Whirlpool KD-11 دليل المستخدم

دليل المستخدم للجهاز Whirlpool KD-11

جهاز: Whirlpool KD-11
فئة: غسالة الأواني
الصانع: Whirlpool
مقاس: 0.81 MB
مضاف: 7/27/2014
عدد الصفحات: 36
اطبع الدليل


كيفية استخدام هذا الموقع؟

هدفنا هو أن نوفر لك وصولاً سريعًا إلى محتوى دليل المستخدم الخاص بـ Whirlpool KD-11. باستخدام المعاينة عبر الإنترنت ، يمكنك عرض المحتويات بسرعة والانتقال إلى الصفحة حيث ستجد الحل لمشكلتك مع Whirlpool KD-11.


إذا لم يكن البحث في دليل المستخدم Whirlpool KD-11 مباشرة على موقع الويب هذا مناسبًا لك ، فهناك حلان محتملان:

  • عرض ملء الشاشة - لعرض دليل المستخدم بسهولة (بدون تنزيله على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك) ، يمكنك استخدام وضع العرض بملء الشاشة. لبدء مشاهدة دليل المستخدم Whirlpool KD-11 بملء الشاشة ، استخدم الزر تكبير الشاشة.
  • التنزيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك - يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل دليل المستخدم Whirlpool KD-11 على جهاز الكمبيوتر لديك والاحتفاظ به في ملفاتك. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تشغل مساحة كبيرة على القرص الخاص بك ، فيمكنك دائمًا تنزيله في المستقبل من ManualsBase.
Whirlpool KD-11 دليل الاستخدام - Online PDF
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النسخة المطبوعة

يفضل العديد من الأشخاص قراءة المستندات ليس على الشاشة ، ولكن في النسخة المطبوعة. تم أيضًا توفير خيار طباعة الدليل ، ويمكنك استخدامه بالنقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه - اطبع الدليل. لا يتعين عليك طباعة الدليل بالكامل Whirlpool KD-11 ولكن الصفحات المحددة فقط. ورق.


ستجد أدناه معاينات لمحتوى أدلة المستخدم المقدمة في الصفحات التالية لـ Whirlpool KD-11. إذا كنت ترغب في عرض محتوى الصفحات الموجودة في الصفحات التالية من الدليل بسرعة ، فيمكنك استخدامها.

ملخصات المحتويات
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1

Part No. 4322451L

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2

INTRODUCTION This Job Aid, “1998 WHIRLPOOL POWER CLEAN FILTER DISHWASHERS,” (Part No. 4322451) provides specific information for the installation, service and repair of 1998 Whirlpool Dishwashers equipped with Power Clean Filter pump and motor modules. “1998 WHIRLPOOL POWER CLEAN FILTER DISHWASHERS,” has been compiled to provide the most recent information on design, features, troubleshooting, service and repair procedures. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this Job Aid is to provide detailed in

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III SECTION ONE THEORY OF OPERATION Console Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pump and Motor Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SECTION TWO COMPONENT ACCESS Component Location . . . . . . . . . .

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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5

Section One THEORY OF OPERATION 1998 POWER CLEAN FILTER MODELS Console Configuration Model DU910PFG Models DP920PFG, DU920PFG Model GU940SCG Model GU960SCG Model GU980SCG 1

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6

PUMP AND MOTOR OPERATION 1. Once the tub has filled with hot water the motor begins to rotate forcing the water up through the pump chamber and out through the spray arms. Two spray jets on the underside of the lower spray arm direct water down onto the fine mesh screen of the pump housing to clear soils that may collect there during the wash cycle. 2. As water and soils return to the lower pump area, the chopper blade grinds the particles into smaller sizes that then pass through the perforate

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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8

Removing Access and Outer Door Panels 1. Loosen but do not remove the two (2) toe panel screws below the access panel. Remove and set aside the two (2) screws above the access panel. (Fig. 2-1) 2. Remove the access panel assembly by sliding it upward to clear the loosened screws. (Fig. 2-1) 3. Remove the two (2) screws from the bottom of the outer door panel. (Fig. 2-1) 4. Pull the bottom of the outer door panel outward and slide it down approximately ¼” to ½”. The panel will then be free for

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Removing the Heater Element From beneath the cabinet: 1. Remove the front access panel. (See Removing the Outer Door Panel) 2. Pull the spade connectors off the heater element terminals. 3. Unscrew the two (2) nuts securing the heater element to the bottom of the tub. (Fig. 2-2) From inside the tub: 4. Remove the lower dish rack. 5. Remove the lower spray arm. 6. Slide the metal disks from the metal clips securing the left and right sides of the heater element. 7. Carefully lift the heater eleme

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10

Servicing the Vertical Water Tube The vertical water tube in these models delivers water to the spray arm mounted underneath the upper dish rack and a smaller spray arm mounted at the top of the dishwasher tub. (Fig. 2-3) If the pump and motor assembly must be removed for servicing, the vertical water tube must be disconnected from the pump cover as follows: Securing 1. Remove the upper dish rack. Tab 2. Dislodge the upper portion of the Fig. 2-6-3 vertical water tube from the plastic knob on th

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Removing the Pump Motor Assembly SPRAY ARM 1. Unscrew and remove the nozzle cap and remove Fig. 2-7 the nozzle bearing and spray arm. (Fig. 2-7) NOZZLE CAP 2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the motor harness plug. 3. Rubber clamps secure the pump and motor assembly to the tub. Rotate these inward 90°. (Fig. 2-8) NOZZLE BEARING 4. Remove the drain hose and clamp from the check valve and unscrew the check valve from the pump. (Fig. 2-9) 5. Remove the tuned sound absorber. Use an open-end wre

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Servicing the Operating Thermostat The operating thermostat is secured to the bottom (Fig. 2-11) of the pump housing. 1. Disconnect the two (2) wiring harness leads from the terminals on the thermostat. 2. Remove the two (2) Hex-head screws securing the thermostat to the pump housing. Operating Thermostat Fig. 2-11 Servicing the Soil Sensing System The Soil Sensing System consists of a pressure sensitive switch connected to the dishwasher pump base. (Fig. 2-12) The system detects excessive amou

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13

Dishwasher Dispenser Disassembly 1. Remove the drawbar spring. (Fig. 2-15) 2. Grasp the lower edge of the drawbar and pull it away from the panel stop. Slide the drawbar down until the draw bar holes align with the locking tabs, then remove the drawbar. Note how the locating tabs behind the drawbar align with their respec-tive locating holes in the drawbar. (Fig. 2-16) 3. Turn the wet agent cap and seal assem- bly counterclockwise and remove it. (Fig. 2-17) 4. Remove the seal from the cap. 5. U

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Fig. 2-17 Fig. 2-18 Fig. 2-19 Fig. 2-20 10

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Section Three DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Model DU910PFG PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHILE TROUBLESHOOTING Always check wiring harness and connectors before initiating any test procedures. Disconnect electric power from the dishwasher before touching the printed circuit boards or re-seating wire connectors. Voltage checks should be made by inserting meter probes beside the wires in the connector blocks with the electric power source on and the connector block plugged in. R

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16

TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Models DP920PFG, DU920PFG, GU940SCG, GU960SCG and GU980SCG PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHILE TROUBLESHOOTING Always check wiring harness and connectors before initiating any test procedures. Disconnect electric power from the dishwasher before touching the printed circuit boards or re-seating wire connectors. Voltage checks should be made by inserting meter probes beside the wires in the connector blocks with the electric power source on and the connector block plugged in. R

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17

COMPONENT TESTING PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHILE DIAGNOSING PROBLEM COMPONENTS Disconnect electric power from the dishwasher. Voltage checks should be made by inserting meter probes beside the wires in the connector blocks with the electric power source on and the connector block plugged in. Resistance checks should be made on components with the electric power off and the connector blocks disconnected. COMPONENT SCHEMATIC TESTING PROCEDURE RESULTS Motor Start Relay 1. Disconnect the wire conn

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18

COMPONENT SCHEMATIC TESTING PROCEDURE RESULTS Timer Motor 1. Disconnect the Wiring harness 1. Meter should read 1800 - 3000Ω. connector from the timer assembly. 2. Set VOM meter on the Rx1 scale. 3. Measure resistance between timer motor terminals. Timer 1. Disconnect the wiring harness 1. Contact CLOSED - meter should connector from the timer assembly. read 0Ω. 2. Set VOM meter on the Rx1 scale. 2. Contact OPEN - meter should 3. Connect one probe to contact 31. read º (infinity). (Tan) 4. Conne

ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 19

Section Four TECH TIPS Model DU910PFG Wiring Diagram Cycle Timing Charts 15

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Strip Circuits (DU910PFG) 1. Fill 2. Water Heat 3. Wash 4. Drain 5. Heat Dry 16

أدلة المستخدم البديلة
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