Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx

جهاز: Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx
فئة: جهاز فاكس
الصانع: Multi-Tech Systems
مقاس: 1.26 MB
مضاف: 9/13/2013
عدد الصفحات: 154
اطبع الدليل


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هدفنا هو أن نوفر لك وصولاً سريعًا إلى محتوى دليل المستخدم الخاص بـ Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx. باستخدام المعاينة عبر الإنترنت ، يمكنك عرض المحتويات بسرعة والانتقال إلى الصفحة حيث ستجد الحل لمشكلتك مع Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx.


إذا لم يكن البحث في دليل المستخدم Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx مباشرة على موقع الويب هذا مناسبًا لك ، فهناك حلان محتملان:

  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

يفضل العديد من الأشخاص قراءة المستندات ليس على الشاشة ، ولكن في النسخة المطبوعة. تم أيضًا توفير خيار طباعة الدليل ، ويمكنك استخدامه بالنقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه - اطبع الدليل. لا يتعين عليك طباعة الدليل بالكامل Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx ولكن الصفحات المحددة فقط. ورق.


ستجد أدناه معاينات لمحتوى أدلة المستخدم المقدمة في الصفحات التالية لـ Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102/xx. إذا كنت ترغب في عرض محتوى الصفحات الموجودة في الصفحات التالية من الدليل بسرعة ، فيمكنك استخدامها.

ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Data/Voice/Fax Concentrator
Desktop Models: DT101, DT102, DT101/xx, DT102/xx
Rack-Mount Models: DT101R, DT102R, DT101R/xx, DT102R/xx
Owner’s Manual

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

Owner’s Manual 82052704 Revision E DataTalker™ Series Desktop Models: DT101, DT101/xx, DT102, DT102/xx Rack-Mount Models: DT101R, DT101R/xx, DT102R, DT102R/xx This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied w

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3

Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description 1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 8 1.2 About This Manual......................................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Product Description ..................................................................................................................... 10 1.4 Syste

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Chapter 4 - Unpacking and Configuration 4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 44 4.2 Unpacking ................................................................................................................................... 44 4.3 Configuration Summary ............................................................................................................... 45 4.4 Data Port Config

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Appendixes Appendix A - ASCII Conversion Chart .....................................................................................................118 Appendix B - RS-232C Interface Specification........................................................................................ 119 Appendix C - Cabling Diagrams ............................................................................................................. 120 Appendix D - Flow Control Background ..............................

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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.1 Introduction Congratulations! Your new Multi-Tech DataTalker™ is one of the finest data/voice/fax concentrators on the market today. The DataTalker optimizes wide area network (WAN) links by simultaneously transmitting voice and/or fax with LAN or computer data over a single phone line, digital service, or ISDN service. The DataTalker basic model (DT101) supports one asynchronous or synchronous input data channel, one voice/fax channel, and a synchronous external

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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description Chapter 4 - Unpacking and Configuration This chapter describes the contents of the shipping container; provides a customizeable configuration summary; discusses configuration considerations for the data port, voice/fax channel, and the composite link; and provides a detailed configuration procedure. The configuration procedure simplifies the process by asking questions about your application, which allows you to glide through the configuration process by

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4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 2 DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.3 Product Description The DataTalker series of multiplexers has a single synchronous or asynchronous data channel, a command port, one or two voice/fax channels, and a single synchronous composite link with an internal data service unit (DSU), modem, ISDN terminal adapter, or an external synchronous link device. The DataTalker can be connected to an asynchronous device such as a PC or host computer, an external synchronous device such as a LAN router

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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description communications software to the DATA/COMMAND connector on the back panel and configure the data channel for the type of data that is going to be transferred. For example, if an asynchronous device is going to be connected to the data channel, you must set the speed of the channel, the word length, the number of stop bits, whether or not you are going to have parity checking, the flow control type, and other aspects of asynchronous data. After you have conf

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.4 System Features 1.4.1 Voice/Fax The voice/fax feature of the DataTalker allows you to establish voice or fax traffic on top of your normal data communications over a composite link, saving the expense of extra communications lines. The DataTalker provides three types of telephone circuits (FXS, FXO, and E&M) that allow a telephone, a fax machine, a PBX station card, or a PBX E&M trunk to be directly connected to it. In one configuration, these telephone circuits cau

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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description 1.4.6 Diagnostics Diagnostics in a network are of considerable importance. That is why the DataTalker is equipped with several diagnostic modes that will test every aspect of the network. The diagnostics include easy-to-execute tests for the data channel, voice/fax channel, composite link, and various components of the DataTalker unit itself. The diagnostic tests are executed from a single diagnostic tests menu by selecting the test number and following a

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.5 FCC Regulations for Telephone Line Interconnection 1. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the outside surface of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN). If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company. 2. As indicated below the suitable jack (USOC connecting arrangement) for this equipment is shown. If applicable, the facility int

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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description 1.6 Canadian Limitations Notice Notice: The Canadian Department of Communications label identifies certificated equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements. The department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.7 Specifications 1.7.1 Async Data Channel Number of Channels One Maximum Speed 115,200 bps Channel Speed All standard speeds from 300 bps to 115,200 bps Data Format 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits, with 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits Parity Odd, even, or none Local Echo On or off selectable Flow Control XON/XOFF, CTS, or HP ENQ/ACK selectable Pacing On or off selectable, RTS on/off, or XON/XOFF Interface RS-232D/ITU-T V.24; DB-25 female connector 1.7.2 Sync Data Channel Data Format S

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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description 1.7.5 Internal Modem Modulation ITU-T V.34; AT&T V.32 terbo; ITU-T V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22; Bell 212A and 103 (North America) or V.23 and V.21 (international) Speeds 300 bps to 33.6K bps Commands Fully AT command compatible Usage Synchronous full duplex over unconditioned 2-wire or 4-wire leased line; asynchronous half or full duplex over 2-wire dial-up Line Interface RJ-11C jack for dial-up and 2-wire or 4-wire leased line; in Canada, one CA02B conn

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 1.7.9 Electrical/Physical Desktop Models: Power Supply Input 100 to 250 VAC Power Supply Output +5v@5A, +12v@1A, -12v@0.5A Power Consumption 20 watts Dimensions 2.3" high x 9" wide x 12.8" deep 5.7 cm high x 22.9 cm wide x 32.7 cm deep Weight 7 pounds (3.2 kg) Rack-mount Models: Power Supply Input 100 to 250 VAC Frequency 47 to 63 Hz Power Consumption 20 watts Dimensions 2.00" high x 9. 98" wide x 12.75" deep 5.1 cm high x 25.2 cm wide x 32.4 cm deep Weight 5 pounds (2.

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Chapter 2 - Configuration

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DataTalker Owner’s Manual 2.1 Introduction The Multi-Tech DataTalker is available in both desktop (DT10x) and rack-mount (DT10xR) versions. The desktop version is designed for home office applications. It is mounted in a horizontal cabinet and has an external power supply, a power switch, an originate switch, and a switch that allows you to use it also as a stand-alone modem or terminal adapter. The rack-mount version is designed for main office applications. It is mounted for vertical insertio

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
# دليل الاستخدام فئة تحميل
1 Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT101 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
2 Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT101/xx دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 1
3 Multi-Tech Systems E1 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
4 Multi-Tech Systems DataTalker DT102 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 2
5 Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBAV دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
6 Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
7 Multi-Tech Systems MultiVOIPTM دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
8 Multi-Tech Systems MVP 800 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 0
9 Multi-Tech Systems MVP-2410, MVP-3010 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 1
10 Edelbrock 1207* دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 4
11 Sony FAX-B140 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 2
12 Samsung Msys 6750 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 2
13 Samsung MSYS SF-6900 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 16
14 Samsung SF-515 دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 62
15 Samsung SF-340 Series دليل الاستخدام جهاز فاكس 100