ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
High Latency and Low Bandwidth
Cisco IPICS provides support for environments that include high latency and low or variable bandwidth
links, such as satellite links. In these types of environments, connectivity may become unstable because
of the geographical location of the user, weather elements, and other interferences. In this release, Cisco
IPICS compensates for these dynamically variable bandwidth scenarios and enhances its support for
mobile operations.
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Supported Deployment Solutions Supported Deployment Solutions Cisco IPICS enhancements include support for the deployment solutions that are described in the following topics: � Central Site Server Solution, page 7-2 � Remote Locations Solution, page 7-3 � M1:U12:M2 Configuration Examples, page 7-3 Central Site Server Solution In the central site server solution, the Cisco IPICS server is located in a central site and an RMS is di
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Supported Deployment Solutions � The RMS and the Cisco IPICS server automatic synchronization mechanism must be disabled in this scenario. Therefore, you must manually synchronize these components. For more information about the manual configurations that you must perform, see the “Disabling the RMS Comparator” section on page 7-6 and the “Merging the Configuration” section on page 7-6. � To conserve bandwidth, you must disable t
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Requirements and Support Information For detailed examples that show how to configure the unicast portion of the M1:U12:M2 connection trunk, see Chapter 6, “Cisco IPICS Deployment Models.” The two multicast addresses that are being tunneled in the following configuration examples are and Table 7-1 illustrates the manual commands that are required to configure the voice port and dial peer ent
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performing Additional Configurations on the Cisco IPICS Server � Jitter buffer—Enables support for up to 250 ms of maximum jitter on the network (to support burst latency). � Link outages—Provides support for temporary link outages so that if the connection from the PMC is interrupted, the connection automatically continues when it becomes available again. (The PMC user is not informed of the outage.) � Bandwidth—Supports 64 kbps
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performing Additional Configurations on the Cisco IPICS Server Adjusting ARP Commands If you use the central site server solution and you do not have a local router installed at the central site, you may need to increase the ARP timer in the server. This adjustment helps to prevent timeouts and to ensure reachability between the server and the RMS when these components are connected via Ethernet and separated by a high latency li
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performing Additional Configurations on the Cisco IPICS Server Procedure Step 1 From the Cisco IPICS Administration Console, choose Configuration > RMS. Step 2 Check the check box that corresponds to the RMS that you need to manage. Step 3 From the Configuration drop-down list, choose Merge to merge the RMS configuration. Wait while this process completes. Cisco IPICS displays the changes in the Edit Router Details area. Disabling t
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performance Guidelines Tip For more information about how to back up, restore, and modify the registry, access the Microsoft Support site at http://support.microsoft.com and search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a description of the Microsoft Windows registry. To modify the ReceiveTimeout data value, perform the following procedure on the PC that you use to access the Cisco IPICS Administration Console: Procedure Step 1 On the
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 9
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performance Guidelines � For high latency, low bandwidth deployments, allow 1.5 minutes for every three channel/VTG activations. � If five dispatchers submit commands, or if the same dispatcher submits several commands, a wait time of 1.5 minutes should be allotted before resubmitting new command requests. � For constant load conditions, a frequency of about 18 seconds per simple VTG command should be allotted on 2811 routers (RM
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
Chapter 7 High Latency and Low Bandwidth Interconnection Performance Guidelines SRND for Cisco IPICS Release 2.0(1) 7-10 OL-12456-01