To remove a label 1. Select the label. Press Close . 2. Navigating 3D scenes Large 3D models that contain internal details are called 3D scenes. You can navigate 3D scenes using controls in SMART Notebook software. N N OT E You can use the navigation controls to navigate any 3D model. However, not all 3D models contain internal details. If you enter a 3D model
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models g To navigate a 3D scene 1. Select the 3D scene. 2. Press the 3D scene’s menu arrow, and then select Enter 3D Scene. SMART Notebook software displays the 3D scene in Full Screen mode. A map of the 3D scene, navigation controls and the Close button appear. T T I P S o You can press the gray border of the map to drag it to another area of the page if it’s covering materials you want to present. You can also resize the map by pressing and dragg
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models 3. Navigate the 3D scene using the navigation controls. Button Use to: A Change your orientation upward. B Change your orientation to the left. C Change your orientation to the right. D Change your orientation downward. E Raise elevation. F Move forward in the scene. G Move to the left in the scene. H Move to the right in the scene. I Move backward in the scene. J Lower elevation. Alternatively, keyboard buttons can be used to navigate the 3D
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models Keyboard button Use to: Move to the right in the scene. RIGHT ARROW Move backward in the scene. DOWN ARROW Lower elevation. PAGE DOWN ESC Close N N OT E As you navigate the 3D scene, a red indicator in the map displays where you are in the scene and the direction you are viewing. U p w a r d D o w n w a r d O f f - s c r e e n ( d e c l i n e ) I n c l i n e D e c l i n e L e v e l 4. Press Close when you’re done. Disguising 3D models before
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C H A P T E R 2 Inserting and manipulating 3D models g To change the magic hat’s color 1. Select the magic hat. 2. Press the magic hat’s menu arrow, and then select Disguise > Change Color. g To reveal a 3D model under a magic hat Press the hat icon in the lower-left corner. 13
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Chapter 3 Using Google SketchUp and 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools Using SketchUp with SMART Notebook 3D Tools 15 Using Google 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools 16 Google offers two 3D tools that you can use with SMART Notebook 3D Tools: l SketchUp sketching software l 3D Warehouse Using SketchUp with SMART Notebook 3D Tools You can use SketchUp sketching software to create 3D models. You can save these 3D models in COLLADA (.dae) format and then insert them in SMART Notebook
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C H A P T E R 3 Using Google SketchUp and 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools Using Google 3D Warehouse with SMART Notebook 3D Tools Google 3D Warehouse is an online repository of 3D models. The Gallery tab in SMART Notebook software includes a link to Google 3D Warehouse. Using this link, you can search for 3D models and download them to your computer. You can then insert the 3D models into your .notebook files. g To download 3D models from Google 3D Warehouse 1. Press the Gallery tab. 2.