ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
Principal changes between the VISTA-20SE and
the former VISTA-20 are indicated by margin lines.
VISTA-20PRV4 8/97 (See Instructions N7526V4)
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
Local programming requires the use of a 2-line Alpha keypad connected to partition 1 keypad terminals on the control. NOTE: For UL installations, the system may be configured as a single partition only. Field Function Programmed Values [ ] = Default Value SYSTEM SETUP (*20–*29) * 20 INSTALLER CODE | | | [4 1 1 2] Enter 4 digits, 0–9 * 21 QUICK ARM ENABLE [0] † † Part. 1 Part.2 0 = no; 1 = yes * 22 RF SYSTEM [0] 0 = none; 1 = 5800 (5881/5882) * 23 FORCED BYP
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
* 36 ENTRY DELAY 2 (zone type 02) | | [60] [60] † † Part. 1 Part. 2 00-99 = entry delay 2 time for each partition; 50 seconds max. for UL installations * 37 AUDIBLE EXIT WARNING [1] [1] † † Part. 1 Part. 2 0 = no; 1 = yes * 38 CONFIRMATION OF ARMING DING [0] [0] † † Part. 1 Part. 2 0 = no; 1 = yes (wired keypads and RF); 2 = yes, RF only † [1] * 39 POWER UP IN PREVIOUS STATE 0 = no; 1 = yes; “1” for UL installations DIALER PROGRAMMING (*
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 4
* 49 SPLIT/DUAL REPORTING [0] 0 = Disable (Backup report only) TO PRIMARY PHONE No. TO SECONDARY PHONE No. 1 = Alarms, Restore, Cancel Others 2 = All except Open/Close, Test Open/Close, Test 3 = Alarms, Restore, Cancel All 4 = All except Open/Close, Test All 5 = All All TO PRIMARY PHONE No. TO PAGING No. * (Secondary) ** A 10-digit code is sent to the pager consisting 6 = All except Open/Close ** Alarms, Open/Close, Troubles of a 4-digit subscriber number, a 3-digit event code, 7 = All repo
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 5
EXPANSION ZONES: Assign zone numbers (Zn) 10–17 to 4219/4229 Auxiliary Wired Loops A–H, if used. ENTER FOR RF ONLY RF zones can use zone numbers (Zn) 10–31 [ [ ZONE ZONE ZONE PART'N ALARM RPT CODE INPUT LEARNED DESCRIPTION No. TYPE No. (Hex) TYPEÊÊÊÊRF INPUT (Zn) (ZT) (P) (RC) (In) (L) 4219/4229 Loop A 1st Exp'n Zone 1 0 or RF Zones B 1 1 C12 D13 E14 F15 G16 H17 RF Zones 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RF Zones 2 6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 EXPLANATION OF ZONE ASSIGNMENT TABLE HEADINGS Zn = ZONE No. Zone N
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 6
* TO PROGRAM SYSTEM STATUS, & RESTORE 75 RF XMTR LO BAT RST RPT CODE | * * * REPORT CODES ( 59Ð 76, & 89): * 76 TEST RESTORE RPT CODE | With a 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter a code in the first box: 1–9, 0, B, C, D, E, or F. Enter "#+10" for 0, "#+11" for B, * * "#+12" for C, "#+13" for D, "#+14" for E, "#+15" for F. OUTPUT AND SYSTEM SETUP ( 80– 93) A "0" (not "#+10") in the first box will disable a report. * 80 OUTPUT RELAYS AND Program only if A "0" (not "#+10") in the seco
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 7
* * OUTPUT RELAYS/POWERLINE CARRIER DEVICES WORKSHEET FOR 80, and 81. Applicable only if Relays and/or Powerline Carrier Devicess are to be used. * 80 OUTPUT DEVICES – This is an interactive menu mode. Fill in the required data on the worksheet on below and follow the programming procedure in the installation manual as you enter the data during the displays and prompts that appear in sequence. * Notes: 1. For Relays, field 25 must be programmed for a 4229 (Relays 01 and 02), OR for a 4204 (Rel
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 8
* 81 ZONE LISTS FOR OUTPUT DEVICES – This is an interactive mode. Fill in the required data on the worksheet below and follow the procedure in the installation manual as you enter the data during the displays and prompts that appear in sequence. Note: Record desired zone numbers below. More or fewer boxes than shown may be needed, since any list may include any or all of system's zone numbers. Zone List 1: Started or stopped by zone numbers (enter 00 to end entries). , , , , ,