Mega System Tech iCV-01b دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Mega System Tech iCV-01b

جهاز: Mega System Tech iCV-01b
فئة: خادم المسرح المنزلي
الصانع: Mega System Tech
مقاس: 4.21 MB
مضاف: 4/30/2014
عدد الصفحات: 88
اطبع الدليل


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  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم Mega System Tech iCV-01b بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Mega System Tech iCV-01b على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
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ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

User Manual
Version 2.2

For models:
iCV-01a / iCV-01b / iCV-02 / iCV-03

Copyright Information
Copyright © 2004, Mega System Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Technical Support and Contact Information
Mega System Technologies, Inc.
Tel: +886-2-87922060
Fax: +886-2-87922066
iCAMView Web:
Customer Service:

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction ________________________________________1 Section 1. Features ___________________________________________1 Section 2. iCAMView as a Remote Surveillance System ______________1 Section 3. Package Contents ___________________________________2 Chapter 2: Installation Procedure ________________________________4 Chapter 3: iCAMView, USB Camera and the Network ________________5 Section 1. Installation Procedure_________________________________5 Chapter 4: Using

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2.4.4 E-mail / FTP ___________________________________________39 2.4.5 System Settings ________________________________________42 2.4.6 Image Server __________________________________________45 2.4.7 Language _____________________________________________46 2.4.8 About ________________________________________________47 2.5 Viewing images using PDA / Web enabled mobile phone __________48 Chapter 6: iMultiView _________________________________________50 Section 1. Installing iMultiView _____

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Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction Section 1. Features iCAMView is a compact stand-alone web-server capable of remote video surveillance. It can be accessed from anywhere in the world via a standard browser by entering the IP, account and password. Each system can simultaneously support any two combinations of USB PC cameras be it regular, infrared or pan-tilt. With its built-in web-server, iCAMView can stream video images directly to the Internet without have to go through

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Chapter 1: Introduction monitor his factory production in China, and if he likes, check on his branch office located in Singapore, all simultaneously. Fig.1. iCAMView Network Diagram Section 3. Package Contents Your iCAMView package should contain the following items; 1. iCAMView, 2. Quick Installation Guide 3. iCAMView Utility CD, which contains; a. iCAMView Utility: to configure IP address, update the firmware, etc. b. iMultiView: Windows platform to monitor multiple iCAMView. c

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Chapter 1: Introduction Fig.2. iCAMView Front View Fig.3. iCAMView Back View LED Status Indicators on iCAMView Light color Signal definition Condition description Green Power state On: Normal power Red Error Condition On: Error condition occurred On: When there is user logon and Orange Logon state receive the image. Flash when there is data Yellow USB data activity transmit/receive on the USB. Fig.4. iCAMView Status LED Indicator Light indicators on iCAMView LAN Port LED

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Chapter 2: Installation Procedure Chapter 2: Installation Procedure Before you start using iCAMView, you will need to set-up both the hardware and software. The following is a flow chart on the installation procedure: 1 Connect iCAMView, USB Camera and the Network cable (Chapter 3) 2 Connect Network cable to ROUTER / HUB / xDSL modem 3 Install iCAMView Utility (Chapter 4) and iMultiView (Chapter 6) 4 Use Internet Explorer (>5.0) to access iCAMView Web Manager (Chapter 5). 5

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Chapter 3: iCAMView, USB Camera and the Network Chapter 3: iCAMView, USB Camera and the Network The following details the installation procedure for iCAMView. Section 1. Installation Procedure Step 1: Connect the PC camera into the USB port of iCAMView. Step 2: Connect the iCAMView to LAN by using the Ethernet UTP port. Step 3: Connect DC power adapter output into iCAMView socket, and plug the DC power input into the wall socket iCAMView user manual

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Chapter 3: iCAMView, USB Camera and the Network Step 4: The LCD will display the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP. Use a WEB browser to login into the iCAMView IP address. The icon on the LCD shows that a USB camera is connected. The LCD display shows that two USB cameras are attached to the iCAMView. Warning: Please make sure the input Voltage and Frequency of the DC power adapter (DC 5.3V) is correct before plugging into the power outlet! iCAMView user manual

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Section 1. Installing iCAMView Utility 1. Insert the enclosed iCAMView CD into the CD-ROM drive. iCAMView setup will auto run. The following menu will show up. Click on the buttons on the left to install the programs you want. iCAMView Utility - This is a program that helps the user perform quick installation. It will detect the current configuration and

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Section 2. Using iCAMView Utility The iCAMView Utility main menu is shown below. The selection menu is located on the left. The Serial Number, current Firmware and IP Address of every iCAMView connected to the LAN will be displayed on the table to the right. Fig.8. iCAMView Utility Main Menu iCAMView user manual -8-

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware 2.1 Setup Wizard Use “Setup Wizard” to take you through the basic configurations necessary to start using iCAMView. 1. Click to highlight the iCAMView on the right that you want to configure. 2. Click on “Setup Wizard”. 3. iCAMView Setup Wizard will initiate to take you through the installation. 4. Enter the necessary camera configurations. Choose the appropriate frequency (Indoor 60 Hz, Indoor 50 Hz or Outdoor) t

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Enter an appropriate internal IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway for iCAMView (Refer to Appendix C for an explanation of IP Addresses) “Obtain an IP address by Bootp” Allow iCAMView to obtain an IP address using Bootp protocol. 6. Click “Next >” to proceed to xDSL/Cable modem setup. This section has to be configured to allow iCAMView to access the Internet through an xDSL. Select “Enable PPPoE connection” and enter yo

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware 7. Click “Next >” to proceed with DDNS setup or registration You will need to setup this section if you are using a Dynamic IP If you do not already have a Domain Name registered with your ISP, select from one of the 4 Free DDNS service providers (,, or Follow the link to the respective free service providers to register a Domain Name and obtain a User Name and Password. Enter th

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware 8. Click “Next >” to create an administrator account and password. An administrator account is necessary to ensure privacy. If you do not set one, iCAMView can be viewed by anyone on the web. WARNING: Do not lose the administrator account and password. Once set, you will not be able to configure iCAMView without the administrator account and password. 9. Click “Next >” to upload these configuration to iCAMView.

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware 10. Click “Next >” to save and restart iCAMView with the new configurations. 2.2 Launch iCAMView Once you have finished with the above Setup Wizard, either click “Launch iCAMView” or double click on the iCAMView listed on the table to launch it. Click either one to Launch iCAMView. Once you have done the above, the iCAMView login screen will appear. Key in the administrator account number and password entered ear

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware The iCAMView webpage will appear. Click ActiveX for Camera A to view the video images. 2.3 IP Configuration This section allows you to determine IP address configuration for iCAMView. Select the iCAMView on the right display screen, and then click “IP Configuration”. This will bring up the IP Address Configuration window. There are two tabs; • IP Address • Advanced (for port setting configuration) 2.3.1 IP Ad

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Use this section to set the IP Address of iCAMView. When using iCAMView for the first time, it is advisable to choose the “Using Static IP Address” option. For this option, the user will have to enter an IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway of their choice (refer to Appendix C for IP address explanation). Fig.9. IP Configuration: Set an IP Address for iCAMView Once the IP Address is set, you will be able to connect to iCAM

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware Fig.10. IP Configuration: iCAMView Advanced settings i. Device Password Use this to set an access password to the individual device. Once set, the user must enter the password to access the device. In addition, the IP Address will not be shown on the right display panel of iCAMView Utility. Devise Password enabled. IP Address hidden. Devise Password not set. iCAMView Utility will request for the “Input Devi

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Chapter 4: Using iCAMView Utility to Setup IP & Update Firmware WARNING: Do not lose this password. If the password is lost, you can not access the device to make changes. To remove the password, you must first enter a valid “Input Device Password”, go to “Device Password” and delete the entries, click “OK”. ii. Management Protocol The administrator can determine the parameter settings when providing access via HTTP (web) to iCAMView. For security reasons, the administrator can

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
# دليل الاستخدام فئة تحميل
1 Mega System Tech iCV-01b تخصيص الخوادم 0
2 Mega System Tech iCV-01a دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
3 Mega System Tech iCV-03 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 12
4 Mega System Tech iCV-02 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
5 Sony PCS-11 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 4
6 Sony DAV-DX150 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 11
7 Sony PCS-TL50 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 36
8 Sony J-H1 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 2
9 Sony LF-V30 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 29
10 Sony دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
11 Sony HES-V1000 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 1
12 AB Soft Server BePunctual دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
13 ACS 882.00193.00 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
14 ACS 0 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0
15 ACS 220 دليل الاستخدام خادم المسرح المنزلي 0