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Earthmate GPS PN-20
An All-in-One Handheld GPS Solution from DeLorme,
the Leading Digital Mapping and GPS Company
User Manual
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Table of Contents Getting Started ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 Basic Functions ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 Scenarios ...............................................................................................
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To turn off the Earthmate GPS PN-20, press the Power button and then press the ENTER button to Getting Started Getting Started confirm you want to turn the Earthmate GPS PN-20 off. Thank you for purchasing the DeLorme Earthmate GPS PN-20. This versatile and compact GPS re- Tips: Step 3 — Using the Buttons on the Earthmate GPS PN-20 ceiver lets you create tracks of your travels, create routes so you never get lost, find points of interest, • S e t t i n g t h e c o r r e c t b a t t e r y
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Find Power Getting Started The Find button is labeled with a magnifying glass. Use it to search for a point of interest, waypoint, Use the Power button to turn the Earthmate GPS PN-20 on and off, to change the backlight settings, address, coordinate, and more. You can search for a location based on its name or its proximity to or to reset the Earthmate GPS PN-20: the current map center. • T o t u r n t h e E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 o n , p r e s s a n d h o l d t h e Power button for 1
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GPS PN-20 vary by application. For more information, see the mapping application’s Help from the satellite to the receiver. Since radio waves travel at the speed of light, the time difference Getting Started system for instructions on sending maps to your Earthmate GPS PN-20. can be used to calculate the distance from the satellite to the GPS receiver. • Online Map Cutter for Earthmate GPS PN-20—Visit http://data.delorme.com. You must have The satellite’s identity code provides the locatio
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• S e t t i n g t h e G P S S e t t i n g s t o P o we r S av i n g m o d e Basic Functions Basic Functions • D i s a b l i n g G P S w h i l e i n d o o r s This chapter provides descriptions for some of the basic functions of the Earthmate GPS PN-20. • U s i n g b a t t e r i e s w i t h h i g h e r m i l l i a m p r a t i n g s ( s u c h a s D u r a c e l l U l t r a s , E n e r g i z e r E 2 s , e t c . ) Panning the Map Why are the new batteries that I put in the device the last time I u
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(+, -, /, &), or punctuation (period, comma, apostrophe, exclamation point) you want to use. In addition, Scenarios the following special functions are provided: Tips: You can use your Earthmate GPS PN-20 for a variety of activities, including: • P r e s s O U T to h i g h l i g h t t h e Moves the cursor one space to the left without deleting characters. OK button without scrolling • G e o c a c h i n g Moves the cursor one space to the right without deleting characters. through th
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7. Browse to the location where you saved the .loc file in step 2, select the file, and then click The family decides to hide the cache along a public trail approximately 10 miles from their home. Scenarios Open. The draw objects in the imported file display. A new waypoint layer is automatically Before they can add the cache to geocaching.com, they must get a very accurate coordinate for the created for the imported file. location where they’re hiding the cache. To do so, they must mark a
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I n t h e s c e n a r i o b e l ow , T o m , a b i r d w a t c h e r , u s e s t h e E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 , a e r i a l i m a g e r y , a n d t h e and wants to use his Earthmate GPS PN-20 to mark a waypoint at the bird location. Scenarios Safety Tip: B e s u r e to b r i n g a E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 O n l i n e M a p C e n t e r t o p r e p a r e f o r h i s e x p e d i t i o n. 10. While at the spot of the tree, press the Mark button. map and compa
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power them on, and select the route they plan to use for navigation. Mapping Assets in the Field Scenarios 1. Press MENU, highlight the Routes option, and press ENTER. U p - t o - d a t e m a p s a r e o f t e n c r i t i c a l t o e f fi c i e n t l y m a n a g e a n d m a i n t a i n c o m p a n y a s s e t s . Y o u m a y n e e d s e v e r a l l a y e r s o f i n f o r m a t i o n t o l o c a t e a n d u p d a t e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e s e a s s e t s
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5. From the Handheld Export tab, center the map on the quadrant and customize the handheld tracks to XMap. Then they review the data to update any labels that need clarification and put Scenarios grid size to best fit the area. Then, click the Select/Edit tool and select the grids on the additional notes for the points using the mapnote feature in the Draw tab. map that cover the quadrant. 5. Once they are finished with the review, they synchronize their field data to the central databas
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• Red—Indicates your GPS receiver is tracking the satellite, but it is not receiving data from it. The Satellites Page The Satellites Page • Green—Indicates your GPS receiver is tracking the satellite, ephemeris data is available, and the Viewing the Satellites Page satellite is being used for navigation. Note: WAAS was developed Once you turn on the Earthmate GPS PN-20, the Satellites Page displays. The Satellites Page informs by the Federal Aviation Admin- • Blue—Indicates your receive
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3. Press ENTER. GPS OFF displays in the upper-left corner of the screen and all satellites are Note: If you do not choose the The Map Page correct battery type in the De- removed from the constellation display. vice Setup Page, the battery Viewing the Map Page indicator may not provide accu- rate information. See To Modify If a 2-D or 3-D fix is obtained, the Map Page displays the map data that is available for your current the System Settings on page 67 GPS location. If a GPS fix cannot
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The Map Page • W o r l d b a s e d a t a To Change the Information Fields You can customize the information fields to display the information that is most important to you. The list above shows the default layering of the data types (from top to bottom). To change the data You may want to change the information that displays based on the type of activity you are doing. layering, see Layering Your Data on page 31. Note: The information fields change when navigating. To Show/Hide the Informa
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Information Field Option Description mate GPS PN-20. The Map Page ETA at Finish The Estimated Time of Arrival at the route finish. Expressed Information Field Option Description as hours:minutes AM/PM. ETA is based on the current Bearing The direction of travel from the current location to the desti- device time, not on the local time at the destination. nation (finish or next stop). Expressed in degrees. ETA at Next Turn The Estimated Time of Arrival at the next turn in the route.
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Information Field Option Description Information Field Option Description The Map Page Speed: Average The average speed of the device including stop time. Time to Sunrise/set The time remaining until the sun rises and sets. This information Expressed in distance per unit of time. This field may be reset is calculated for the specific geographic area where the GPS when you clear Trip Info. has acquired a 3-D fix. Speed: Maximum The maximum speed achieved. Expressed in distance per Trip:
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Use the steps below to reset the information fields to their default settings. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each point in the line/polygon you want to measure. The Pan Location The Map Page Information that displays in the upper-right corner of the screen changes to display the heading 1. From the Map Page, press MENU. from the last measurement node to your current GPS location, the leg distance, as well as the 2. Use the arrow keypad to highlight Info Fields. total distance from the last
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3. Press ENTER. The Map Setup screen displays. 5. If the check box next to the map is selected and you want to hide the map from view, press The Map Page ENTER to clear the check box and hide the map. 4. Use the arrow keypad to highlight the Data Layering button. 5. Press ENTER. The Data Layering screen displays a list of all of the data types loaded on the OR Earthmate GPS PN-20. The data type at the top of the list has the highest priority. The data If the check box next to the map i
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Setting the Scale tering the map. The Map Page The scale option lets you set the type of scale you want to use on your maps. 1. From the Map Page, press MENU. 1. From the Map Page, press MENU. 2. Use the arrow keypad to highlight Map Setup. 2. Use the arrow keypad to highlight Map Setup. 3. Press ENTER. The Map Setup screen displays. 3. Press ENTER. The Map Setup screen displays. 4. Use the arrow keypad to highlight the POI Detail drop-down list and press ENTER. 4. Use the arrow keypad to high
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1. From the Compass Page, press MENU. The Compass Page The Compass Page 2. Use the arrow keypad to highlight Change Info Fields. Viewing the Compass Page 3. Press ENTER. T h e C o m p a s s P a g e i s a g r a p h i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of a t r a d i t i o n a l fl o a t i n g n e e d l e c o m p a s s . I t d i s p l a y s 4. Use the arrow keypad to highlight the information field you want to change. differently depending on if you are navigating a route or tracking. 5