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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Installing CoPilot to Your Desktop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Contents Adding a Data Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Licence Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 CoPilot Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
CoPilot Overview Using Your Mobile Device for Guidance Welcome to CoPilot Live! CoPilot will provide you with accurate, turn-by-turn spoken CoPilot Live is pre-installed and ready to use for route guidance on your mobile device. directions and street-level maps that guide you to any destination you specify. If you take a In CoPilot's Guidance Mode you will receive turn-by-turn route navigation information and wrong turn, CoPilot instantly re-calculates your route. Let CoPilot guide you — and
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5. The Select Stop screen provides you with several different ways to enter a destination. You can: • Enter a new Address • Program or enter your Home address • Program or enter your Work address • Select from your Favourite list • Search for a Point of Interest (POI) • Enter an Intersection • Enter a Contact from your contancts list • Enter a Latitude/Longitude point • Enter a previously Saved Trip Options are described on the following pages. 3. Enter a house num
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Start Driving! Entering a Home Address After entering one or more destinations, start driving and enjoy CoPilot’s spoken instructions, continuously updated maps and ETA’s, and automatic route recalculation capabilities. The Driver Safety Screen displays a text-only screen and is the recommended view for safe driving. When you’re within about 1 kilometre of a turn or driving less than 16 k.p.h., CoPilot automatically switches to the map display. In the Select Stop screen, tap the Home button
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Favourites Finding Points of Interest 1. In the first POI screen you have the option to choose a Category and Type of POI from the drop-down pick lists. To narrow your search and cut In the Select Stop screen, tap the In the Select Stop down on the time it takes, you Favourite button. A scrollable list screen, tap the can also type the first few letters will appear, providing quick access POI button to of a place you have in mind. Tap to the last 50 destinations that were search
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3. When the search process is complete, a scrollable list of Intersection matches will appear. In this screen you have several choices, To enter the intersection of two roads, tap the Intersection button in the you can: Select Stop screen. Intersections are entered just like addresses, except that • Highlight a POI and tap Map to preview it on the map instead of a house number you enter a “First Street” and “Second Street”. (see below) You can name this location if you like. • Tap Exp
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4. Once the address has been matched, you have the option Contact Integration of assigning a name to the address. CoPilot will pre-fill the CoPilot allows you to link directly to your Contacts to retrieve address information. With just name from your Contact record, but that name can be a few of quick taps of the stylus, you can enter a contact’s home and/or work address as your edited here. destination. Tap Finish to continue. 1. Tap the Contact button in the Select Stop screen. 5.
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2. Enter a latitude and longitude in the appropriate format, Driver Safety/Map/Itinerary Screens using the drop-down pick lists for N or S, and E or W. NOTE: It is not safe to attempt to alter settings on your mobile device while you are driving. Either have a passenger make changes, or pull over to a safe area. 3. Once the lat/long has been matched, you have the option of assigning a name to the point. Tap Next to add the lat/ long you entered as a stop on your trip itinerary. Driver Saf
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Navigating Through CoPilot Screens Tap at the top of the Map Screen to invoke Tap the View button (second from left on the toolbar — its appearance will View a toolbar and menu bar. reflect the current view) and choose a view from the drop-down menu. button Use the Detour buttons when you want to take an alternate Driver Safety Screen - Text only, switches to the map route to avoid heavy traffic, below 16 k.p.h. construction, etc. up ahead. Next Turn - Map screen, frames your current pos
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Map Modes Trip Editing and Waypoints CoPilot gives you a choice of several different display modes for the Map Screen: To get to the Going To screen from the guidance screens at any time, tap the top of the screen to open the toolbar, then tap the Going To button. From here you can edit the current trip, add additional stops, or start a new trip. 3D Perspective Tap any stop on your itinerary to activate a pop-up menu that lets you delete the stop, zoom CoPilot’s two-dimensional default to it
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Picking Stops From the Map Getting ETA’s and Distances CoPilot enables you to pick a stop off the map when you don’t know the exact address of The estimated time of arrival (ETA) and distance to your your destination. In any mode, tap and hold on your target location on the map, then add it next stop will always be shown in the lower left corner of as a stop. the Map and Driver Safety screens. After entering a destination, tap Start Driving to see the ETA/distance. If your trip has multiple
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Detour Feature Selective Routing CoPilot’s Detour Feature allows you to preview an alternate route before deciding whether CoPilot allows you to be selective about the roads you take on your trip. There are two ways or not to take it. Perfect for situations in which traffic has suddenly slowed ahead of you, to do this: 1) you can customize your Trip Itinerary in Guidance Mode so that CoPilot will the Detour Feature will generate an alternate route. You can then make an informed decision avoid
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Guidance Menu Options In the Guidance tab, the settings under Speak Turn Tap the top of either the Map Screen or the Driver Safety Warning At determine how often and where CoPilot will Screen to access the menu bar. Then tap Menu and select give you next turn information out loud. All, none, or some Options. boxes can be checked. A pick list gives the options for Just Ahead: by default you will be alerted 5 sec/100 ft before every turn (5 seconds or 100 feet, whichever is closest), but y
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Favourites The GPS Menu Tap the Favorites tab to open your List of Favourite The GPS menu is a sub-menu of the main screen Menu. Tap Menu > GPS to access Addresses. these features. To change the assignment of your work or home address, GPS Status highlight your choice on the list, then tap Menu and choose Set as work or Set as home. To view your satellite activity at any time, first tap the NOTE: POI’s cannot be edited, you will get a “No matches GPS Status option. Here you will receive inf
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Modes Menu Reference: Guidance Mode Screens & Toolbars on Your Mobile Device CoPilot has four modes of operation on the mobile device. Tap the pop-up Mode menu at the bottom of the screen to select Guidance, Navigating, Walking, or Planning Mode. The following is a summary guide to the screens and toolbars you will see on your mobile device as you operate CoPilot in Guidance Mode. Guidance Mode Welcome Screen In Guidance Mode, you enter one or more destinations, then tap the Start Driving bu
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Select Stop Screen Determining Current Position In this screen you add stops to your trip. There are nine When you see this screen, CoPilot is in the process of different types of stop entry to choose from: determining where you are. • Enter a new Address Heavy foliage, tall buildings, or any other structures • Program or enter a Home address obstructing communications may interfere with CoPilot's • Program or enter a Work address ability to track your location. Like your car radio, GPS
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Map Screen Toolbar Buttons (Tap at the top of the screen if the toolbar is not visible.) The Map Screen displays when you are traveling at less than 16 k.p.h. or are at a standstill. It combines a large map display and concise text instructions. When you’re within 1 kilometer of a turn, CoPilot automatically switches to the map. Going To - Takes you to the Avoid Road - In the Going To screen where you Itinerary screen, causes To invoke the toolbar and menu bar, tap the top of can add a stop
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Trip Planning on Your Mobile Device You can use CoPilot on your mobile device for trip planning. Planning Mode allows you to run a trip on your mobile device even when you're not in your car. You'll get driving directions and maps that you can use for reference before your trip begins. 5. To see driving directions, tap the 6. Your trip, along with the trip View button, then tap the Itinerary itinerary, can be saved and then opened button in the nested toolbar that later in Guidance Mode
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Adding a Data Region Installing CoPilot to Your Desktop If you have purchased an additional data region after your initial purchase of CoPilot, you will CoPilot Live comes fully installed and ready to use for route guidance on your mobile device. need to modify the original (“Base”) installation and activate the new region. However, you will want to install CoPilot to your desktop if 1) you’d like to use the extensive IMPORTANT: You can only use your Expansion Product Key AFTER you have inst