ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Owner's Manual/Manual Del Propietario
1/2 HP
For Residential Use Only/Solo para uso residencial
Model/Modelo 139.53993D
Read and follow all safety rules and Leer y seguir todas las reglas de
operating instructions before first use seguridad y las instrucciones de
of this product. operacion antes de usar este
producto por primera vez.
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door aft
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2-7 Adjustment 27-29 Safety symbol and signal word review ............... 2 Adjust the travel limits .......................... 27 Preparing your garage door ....................... 3 Adjust the force ............................... 28 Tools needed .................................. 3 Test the safety reversal system ................... 29 Planning .................................... 4-5 Test the Protector System ® ...................... 29 Carton inventory .......
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Preparing your garage door Before you begin: To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATH: • Disable locks. • ALWAYScall atrained door systems technician if garage • Remove any ropes connected to garage door. door binds, sticks, or is out of balance An unbalanced garage door may not reversewhen required • Complete the following test to make sure your • NEVERtry to loosen, move or adjust garage door, door garage door is balanced and is not sticking or binding: springs, cables, pulleys, brackets or t
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Planning Identify the type and height of your garage door. Survey Do you have an access door in addition to the garage your garage area to see if any of the conditions below door? If not, Model 53702 Emergency Key Release is apply to your installation. Additional materials may be required. See Accessories page. required. You may find it helpful to refer back to this page Look at the garage door where it meets the floor. Any and the accompanying illustrations as you proceed with gap between the f
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Planning (Continued) ONE-PIECE DOOR INSTALLATIONS Without a properly working safety reversal system, persons (particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLYINJURED • Generally, a one-piece door does not require or KILLEDby a closing garagedoor. reinforcement. If your door is lightweight, refer to the • The gap betweenthe bottom of the garage door and the information relating to sectional doors in Installation floor MUST NOTexceed1/4" (6 ram). Otherwise, the safety Step 12. reversal system may n
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Carton Inventory PARTS MAY BE STUCK IN THE FOAM. Hardware for Your garage door opener is packaged in one carton which contains the motor unit and all parts illustrated below. assembly and installation is shown on the next page. Accessories will depend on the model purchased. If Save the carton and packing material until installation and anything is missing, carefully check the packing material. adjustment is complete. Rail Support Remote Control Visor Clip SECURITY+ <_ araces_ Premium Control Co
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Hardware Inventory Separate all hardware and group as shown below for the assembly and installation procedures. ASSEMBLY HARDWARE Metal Sleeve (2) C-Clip (2) Hex bolt 1/4-20x7/16" (14) Sprocket Coupling Sleeve Wire Clips (6) INSTALLATION HARDWARE © © Carriage Bolt Wing Nut Ring Nut 5/16"-18 (6) Handle Fastener (3) 1/4"-20xl/2" (2) 1/4"-20 (2) Hex Bolt Insulated Lag Screw 5/16"-9xl -5/8" (2) 5/16"-18x7/8" (4) Lock Washer 5/16" (6) Staples (30) iiikiiikiiikiiiJiii,q_ Screw Lag Screw Screw 6-32xl"
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ASSEMBLY STEP 1 Assemble the Rail To prevent INJURYfrom pinching, keep hands and fingers awayfrom the joints while assembling the rail. To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the garage door opener until instructed to do so. 1. Open the rail carton and remove the contents onto a HARDWARE SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE level work surface. Keep it clean and free of debris while you are working. 2. Identify the rail sections and orient the sections on a flat surface as shown. The back rail has a black g
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Assemble the Rail (continued) 3. Attach rail support braces to the back rail. Loosely HARDWARE SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE insert 1/4-20x7/16" hex bolts into the aligned holes of the end rail and rail support brace (Figure 1). Do not finger tighten. 4. Extend the drive screw a few inches from the center rail, and slide the sleeve onto the long journal (Figure 2). Hex bolt 1/4-20x7/16" Metal Sleeve C-Clip 5. Interlock the long and short journal of the center and back rails. Slide the sleeve over the journa
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ASSEMBLY STEP 2 HARDWARE SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE Fasten the Rail to the Motor Unit and Install the Trolley NOTE: To aid in assembly and installation, replace the Hex bolt 1/4-20x7/16" foam packing around the motor unit. Remove it after Installation Step 4. 1. Working on a level surface, align the rail assembly with the motor unit, as shown. 2. Slip the coupling over the rail sprocket. 3. Slide the rail through the motor unit bracket until the coupling fits securely over the motor unit sprocket. 4. Ali
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Rail Brackets ASSEMBLY STEP 3 Attach the Rail Brackets • Align rail brackets to end of rail assembly, as shown. • Insert two 1/4"-20x7/16" hex bolts. Tighten securely with a 3/8" socket. Hex Bolt You have now finished assembling your garage door 1/4-20 x 7/16" opener. Please read the following warnings before proceeding to the installation section. Hex Bolt 1/4-20x7/16" HARDWARE SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE Hex bolt 1/4-20x7/16" INSTALLATION IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To reduce the risk of SEVERE
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INSTALLATION STEP 1 Determine the Header Bracket Location Header Wall To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATH: • Header bracket MUST be RIGIDLYfastened to structural support on headerwall or ceiling, otherwise garagedoor might not reversewhen required. DO NOTinstall header bracket over drywall. • Concreteanchors MUST be used if mounting header bracket or 2x4 into masonry. • NEVERtry to loosen, move or adjust garagedoor, springs, cables, pulleys, brackets, or their hardware, all of which are un
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INSTALLATION STEP 2 Install the Header Bracket Wall Mounting Holes You can attach the header bracket either to the wall The nail hole is for above the garage door, or to the ceiling. Follow the You must use lag screws to mount the header bracket. instructions which will work best for your particular requirements. Do not install the header bracket over drywall. If installing into masonry, use concrete anchors (not provided). Optional Wall Mounting Holes WALL HEADER BRACKET INSTALLATION • Center t
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INSTALLATION STEP 3 Attach the Rail to the Header Bracket • Position the opener on the garage floor below the header bracket. Use packing material as a protective base. NOTE: If the door spring is in the way you'll need help. Have someone hold the opener securely on a temporary support to allow the rail to clear the spring. • Position the header/rail bracket against the header bracket. • Align the bracket holes and join with a clevis pin 5/16"x2-3/4" as shown. Spacer can be installed on either s
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INSTALLATION STEP 4 Install The Protector System ® Be sure power is not connected to the garage door opener BEFOREinstalling the safety reversingsensor. The safety reversing sensor must be connected and To prevent SERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a closing aligned correctly before the garage door opener will garage door: move in the down direction. • Correctly connect and align the safety reversing sensor. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT This required safety device MUST NOTbe disabled. THE SAFETY REVERSING
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INSTALLING THE BRACKETS Be sure power to the opener is disconnected. Install DOOR TRACK MOUNT (RIGHT SIDE) Figure and align the brackets so the sensors will face each other across the garage door, with the beam no higher than 6" (15 cm) above the floor. They may be installed in one of three ways, as follows. Garage door track installation (preferred): Indicator Light • Slip the curved arms over the rounded edge of each door track, with the curved arms facing the door. Snap into place against the
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MOUNTING AND WIRING THE SAFETY SENSORS Figure 5 • Slide a 1/4"-20xl/2" carriage bolt head into the slot on Wing Nut 1/4"-20 each sensor. Use wing nuts to fasten sensors to brackets, with lenses pointing toward each other across the door. Be sure the lens is not obstructed by a bracket extension (Figure 5). CarriageBolt_ • Finger tighten the wing nuts. 1/4"-20xl/2" Lens Recommended Wire Routing 1. Using insulated staples, run the wires from both sensors to the rail at the door header (Figure 6).
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INSTALLATION STEP 5 Position the Opener To prevent damageto garage door, rest garage door opener rail on 2x4 placed on top section of door. Follow instructions which apply to your door type as illustrated. SECTIONAL DOOR OR ONE-PIECE DOOR WITH TRACK A 2x4 laid flat is convenient for setting an ideal door-to- rail distance. • Remove foam packaging. • Raise the opener onto a stepladder. You will need help _j "--°_-::-%?_ , ............ t _) Top of Door _ ili at this point if the ladder is not tall
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INSTALLATION STEP 6 Hang the Opener To avoid possible SERIOUSINJURYfrom a falling garage door opener, fasten it SECURELY to structural supports of Three representative installations are shown. Yours may the garage. Concreteanchors MUST be used if installing any be different. Hanging brackets should be angled brackets into masonry. (Figure 1) to provide rigid support. On finished ceilings (Figure 2 and Figure 3), attach a sturdy metal bracket to structural supports before installing the opener. T
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INSTALLATION STEP 7 Install the Door Control To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom electrocution: Locate door control within sight of door, at a minimum • Besure power is not connected BEFORE installing door height of 5 feet (1.52 m) where small children cannot control. reach, away from moving parts of door and door • Connect ONLYto 24 VOLTlow voltage wires. hardware. If installing into drywall, drill 5/32" holes and To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a use the anchors provide