ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 1
ModerNo KX-T5000
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ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 2
read IMPORTANT Please SAFETY pages INSTRUCTIONS on 34-35 before use. Read and understand all instructions. (Features) lntroduction Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic KX-T5000. The KX-T5000 te ephone answering wilh dua micro s an automat c system You the io lowing co nvenient featu res. cassette lapes. can use New message playback (p. 17) L slening lo only the messages you have nol p ayed back belore Callcounler (p. 16) Recording your own message (p 20) Tone remole operation (p.23-28) Li
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 3
Contents Location ol controls Seliing up the unit 6 lrserling lhe cassettetapes......., 6 Conqecton .. 7 Settrng seleclors I Recording greeling a message ...... 10 greeting Checking the message ..... 12 Adjusting the VOLUME conlrol ....... (Calling Setting lhe CPC Party Conirot) function 't4 Aulomaticanswering operation,..... Setlrng lhe unil to answer the call . , . . . Resetling lhe incorning message ....... ....... Lislening to the recorded messages 't7 Lislening to new messages o
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Location of controls I (Rocording) (p. 2WAY REC Button 21) (p. MEMO Button 20) REW(Rewind) Button ANSWER ON Button FF (Fast Forward) Button (p. and Indicator 14) (p. 18) (p. Call Counter 16) VOLUME Confol Buttons (p. 12) (p. STOP Button 1 1, I ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK Button (p. 17) NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK Button (p. 17) -4-
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FEMOTE CODE Button (p. 23) GREETING CHECK Button (p. 12) (p. GREETING RECORD Button 11) I\,,IESSAGE ALERT (p. Seleclor 9) (Ring RINGS times) (p. Selector 9) g) REC (Recording) Tl[4E Setector (p.
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Setting up the unit Inserting the cassetle tapes Remove lhe stopper of the micro cassette tapes. Open the casselle panel. I & Insert micro cassefle lapes with the tull reelof each tape lo the left. Greeting IVlessage Tape Incomrng IVessage Tape ([,1C- i 0) (r,rc-30) BLUE Label o^" b b=o :\
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Connection Faslen the AC adaplo. cord Power Outlet Single-Line Jack Telephone (RJ11C) Line Cord Telephone Note: -USE ONLY Panasonlc AC ADAPTOR KX-A11. - AC adaplor must remain connected at all nmes.
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(Recording) REC TIME Seleclor RINGS (Ring times) Selector MESSAGE ALERT S€lector
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(Recording) BEC TIME Selector O Callefs recording time can be selected. VOX: The recording time is unlimited. 1 MIN: The recording time is limited to I mtnule. RINGS (Ring times) Setector @ You can choose the number oi the telephone rjngs before the unil answers. 2: The unit answers a call on the secono nng. rott JlLz 4: The unil answers a call on the SAVER 4 fourth ring. TOLL SAVER: See below. MESSAGE ALEBT Selector @ you When you come home, can be alerted that new messa
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 10
t- greeting g message Recordin a 1,, you greeting is announ@ment to tell the caller that are Tho msssage an asks him/her to leave a message. unable to answer lhe call and Button GREETING RECORD Button CHECK GBEETING Conhd Buttons VOLUME Button STOP (Microphone) MIC _10-
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Caution: You can record your greetrng message up to the tape end. -Do not pause ior over 5 seconds whie recording. lf 6 beeps sound whi e recordtng. start aga n lrom step 1 afler the un t .looc rFsellt-g the orpeting r ecsage t.pe. PTess Ihe GREETING RECORD butlon, A ong beep sounds lmmed alely after lhe long beep, speak c early and loud y, (8") 20 cm away irom rne m crophone -The cal counler shows the eiapsed recording time you When ttnish recordtng, press the STOP bullon Samp
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 12
greeting message the Checking greeting play your recorded message. back and check You can button to Press lhe GBEETING CHECK play greeting message. back the Adjusting the VOLUME control your you adjust itto desired speaker volume, and can There are S levels ot (maximum) 0 (minimum) through I control buttons, levelusing theVOLUNTE press . To increase the volume, press V. To decrease the volume, - the selected The call counter shows level lor volume 3 seconds,
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 13
Setting the (Calling CPC Party Control) function With this ,unciion, lhe unil senseslhe hung-up click and stops recording, thereby maximizing your thetime available on cassette tape. The CPC lunclion oflhis unit is preset position. to A "b lf you have callwaiting service, posilion. sel to position. Otherwise,leave in A" Press the STOP button unlilthe catl "P counler shows . Within 5 seconds afterpressing the 2 press STOP button, the l\4EMO button lo "A" "b'. sel or -The callcou
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 14
Automatic answering operaUon - When.a call rEaches, plays lhe unil your back greetirE messa€e, and recoaos Ine cat|er's messaoe. Afler the call is completedit will be ready for the next call automaticallv. ANSWER ON Button and Indicator STOP Button REWButton Note: - power Atter a failure, the callcounler shows..__',. ln please this case, your check CPC function (See page 13.) and romote code number. (See pago23.) - 14-
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Setting the unit to answer the call To answer a call and record the callers messaqe, set the unit lollows, as Press the ANSWER ON button to turn on the answering syslem. -The ANSWER ON indicator tighl is on, and lhe unil is now ready to answer the call. "0 The call counler shows . To turn off the unit you lf do not want the press unit to answer lhe call, the ANSWEB ON butlon, and confirm lhe ANSWER ON indicator liohl ooes out. Resetting the incoming message tape To record new me
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 16
Listening to the rccorded - messages When new incoming messages have been re\corded, the call @urier shows the number of recorded messages (O to 99) and the ANSWER ON indicator REW Button ANSWER ON Button and Indicator rr t'ullon CallCountg VOLU E Control NEW MESSAGE Bunons PLAYBACK Button To increase the volume, press . ALL MESSAGE To PLAYBACK Button decrease lhe volume, press V, STOP Button Note: -When ,,ON,, the MESSAGE ALERT selector is set to the position, the unit
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 17
Listening to new messages only Only new messages played (lvlessages are back. once reviewed will not be prayed back.) Press the NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK .t.r-{
ملخص المحتوى في الصفحة رقم 18
The following funclions are available du ng message playback. playback To rewind the tape during pressing Keep the REW button. -The rewinds long unit lhe tape as as you press lhe button, and starls to play you release it. back again when To fast torwa.d the tape playback during pressing FF Keep the button. -The unit foruads the tape as long as you press the button, and slarts lo play you @lease it. back again when stop the operation ,fo playing Press lhe button to slop STOP back. or
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Saving some old messages you It not do want to cleaa away some old messages prcviously record€d, you can save them. Play back the mossages, press then the STOP bution at the end ofthe message you want to save. Press the ANSWER ON brrton to turn on the answering system. -The ANSWEB indlcator ON tight is on, - The new messages will be recorded atler you the message(s) have saved. -19-
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your - Recording own message personal You may record a message on the ICM tape. lt can be heard by playing anyone back messages romolely or manually. Press the MEMO button. -A beep sounds. -The numb€r on the callcourier increases by one. lmmediatgly the beep, speak aftgr (8') loudly, 20 away lrom clearly and cm the microphone. prcss To stop recording, the STOP button. -20 -