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TABLE OF CONTENTS CRITICAL INFORMATION ........................................ 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE ........................................... 2 INSTALLATION SITES ........................................... 2 ,PLACEMENT .................................................... 3 CONNECTIONS ................................................ 3-4 POWER UP ..................................................... 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS .................................... 4-5 SBP-64X DESIGN FEATURES .....
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CRITICAL INFORMATION! We understand that the desire to listen to your favorite music through this fine component may take precedence over reading this document. However, your SBP-64X is a very sophisticated multi-computer system as well as a state of the art audiophile component. It should always be connected with great care. For this reason, we have compiled this installation guide to enable you to "boot" your processor quickly and correctly, without the possibility of damage through haste. It
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Caution: The blue Spanning Cables are proprietary in both their material design, and their "pin out" connections. Do not modify, substitute, or extend them in any way! This would incur a high risk of damage to both the power supply and processor which will void all warranty coverage. 2. Run the, male end of the supplied AC cord from the power supply location to a nearby~vall socket. This will be easier to accomplish now, as the component itself is not in the way. DO NOT PLUG THE AC CORD INTO THE
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Note: Care should be taken in selecting the type of cable used to link the digital source to your processor. If coaxialcable is to be used, it should be non-capacitive and have a bandwidth in excess of 1OMHZ to prevent drop out errors. If available, we strongly recommend fiber optics for their ability to completely isolate all grounding between components, thereby preventing any player/processor ground loop interferences. Analog Outputs 1. Using either the single ended or balanced output on the
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Q. I own both a CD andDATplayer. Do I have to change my cables every time I listen to a different digital source? A. No. Your SBP-64X will accommodate both thefiber optic an~l coaxial input. Simply connect both sources using the separate inputs. Note; When the SBP-64X senses two live inputs simultaneously, it will default to thefi~er optic link. Therefore, when you wish to listen to the source linked with coa£ial cable, you must turn the other (optically linked) source off. Will I damage my SBP-
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KRELL DIGITAL SBP-64X DESIGN FEATURES Software Based Processing requires a perfect blend of exacting, multifaceted technologies, from high tech digital innovation to an ultimate refinement of analog circuit design. On the next two pages, we will briefly point out our methods of addressing these requirements in the Krell Digital SBP-64X. INPUT The SBP-64X will accommodate both Coaxial and Fiber Optical input to insure compatibility with any digital source with digital outputs. PROCESSING The "Wav
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our processors giving a true recreation of the original music performance, without the colorations normally associated with integrated circuits. BALANCED OUTPUT The SBP-64X provides balanced outputs for those with the complimentary components which allow them to obtain still lower noise and distortion, while pro- viding~ore specific imaging. CLASS iX" ANALOG DESIGN The analog section of the SBP-64X is based on classic Krell High bias, Pure Class "A" design which has already set new standards for
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CLASS "A" In audio components, Class "A" represents an operating state for power supplies and circuitry which is widely acknowledged as having superior sonic characteristics to other forms of operation. CLOCK SPEED The speed at which a processor operates, usually expressed in MttZ. COAXIAL A type of cable design where a center conductor is surrounded by an insulator which is then wrapped with a metallic shield. COEFFICIENTS Numbers used in high order mathematical computations. In general terms,
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SBP-64X SOFTWARE BASED PROCESSOR DATA HARDWARE DIGITAL DESIGN: Krell Digital - Proprietary. INPUTS: Digital inputs for both coaxial and optical. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS:Four Motorola DSP-56001 24 bit processors with 56 bit accumulator, operating two per channel ¯ ,i~., in parallel. Two Burr Brown 18 bit PCM-64’s running one DACs: per channel with parallel input. HARDWARE ANALOG DESIGN: Proprietary 100% discrete, High bias Class "A" Krell design. CURRENT TO VOLTAGE: Proprietary, 100% discrete.
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kHz The letters used to represent Kilo Hertz, a measure of frequency referenced in thousands per second. (ex. lldtz = 1000 times/sec.) ~z Light Emitting Diodes. The letters used to represent Mega Hertz, a measure of frequency referenced in millions per second. (ex. 1MHz = 1,000,000 times/sec.) MULTIPLEX In digital audio processors, multiplexing divides source signals between mul- tiple processing circuits (i.e. DACs, Processors...). It allows processing at higher speed than the individual circui
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KRELL DIGITAL SBP-64X COMPONENT DESCRIPTION PROCESSING UNIT OA. B.o FIGURE 1.1 PROCESSING UNIT (FRONT) A. SAMPLING FREQUENCY INDICATORS The SBP-64X will process digital information in three frequencies in order to decode Satellite Transmission (32kHz), Compact Disc (44. lkHz), and Digital Audio Tape (48kHz). The processor will switch to the correct frequency according to the input signal. B.,POWER READINESS INDICATORS The five double-regulated power supplies in the SBP-64X are isolated into thre
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~j D,G,TAL ,NC. Krell Digital Inc. ¯ 20 No. Plains Industrial Rd. ¯ Suite 12 ¯ Wallingford, CT 06492