ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
cover_us.fm 1 ページ 200 2年7 月4日 木曜 日 午後4 時41 分
Digital Video Recorder
Manual for Remote Operation by Network Connection
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
DSR3016gb.fm 1 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Contents 9. ALARM REC MODE SET . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Network Control Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PICTURE QUALITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Basic Specifications for Network Control. . . . 3 AUDIO RECORDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ALARM RECORDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PRE-ALARM RECORDING. . . . . . .
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DSR3016gb.fm 2 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Recording Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Normal recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Basic Search Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Timer recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Search Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Alarm recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Search Mode Operations . . . . . . .
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DSR3016gb.fm 3 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Network Control Functions Connecting this unit to a network will enable computer control (remote operation). CAMERA CAMERA 1 DVR 2 DVR 3 4 2 CAMERA CAMERA DVR 1 DVR 4 3 (DVR: Digital Video Recorder) Basic Specifications for Network Control 1. Operations such as menu settings, recording and playback can be done on the computer screen. Furthermore, the multiplexer function allows images from multiple cameras that are connected to the main uni
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DSR3016gb.fm 4 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Network Control Switching to Control by Computer (3) Up to a total of four computers can be connected 1 Start your Web browser. simultaneously to a single digital video recorder. Compatible browsers are Internet Explorer Ver. 5.0 or later. (However, only one computer can be connected at a Compatible operating systems are Windows 98, 98ME, 98SE, user level of ID2 or ID3.) 2000 and XP. If the highest-level user connects from a different I
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DSR3016gb.fm 5 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Network Control Displays That Appear While Connected Messages appear on the screen for a short period to indicate control switching and network connection status. Main unit display 1. When control is switched to a computer 3. When the connection is forcibly canceled from the When the web browser is started and the specified procedure main unit is followed, operation switches to the computer and Pressing the [EXIT/OSD] button on the main un
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DSR3016gb.fm 6 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Operating Panel and Operation Permissions Playback buttons 1 Previous event (ID2/3) Used to playback from immediately before an alarm event. P 2 Next event (ID2/3) Used to playback from immediately after the next alarm event. O 3 Speed down (ID2/3) Used to reduce the playback speed by one step. Q S 4 Speed up (ID2/3) R Used to increase the playback speed by one step. 6 5 Reverse playback (ID2/3) 1 2 Used to play back a recorded image in reverse.
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DSR3016gb.fm 7 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Settings To use the functions of this unit effectively, the recording conditions and installation environment must be specified beforehand. These setting items are arranged and displayed in two levels consisting of the main menu and sub-menus. Refer to the setting procedures for each menu on the following pages for details on the various setting methods. Menu Selection Method 1 Click the R button on the operating panel to Because entry
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DSR3016gb.fm 8 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures 1. CLOCK SET This sets the main unit clock to the current time. 1 Select “ Month/Day/Year Hour/Minute” from the menu. The day of the week is selected automatically based on the date. Click [SET] to set the time. 2. DAYLIGHT SAVING/EXT. CLOCK SET This sets daylight saving and adjusts the time for peripheral devices. DAYLIGHT SAVING This sets the start and end times for daylight saving. When daylight saving is set, the tim
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DSR3016gb.fm 9 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures 3. PROGRAM REC SET When more than one camera is connected to the digital video recorder, the camera rate (unique rec rate for each camera) can be set separately for each camera. In addition, you can make up to four programs that include settings such as the method of combining the images from each recording camera and individual camera rates. You can specify the appropriate program when making [TIMER SET] and [RECORDIN
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DSR3016gb.fm 10 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures 4. RECORDING AREA SET The hard disk in this unit consists of three independent recording areas, each of which has five recording modes. A percentage of the total recording capacity is allocated to each recording area (settings are in units of 1%). Recording area Recording mode Notes NORMAL RECORDING Normal recording Manual Recording is carried out manually using the AREA O button. Timer recording Automatic Recording is
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DSR3016gb.fm 11 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures 5. RECORDING CONDITIONS SET This sets the overwrite conditions and remaining disk capacity warning criteria for each recording area. NORMAL RECORDING AREA OVERWRITE (Default setting: ON) This specifies whether to stop recording or to continue recording by overwriting images that are currently recorded on the hard disk when the normal recording area has become full. 1 Select [ON/OFF] from the menu. ON: When the normal
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DSR3016gb.fm 12 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures 6. NORMAL REC MODE SET This specifies the recording conditions for normal recording and timer recording. PICTURE QUALITY (Default setting: ENHANCED) This sets picture quality for normal recording. 1 Select a picture quality mode from the menu. BASIC (basic quality) NORMAL (normal quality) ENHANCED (enhanced) FINE (high quality) SUPER FINE (very high quality) AUDIO RECORDING (Default setting: OFF) Sound can also
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DSR3016gb.fm 13 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時41 分 Menu Setting Procedures REC RATE (Default setting: A 30 FPS) This sets the recording rate for normal recording. 1 Select the recording cycle for normal recording from the menu. A 60, A 30, A 20, A 15, A 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 4.286, 3.75, 3.333, 3, 2.727, 2.308, 2, 1.667, 1.429, 1.25, 1.111, 1, 0.5, 0.333, 0.25, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.033 (Units: FPS) The image resolution is determined by image quality × REC RATE. The higher the image quality and the fa
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DSR3016gb.fm 14 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures 7. TIMER SET This lets you set the conditions for timer recording, such as the timer operating time, separately for each day of the week. 1 Select the timer recording conditions for each weekday from the menu. 2 Click [SAVE] to complete the timer settings (or changes). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 WEEK 5 FPS Specifies the weekdays for making timer recordings. Several Set the recording rate (See p. 13) timer recordings can also be mad
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DSR3016gb.fm 15 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures 8. HOLIDAY SET This menu is used to specify particular days as holidays. The timer recording operation on specified holidays will be the same as that for Sundays. A holiday setting can be made for days such as national holidays and company holidays when the same level of security as for Sundays is required. 1 Select the day to be specified as a holiday from the menu. (Left side: month; right side: day) Up to 20 days c
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DSR3016gb.fm 16 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures ALARM RECORDING This specifies whether alarm recording will be carried out or not, and sets the recording cycle and recording conditions when alarm recording is carried out. 1 Select an alarm recording mode from the [ALARM RECORDING] menu (default setting: OFF). OFF: No alarm recording will be carried out. ENABLED: Alarm recording is carried out at any time, without regard to timer recording (timer settings). AL-
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DSR3016gb.fm 17 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures PRE-ALARM RECORDING This specifies whether pre-alarm recording will be carried out or not, and sets the recording conditions when pre-alarm recording is carried out. (See p. 22) 1 Select “ON/OFF” from the [PRE-ALARM RECORDING] menu. ON: Pre-alarm recording is carried out. OFF: Pre-alarm recording is not carried out. When [ALARM RECORDING] is set to “OFF”, “**” is displayed and pre-alarm setting cannot be carried
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DSR3016gb.fm 18 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures 10. ALARM DURATION SET The duration of alarm recording can be set separately for each camera. The DURATION setting for each camera that is made using the [ALARM DURATION SET] menu is effective when [DURATION] in the [ALARM RECORDING] menu is set to “INDIV.” (See p. 16) 1 Select the alarm recording duration for each camera from the menu. 5 SEC, 10 SEC, 20 SEC, 40 SEC, 1 MIN, 2 MIN, 3 MIN, 4 MIN, 5 MIN, 10 MIN, 15 MIN,
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DSR3016gb.fm 19 ページ 20 02年 7月4 日 木 曜日 午後4 時42 分 Menu Setting Procedures 12. RS-232C/RS-485 SET This displays information related to the digital video recorder’s interface. This menu only lets you check the settings; it ALARM INFO cannot be used to change the settings. For RS-485 communication, this specifies whether alarm information is to be transmitted or not. CONTROL ON: Alarm information is to be transmitted. This shows the type of interface being used to control OFF: Alarm informa